Archived New Team Lead Coaching question

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Mar 1, 2016
So I just got promoted to TL and I have a couple problem team members but I'm not sure about the whole coaching process. I was basically never coached as a team member so I really don't know how it works. If I'm coaching for performance at what point do I start documenting the coaching and things like that?? Thanks.
Back when I was a TL, I was told you can coach a TM anywhere, preferably off where no one is as to not cause a scene.. Just as long as this is classified as a pdd (performance documentation). After you had the discussion with the tm, you can either step offstage to type it up right then and there, or you can make a mental note, and type it at a later date.If this is a CCA, (corrective), then that needs to be in an office with said paper ready to be signed by you, your tm, and to cover yourself have a fellow TL there with you or an ETL as a witness. Other more current TL's might give you more current coaching protocol, but that's how I did it.
Do a 'seek to understand' conversation first. Mine usually ask the TM questions about what they think they can improve and what we can do to help them improve. Make them verbally commit to making improvements. Getting a TM to start thinking about what they are screwing up usually helps them start to fix the problem. I technically don't document this but I send an e-mail of the convo to my ETL, the ETL-HR, and any TLs that need to know.

If they show no signs of improvement, pull them off the floor and ask them about the time you had the S2U convo and question why they haven't held up their commitment to improve. Let them know, again, what they are screwing up, and tell them you will be holding them accountable if they are unable to make improvements. You must specifically list ways that they can improve and why their performance is detrimental to the store. This is documented on a PDD form.

If the TM shows no immediate signs of improvement, I go straight to CCA. If they show signs of improvement, then fall back into their state of uselessness, I'll coach (PDD form) one more time before going to CCA.
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