Archived New GSTL

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Oct 17, 2018
My Target has had a new GSTL for a couple months now and everyone on the Front End does not like them. Numerous people have made complaints about them to the ETL. I myself just made complaints about her behavior. But, nothing is getting happening about her, except talks with the ETL, and more people continue to leave. Is there anything that can be done?
No one I have none since working at my Target has received a write up. That has changed since a new GSTL was hired. They are very by the books and controlling. A GSA was written up for moving carts during break. I got written up for not being at my post (cashier) and deciding to help at GS, SCO, and photo as we were down people. I have been informed that I need to ask permission before helping a guest not in my “department” or really get permission to do anything that is not what I’m on the schedule for. I find this ironic because this new GSTL has me cashier and sent someone else to GS when my shift first started and then questioned why I was heading over there when I knew that person was off.

My question is, is there a way to challenge a write up? I honestly think what I was doing wasn’t wrong. I consider myself a helpful person and knew we were struggling so I decided to help guests and the team member at GS. What I see as lending a helping hand was seen as hindering Front End as the new GSTL was complained to by an LOD for not knowing where I was and having enough cashiers and having TLs jump on a register.

If this is way Target sees me helping a struggle team member, without first informing my Front End leader/s, I don’t see myself sticking around for long at all. I became quite emotional when learning that I can be written up for something like this. Is there anything I can do?
My Target has had a new GSTL for a couple months now and everyone on the Front End does not like them. Numerous people have made complaints about them to the ETL. I myself just made complaints about her behavior. But, nothing is getting happening about her, except talks with the ETL, and more people continue to leave. Is there anything that can be done?

Not unless its unethical
I’m sorry that you feel that you were written up unfairly because of your new GSTL. However, if you are scheduled in one area, especially on the front end, you really do have to communicate with your GSTL if you are not going to be where you are supposed to be. Yes, that includes if you are cashiering and you go over to guest service or to SCO to help someone. If you are not standing directly where your GSTL can see you, and you haven’t communicated that you are going somewhere else, they’re going to wonder where you are, and not be able to find you if they need you.

You just need to communicate and ask permission before going over to a different area, that’s all. I don’t know the whole situation but not being where you are supposed to be and not communicating otherwise is valid reason for a write up.
It sounds like that's the reason the old GSTL was left or quit because the department was failing. Most likely you receive a performance coaching which is not a CCA and you have to continuously do the same thing for an "official" written up. With the new modernization guest service advocates are supposed to be available for the guest so unless your told otherwise stay where your supposed too. As for the GSA she should know better than to work off the clock. I think if this really bothers you ask to sit down with your GSTL and ask for their expectations. That way you know how to follow them.
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I am more used to the old fashion Target way of providing guest service. I can't really comment on too much about the modernization process.

Sometimes you just have to bite it and entertain your TLs and management. A new GSTL is just trying to get things established and learn the ropes so they have to go by the book.

But a GSA moving a couple carts while on their 15 is one thing. If they make an excess effort of moving carts, then may need a unofficial coaching. Moving carts on their lunch while off the clock is a big NO.

When you engaged and assisted the guest, did it require you to step away from the lanes? As a cashier, you need to stay in sight of the lanes. But forward the guest request to the GSTL/GSA on duty so they can communicate the request to the floor. Never go rogue and walk away even to help a guest.

As being global on the front, I covered all areas for the front. GSTLs were comfortable with me identifying when additional assistance for SD or FA was needed. I would be working carts. But I would cashier/SD until carts were needed. If the SD line was long, and their was enough coverage on the lanes, I would jump off to help them.

If anything, communicate to this GSTL and ETL where communication and performance could be better explained.
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"... the new GSTL was complained to by an LOD for not knowing where I was and having enough cashiers and having TLs jump on a register."

This here is the bottom line. Imagine running the front end and you don't know who can do what yet and people are moving around without telling you. I do think being written up is harsh, especially if they hadn't said anything about to you before.

If I were you I'd make sure I get a walkie, go to your assigned area and when you see something that you could help with communicate with that GSTL about it. It might not be what you are used to but it will help that tl see what you can do.
We had a GSTL for many years who was, for want of a better term, a martinet. He also had a manner of speaking to guests that came off as extremely condescending. There were regular guest complaints about him. But as the years went on, he mellowed out. As Target went from Fast, Fun, and Friendly to Expect more from less, he could see what that meant for him, and for the rest of us. He got quite protective of his front end in his last few years with the company. Give this GSTL some time to settle into the position. You might find yourself with an ally for later.
What if I don’t have a walkie? At the time, I did not have a walkie so it would have been impossible to contact my GSTL unless I borrowed from the GS desk. There is only one walkie given to cashiers, which doesn’t make it easy to communicate when needed.
What if I don’t have a walkie? At the time, I did not have a walkie so it would have been impossible to contact my GSTL unless I borrowed from the GS desk. There is only one walkie given to cashiers, which doesn’t make it easy to communicate when needed.
If you can’t get ahold of your GSTL then you can either borrow the walkie from GS if it is nearby (you went over there anyway so you could have used theirs to call) or stay put. Your GSTL must have been temporarily away from the front but obviously came back since they were looking for you so you could have brought it up at that time
What if I don’t have a walkie? At the time, I did not have a walkie so it would have been impossible to contact my GSTL unless I borrowed from the GS desk. There is only one walkie given to cashiers, which doesn’t make it easy to communicate when needed.
That is what the register's flashing light is for. You get the GSTL's attention, tell them what you want to do, then they tell you whether they can spare you to do it.
I had this exact conversation with my GSTL when I was just a cashier. At the time, I thought he was just being a dick. Being on the other side of it, I 100% see where he was coming from. It's super frustrating when you have a plan in place and it falls apart because someone isn't where they're supposed to be.
I am more used to the old fashion Target way of providing guest service. I can't really comment on too much about the modernization process.

Sometimes you just have to bite it and entertain your TLs and management. A new GSTL is just trying to get things established and learn the ropes so they have to go by the book.

But a GSA moving a couple carts while on their 15 is one thing. If they make an excess effort of moving carts, then may need a unofficial coaching. Moving carts on their lunch while off the clock is a big NO.

When you engaged and assisted the guest, did it require you to step away from the lanes? As a cashier, you need to stay in sight of the lanes. But forward the guest request to the GSTL/GSA on duty so they can communicate the request to the floor. Never go rogue and walk away even to help a guest.

As being global on the front, I covered all areas for the front. GSTLs were comfortable with me identifying when additional assistance for SD or FA was needed. I would be working carts. But I would cashier/SD until carts were needed. If the SD line was long, and their was enough coverage on the lanes, I would jump off to help them.

If anything, communicate to this GSTL and ETL where communication and performance could be better explained.
Still managed to type up 5 paragraphs. None of which is relevant now.
1. You say : “everyone on the front end does not LIKE them”. Big deal. Last I checked “being liked” is NOT in CORE ROLES for the position .
2. you say : “I made complaints”, well... not a nice way to get in good with your supervisor.
3. You say : “no one before received a write up”. I read that as the front end was unsupervised before this person took over.
4. you say :” they are by the books and controlling “ like that’s a bad thing. News for you : it means they are doing their job !
5. You say ; “I got written up for not being at my post” well...ya, you were NOT doing YOUR job !
6. You say :”I DECIDED to go help” did NOT say you had been promoted to supervisor so do NOT decide. wait to be asked, told, or ask permission. If each
cashier did whatever they liked, what would be the point of the supervisor at all ?
7. You say “when I first started GSTL told me to cashier and sent someone else to GS”. Ahem, clear enough direction given to you ?
8. You sat “nothing is happening.....except talks with ETL. Hmmm. SOMETHING IS happening, leadership team is helping the TL improve as they are new to role, you
rather they fire the person before giving them a chance to learn, adjust, improve ?
9. You say “I think what I was doing was not wrong “. Well, you have been corrected and should learn from this experience.
10. “I became quite emotional”..geez.put your big girl pants on and suck it up. Live and learn. Accept constructive criticism and improve yourself!
Maybe target is not the place for you.....maybe you need to be your own boss Karen.
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