Archived New to the forum, ex-employee from almost 20 years ago

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Jun 7, 2019
Hello All!

I'm considering a part-time job at Target because my experience there was positive and promotion opportunities were plenty. Within 2 years of my employment I became a Level 3 Team Leader with my departments being hardware/Auto and Sporting Goods. I'm sure that title doesn't exist anymore, but I'm curious about the changes since then and hope there's someone in this forum that's still an active employee from back in my time to let me know about the changes and if they recommend working there now.

Thanks Peeps!
Alot has changed and guaranteed if you went back it would look like entirely different company from the one you left.
Were calling it new target because it may be the same name and building but its very different from when we started.
Spot dosen't even pretend to give a shit about its tms now and took away all the work centers so were literally 1 team now but a very small overworked team.
And speaking of teams, your only going hear 1 team 1 dream and keep brand from older TLs and tms. Now days its its every man for themselves
Welcome Grugular

I am a 2000-2009 alumni myself.

Its a widely different company now. If you remember store operations were all about FFF and Safety. Now...Its all about pushing the RedCard, just get it done with minimal staff and payroll but always hiring new people, and bending over to petty guests.
I use to be a level 2.
Now I’m a level 0.
Just kidding, but target doesn’t have levels or specialists anymore.
It’s like night and day from when I started in 2007 vs now.
Welcome Grugular

I am a 2000-2009 alumni myself.

Its a widely different company now. If you remember store operations were all about FFF and Safety. Now...Its all about pushing the RedCard, just get it done with minimal staff and payroll but always hiring new people, and bending over to petty guests.

I haven’t been asked to push a red card in about 2 years, but I think that varies by stores these days. I still ask and get people to sign up, it just seems that no one cares.
Yes I am still there 2000- present. Only part time. I have always had a primary employment position elsewhere for the simple fact that Target can NEVER cover your cost of living, unless you are a STL or a degreed ETL. Even the TM's where Target is their primary income, still can't get 40 hours. Its like its all designed to not help but hinder an employee. YES, it is about pushing red card and if you do not provide sales support to guest, you Will hear about it STL's having ETL's spy on you to see if you can handle it all. YES no one cares.
I haven’t been asked to push a red card in about 2 years, but I think that varies by stores these days. I still ask and get people to sign up, it just seems that no one cares.
Definitely ASANTS. I mostly only work Saturdays, which means that every week I come in and my SETL greets me practically at the door to the TSC, "Okay, Goody, we need 8 more Reds to meet the week's goal, how many are you going to get" in my measly little 4 hour shift. And frankly, I haven't gotten anyone to bite in about 3 months.
There are no more level 1, 2, 3 positions; just team member, specialists and team leaders. In fact, there are less team leaders and they don't have special departments anymore. Instead, two people are in charge of the entire hardlines department.
There are no more level 1, 2, 3 positions; just team member, specialists and team leaders. In fact, there are less team leaders and they don't have special departments anymore. Instead, two people are in charge of the entire hardlines department.
We have 5 GM TLs over hardlines. Some of the areas and duties overlap.

Specialist were eliminated in 2009. I guess DBOs are similar but since everyone that is not a team lead has the same starting pay, not really. Specialist use to get $1 over base.
Ever notice that although Walmart offers a branded VISA credit card, they don't hound their customers about it at checkout? They also don't force you to use a "rewards card" (that tracks your purchases) in order to get their sale prices? I'm not a fan of Walmart but I imagine a certain percentage of the population likes not being constantly asked about signing up for a store card or expected to have their rewards card.....
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Ever notice that although Walmart offers a branded VISA credit card, they don't hound their customers about it at checkout? They also don't force you to use a "rewards card" (that tracks your purchases) in order to get their sale prices? I'm not a fan of Walmart but I imagine a certain percentage of the population likes not being constantly asked about signing up for a store card or expected to have their rewards card.....
They are supposed to get people to sign up though, I imagine most of their cashiers don't care.
Roles and responsibilities have changed drastically, but that can happen with any job over time. I think the thing that upsets people most is that (internally) Target has gone through a major culture change. There is a lot more micromanagement and a lot less team culture. Perhaps that's unintentional and ASANTS, but it's something I've definitely noticed.
SFTs became PMTs and now we’re PMLs so that’s something. You’re going to find an OVERTLY negative mindset from TMs for having anything to do with the company.

Roles and responsibilities have changed drastically, but that can happen with any job over time. I think the thing that upsets people most is that (internally) Target has gone through a major culture change. There is a lot more micromanagement and a lot less team culture. Perhaps that's unintentional and ASANTS, but it's something I've definitely noticed.
Couldn’t have summed it up better myself. I’ve been here four years and I’ve seen the increase in micromanagement and nagging and less of the team holding each other accountable.
They are supposed to get people to sign up though, I imagine most of their cashiers don't care.
Probably. I've never witnessed any Walmart cashiers ask anyone or myself when I've shopped there over the years. I agree that customers shouldn't be hounded especially when there is redcard advertising everywhere, it also slows down the line on a side note. I get annoyed myself when I'm at a store and the cashier is chatting with the person in front of me instead of "hello", scan, get the money, bag, "goodbye", and moving the line along.
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