New Role Title

Oct 22, 2021
About 2 months ago I was asked by the store director to move over to inbound operations team leader. My position was special sales team leader, but for the past month since accepting the inbound operations team leader position I've been doing the job of the inbound ops tl. Going in opening the store, running the trucks, the whole 9-yards.
I asked the store director about 3 weeks ago if my title in Workday was going to change over soon so I would have access to the inbound team, and because if I'm in a new position I need the new title. That's just how it works, or at least I thought that's how it was supposed to work.

To this day she still has not changed my title and I'm still a specialty sales team leader in Workday yet I don't work specialty sales anymore I'm now inbound. It doesn't make any sense I don't know why she just don't have HR key me over.
I was planning on reaching out to her to see if there was any updates on when my title would change in the system. I've been having performance conversations and working with the inbound team to get them powered equipment certified but without access in Workday I can't document conversations unless I reach out to another GM leader and I can't see who's certified on what without Workday access. This has been making my job harder than it needs to be.

I want to reach out to her about changing my title but I also don't want to seem too pushy or be forgotten in Workday and never keyed over.
What would you guys do in my position? And yes I know it's just a title, but for system access to me, it's essential.

Any insight is appreciated.
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About 2 months ago I was asked by the store director to move over to inbound operations team leader. My position was special sales team leader, but for the past month since accepting the inbound operations team leader position I've been doing the job of the inbound ops tl. Going in opening the store, running the trucks, the whole 9-yards.
I asked the store director about 3 weeks ago if my title in Workday was going to change over soon so I would have access to the inbound team, and because if I'm in a new position I need the new title. That's just how it works, or at least I thought that's how it was supposed to work.

To this day she still has not changed my title and I'm still a specialty sales team leader in Workday yet I don't work specialty sales anymore I'm now inbound. It doesn't make any sense I don't know why she just don't have HR key me over.
I was planning on reaching out to her to see if there was any updates on when my title would change in the system. I've been having performance conversations and working with the inbound team to get them powered equipment certified but without access in Workday I can't document conversations unless I reach out to another GM leader and I can't see who's certified on what without Workday access. This has been making my job harder than it needs to be.

I want to reach out to her about changing my title but I also don't want to seem too pushy or be forgotten in Workday and never keyed over.
What would you guys do in my position? And yes I know it's just a title, but for resume purposes and system access to me it's important.

Any insight is appreciated.
It’s just a title. You can put whatever you want on a resume. No one can check your workday for accuracy. What things do you need access to on workday in inbound. Workday is just an hr app.
They probably haven’t moved you over yet because of the amount of trainings that will drop for the new role. Maybe they are waiting until it’s not peak time when you’re getting multiple trucks? Just a thought.
They probably haven’t moved you over yet because of the amount of trainings that will drop for the new role. Maybe they are waiting until it’s not peak time when you’re getting multiple trucks? Just a thought.
Do team leads that switch departments get sent away for training at other stores, like when you're first hired/promoted, or do you not get sent to other stores to train? They haven't said anything about it. But I was assuming since it was a new role, I'd have to go be sent away to train again.
Do team leads that switch departments get sent away for training at other stores, like when you're first hired/promoted, or do you not get sent to other stores to train? They haven't said anything about it. But I was assuming since it was a new role, I'd have to go be sent away to train again.
I've done several different departments as a tl and was never trained at another store. Even when I was promoted I only got like 3 days of training and was given keys. So possibly but unlikely during q4.
Do team leads that switch departments get sent away for training at other stores, like when you're first hired/promoted, or do you not get sent to other stores to train? They haven't said anything about it. But I was assuming since it was a new role, I'd have to go be sent away to train again.
No you won’t be sent out for training but in workday there’s a lot of modules for you to complete for your role so those will all drop into the system once you’re changed
I would just do a note to file on paper with dates ,times,who and what was you don't forget and to cover yourself so nobody can say later on that you're not having these convo's....document,document,document....
I would just do a note to file on paper with dates ,times,who and what was you don't forget and to cover yourself so nobody can say later on that you're not having these convo's....document,document,document....
Definitely use email. Paper is a big no no for performance conversations since the switch to Workday

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