Newbie help

Jul 3, 2021
Hello everyone! First time posting and not sure if doing it right! I had orientation for guest advocate (cashiers I guess idk, they said they could have sworn they put me somewhere else). Orientation was a mess, there was about 8 of us and I’m lost.

If anyone can answer any of these questions it would be greatly appreciated

1- I have my temporary discount card and my employee number, but after orientation was over hr lady had us fill out punch correction paper that came in our orientation packet. So when I go in tomorrow I’m just not sure what to do, try to punch in on the machine or…???

2-how can I see my schedule? I have my training schedule and I am on for the next 3 days but after that nothing, or for the next week that’s on it, is that usual?

Orientation was just a mess, the lady rushed thru everything and then said ok you guys will be down learning cash registers for the next almost 2 hours. I trained with a book and then they put me on self checkout
Hi! Sorry your introduction to Spot was so chaotic, but that’s how Spot rolls sometimes. Just saying. You could go in a little early so you have time to ask HR if you are in the system and can use the time clock, or you can just try to use the time clock and ask for help if you can’t. As for your schedule, you may not be on the next schedule after orientation, check with HR to see how to check the schedule at your store and whether they added, or could add, hours for you. If they don’t have hours for you the next week, you should (hopefully) be on the next schedule. Some confusion over scheduling for new hires is par for the course, at my store at least, but once they get you on your department’s schedule you should be fine. Good luck!
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Hi! Sorry your introduction to Spot was so chaotic, but that’s how Spot rolls sometimes. Just saying. You could go in a little early so you have time to ask HR if you are in the system and can use the time clock, or you can just try to use the time clock and ask for help if you can’t. As for your schedule, you may not be on the next schedule after orientation, check with HR to see how to check the schedule at your store and whether they added, or could add, hours for you. If they don’t have hours for you the next week, you should (hopefully) be on the next schedule. Some confusion over scheduling for new hires is par for the course, at my store at least, but once they get you on your department’s schedule you should be fine. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your help, if I can ask you one more thing. Is the schedule usually posted somewhere in the store, or is everyone online?
I’m not entirely surprised your orientation wasn’t complete - have heard it before. We had a new TL start that wasn’t even shown where the bathrooms were !
Hopefully you will be assigned to a trainer for your first few shifts that can walk you thru all the things to know.
‘if not, introduce yourself to any friendly face in a red shirt and ASK for help - no need to be nervous. We all have the same goal and working together lightens the load for all. Good luck.

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