Archived New Paygrades

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Back when the starting pay went to $12, I was told that GSAs will no longer get the extra .50. We’ve hired two new GSAs since then and they both are making 12.50 while the two of us that were here prior to the increase are still making 12. Did they increase the starting pay for GSAs?
Back when the starting pay went to $12, I was told that GSAs will no longer get the extra .50. We’ve hired two new GSAs since then and they both are making 12.50 while the two of us that were here prior to the increase are still making 12. Did they increase the starting pay for GSAs?

I noticed this with flow also i found out from the 2 new flow hires that one was offered $12 and the other was offered $12.50
Regardless of being over minimum, if you were promoted to pg 35, you should have gotten a .50 bump. If you are over minimum when they bump the minimum, you do not get the bump. Make sense? If you Did not get that initial .50 bump at time of promotion, they need to get you retro pay and fix your pg.

Thanks the stl already told me that me the stl and hr will have a chat and look into it and I’ll exactly bring all this up. It’s going to be a very interesting Monday to say the least
There should be a team for the home area of the store : 104 home flat, Hearth & Hand, aisles of C & D .
They will need to learn to visually merchandise the flat, planogram the aisles and set endcap sales planners.
It baffles me HR tm get paid minimum . Less than Starbucks. It blows my mind lol
To be fair Starbucks deserves it. I don’t think HR deserves a pay differential. They do office work all day. You could pay me less than an cashier and I’d still pick HR. It’s the appeal of an office job that brings people to that position.
When I was the Receiving Specialist or TM as its now called, the defective process was listed in Best Practice for a number of years that the Flow team was actually responsible for processing defectives and then sorting it to the appropriate place but have yet to see it being implemented in the stores I've been in and I tried to call it out during my time but my TL was a hard ass that it was just better to do it myself. I'm out of that area now and in a different store. Our poor Receiving guy has to work freight on the floor plus clean up his area and he hardly ever gets to defectives, its usually scattered throughout Receiving. I think stores that have been Receivers now might have it grandfathered in but will likely be phased out as our Receiver still works over there but he doesn't work all his 40 hours over there. My question on that process is who would be responsible for sweep, donations, CRC, and making sure ESIM is being implemented properly?

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