Archived New to TBR not new to Spot

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Mar 28, 2018
Hello all,

I have read and been a voyeur of TBR for awhile and am quite a fan. So much so I neglected to intro myself properly as I felt like I already belonged. So here is my attempt:

#1 I will always assume u r spot/ I am paranoid

#2 I respect every position

#3 I want to help Spot be a better spot and I strive to support Spot but still know Spot can be and will be an Ass

#4 I will always be told to work on my communication skills, I apologize in advance.

TBR has been a huge help in cutting through roadblocks/ finding solutions along with the humorous rants

I will admit I first learned about Subt 99, filters, Shortage,Inside Pos, move, E2E, RFID, Aar, and Vmtl from TBR. Some of which doesn’t exist anymore

I appreciate the site as a tool to help me and those around me succeed and as opportunity to vent when necessary.

I like spaces in my comments making them separate thoughts.

Promise not Spot, hoping this helps. This is a great forum and finally had the guts to join by making fake gmail account.

Intense but not savage, hoping to get answers and insight as my career at Spot progresses to help my store/ my friends/ and add to the forum if I can.
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