Here's the problem, a 1800 piece truck is a 1800 piece truck. The stores are staffed according to sales/projected sales, not processing incoming freight. So when you ship 1800 piece truck to a low volume store, you exceed (overwhelm) the capacity of the store's ability to process freight. The higher the volume, the more freight can be processed daily along with frequency (# trucks/week).
What we call it carry over is exceeded capacity. To be more exact, it is any unprocessed freight after the PP2 Team schedule time is up. Not the additional time added, but the original schedule time of the PP2 Team (last process team).
My store is LV and can process somewhere around a 1300 +/- piece truck depending on mix with little or no issues. Anything additional or other demands and freight will carry over. We simply do not have enough bodies at this time to process the freight the same day. More Team Members are to be added later.
The down side to this is that you take a way hours (cannibalize hours) from current Team Members due to hours/payroll being finite. The process demand problems are not due to variability, but not being able to staff appropriately. Additional hours come after sales, not before to process the freight that supported sales increase. This lag seriously affects sales as product is not readily available.
Spot could have avoided this conundrum. If we would have collected valuable statistical data back in the years when we scanned the truck, we could have projected hours by the make up of the truck fairly accurately. That ship sailed long ago and we're stuck with Sales Projections/Volume as the determinant for staffing the incoming freight process. This is most likely why they are using floor hours to process freight now. This somewhat offsets the additional hours needed to operate within the new parameters.
So all of you guys that are getting little to no hours and/or experienced a severe reduction, now know why.
Spot better figure out something before 4th Qtr. Can you imagine what it would be like in the 4th qtr. trying to unload a 1800 piece in the afternoon because you just wrapped up yesterday's truck?