Archived New schedules for CAF pulls

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I'm a backroom day team member. Not an instocks minion.

There are 2 people in instocks at my turd store so I don't know how they cut them even more.

But then again my store is a turd and hours suck dick.

I think the new CAF schedule might be better for weekdays but not weekends.

DARY pulled twice on a Sunday? That shit is going to be big.
So how many people are scheduled for these new CAF times? Currently we have one person scheduled. Our store's going from a 11-6 hours CAF drops to a 1 and 3 CAF drop, plus CAF's right now are about an hour each.
Our schedule is the same as normal because our leadership has not even acknowledged that this is happening. So since on Sunday the only truck we get is FDC, we will have one BRTM from 6-2:30 and one from 1:30-10. Plus one more from 6-2:30 to deal with FDC and pfresh.
Our schedule is the same as normal because our leadership has not even acknowledged that this is happening. So since on Sunday the only truck we get is FDC, we will have one BRTM from 6-2:30 and one from 1:30-10. Plus one more from 6-2:30 to deal with FDC and pfresh.

It always baffles me to see stores only have one BRTM at a time, with maybe a one hour overlap in the middle of the day. It would never work in my store. CAFs are at least an hour, sometimes an hour and a half, plus FF, making bales, who's covering my break? setting the line, who's covering my lunch? price change, backstock...
It always baffles me to see stores only have one BRTM at a time, with maybe a one hour overlap in the middle of the day. It would never work in my store. CAFs are at least an hour, sometimes an hour and a half, plus FF, making bales, who's covering my break? setting the line, who's covering my lunch? price change, backstock...
That's what we thought. All of those things are accomplished with help from other workcenters and leadership team.
The BRTL found out today about the new CAF schedule and he came up with a plan for the backroom to follow. Basically, he took the spreadsheet of the old breakdown of hourly CAFs and is now having the team drop manuals at 11a, 12p, 2p, 4p, 5p, and 6p for every fillgroup that would have pulled in that hour with the last system.

So now the backroom looks like a bomb went off...
The BRTL found out today about the new CAF schedule and he came up with a plan for the backroom to follow. Basically, he took the spreadsheet of the old breakdown of hourly CAFs and is now having the team drop manuals at 11a, 12p, 2p, 4p, 5p, and 6p for every fillgroup that would have pulled in that hour with the last system.

So now the backroom looks like a bomb went off...

Way to completely ruin the system and generate tons of unnecessary backstock.
The BRTL found out today about the new CAF schedule and he came up with a plan for the backroom to follow. Basically, he took the spreadsheet of the old breakdown of hourly CAFs and is now having the team drop manuals at 11a, 12p, 2p, 4p, 5p, and 6p for every fillgroup that would have pulled in that hour with the last system.

So now the backroom looks like a bomb went off...
I don't think your BRTL understands what the new schedule is supposed to accomplish...
The BRTL found out today about the new CAF schedule and he came up with a plan for the backroom to follow. Basically, he took the spreadsheet of the old breakdown of hourly CAFs and is now having the team drop manuals at 11a, 12p, 2p, 4p, 5p, and 6p for every fillgroup that would have pulled in that hour with the last system.

So now the backroom looks like a bomb went off...
His plan in that down time is pull RSCH, EXF batches, to do empty locs,and back room maintainence. Or get his peers to scan their depts for Outs. ManCAF's are a waste of time.
My backroom TL is having us drop two rounds of manuals each morning, with the fillgroups varying by day based on the ad and planetary alignment. That way, the scheduled CAFs aren't huge and there's something to do besides waiting for instocks to drop a research batch before the 1s drop. When we're out on the floor, she expects us to look for outs and shoot EXFs and POG fills if needed.

It seemed to go ok on Sunday when I worked. The hardlines pulls were fairly large, but consumables and infants weren't all that bad because of the morning manuals.
Hey, I am relatively new to BR, came on board from December Seasonal hire. In reading all of this I havnt seen any mention of SPU's(unless its considered FF). Our store has SFS(which has its own dedicated TM) and BRTM are responsible for everything BR related(no pushing or shooting), doing SPU's and Get for Guests. We are a high volume store(not sure of what level) but in this rollout we had 10 vehicles sitting on the line(most of it challenge because the vehicles came back the way they went out), ton of backstock and at points 1 BRTM expected to complete the CAF's by the 2 hour mark, do SPU(high volume as well and a refusal to cancel an item when its clearly no where to be found and at times leading to going red), get for guests and do cardboard. Oh and a dictator of a TL(1 in particular) that feels the need to constantly send you in all different directions because he/she loves the sound of their voice. We have some veterans in the backroom and some relatively new ppl in the back and I can honestly say that all of us bust our humps and to be told "well your just gonna have to work harder" is borderline insulting and demoralizing. BRTM never get the credit and respect that we deserve(maybe this is a Target thing)but we have had sales floor ppl say "oh you guys actually do work back there? I thought you just say around waiting for us to call you on the walkies".

Sorry got off topic, the biggest thing here is on the Leads to really understand this system before it turns into chaos and from what i noticed and witnessed on Sunday and Monday is that no one really knows how this is supposed to go. Maybe its Corporate not sending enough information to the store ringleaders so that they in turn can pass that along to everyone else so that it can at least be less chaotic. So far I think its just a clusterfuk, but maybe once it gets figured out the right way it will be fine. Just dreading dealing w/ that dictator of a TL with this new system.
@BRTM99 SPUs are a non-issue for us because SFS takes care of them and our hold locations are up front (so Guest Services can "get for guest" themselves).

And our BRTL is the least bossy TL in the store. He is pretty much just an extra TM who happens to have keys to the store and needs to spend a few hours a week doing paperwork and TL meetings.
After spending some time with the new set-up, the biggest issue that my A+ store is currently dealing with is responsibility. My STL said that the truck is responsible for filling the salesfloor to the max capacity. In turn, that will decrease the amount of CAF batches that will need to be pulled. We haven't gotten the chance to keep the floor filled with Manuals, Research and EXFs yet. For some reason, we got merchandise accumulating more and more after each truck. We've been told to focus on the pushing pulls. What does not make this easy is having to stop to do a backroom task while on the floor.

My backroom team has practically merged with the salesfloor team.

Online Store SPU pick-ups is still handled by backroom. The SFS team is down to one person, as the rest of them has quit. BRday has to support that tm. ]

As for the CAFs, the first Grocery set is usually under an hour, while the Hardlines has seen (1.5 hrs non busy - 3.5 hours busy).

The FDC truck doesn't arrive until 7 am to 8 am now, so that doesn't make it easy for the team.

Here's for better days.
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