Archived New Redcard Shirts

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
Did anybody else's store recently get redcard shirts in? This morning I walked in and all the cashiers were wearing the same shirt, it said like 5% and extra time on returns and stuff like that in little circles on the back, does anyone know if these are cashier only?? Would I be able to buy one from a GSTL/ETL GE?
You don't have to buy them, ask your ETL-GE or a GSTL to grab one for you. At my store at least cart attendants and some hardlines people have them, as well as every cashier.
Are they just the same variation of every other Target "sales" shirt?
These ones are pretty boring actually, except for the back which I like. They just say REDCard with underneath I think like either every day savings or exclusive savings or something like that I can't remember lol and then it has a little bullseye saying "ask me how to save 5%" on the sleeve, and on the back it has nice graphics representing the benefits of the red card.
My store first priority was front end and what's left over I gave to hardlines and softlines who might as well be cashier's as much as they backup.
They're great for incentives but I will never wear it. In 17 years of working at Target I have never worn a T-shirt to work (except when I had to... i.e. Black Friday), I prefer polos.
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