Archived No more calling no-shows at my store

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It is in the best practice manual not to call. It is there to avoid favoritism and such. If you call one and do not call the other and they get fired, they can make a case against Target.
There've been a couple of times out Flow TL didn't arrive at their scheduled shift to let us in. (This was when our ETL-LOG always came in later) One time I didn't have the ETLs # to call and we waited till almost 7am to be let in. Our HR was none to happy with the punch corrections she had to key. (This was before we could do it n the computer, lots of paper work!) The second time I was able to reach our ETL-LOG and he arrived about 40 minutes later.

I don't know what our stores policy is on NCNS but I have heard our current ETL-LOG ask someone to call or text to see what had happened to someone that didn't show up for their shift. I don't know if he has called himself or not. Personally I would hate to lose good reliable workers due to misreading their schedule.

As far as differences in the printed schedule & one on the computer. I've seen descrepancies here many times. I was told to go by the printed schedule.
Been that way at my store for over a year now. Personally I will call my TMs since I have their phone numbers, doesn't happen more that once a month at most though!! Half the time it is car trouble so I told my TMs that if they figure out that their car won't start before work just call me and I'll pick them up on my way in!!!

It's just easier to be staffed in my department or call people in from my own phone since our ETLs/HR won't call before 8, makes it difficult when your only other opener was supposed to be there at 4!
The only comments I would have on this topic is that Schedules should be viewable from eHR at home so people can see which days they work from home. It's my understanding that some people are being told they are not allowed to call the store to ask what their schedule is, which leads to the need for people to be able to see their schedules from eHR at home. Also, It seems to me that if someone calls in, regardless of what time during their shift, it should not be called a NC/NS. Calling more than an hour or two after your shift was supposed to doesn't seem fair to consider that a NC/NS.
Many TMs (myself included) can't view their schedules from eHR at home. I've checked my browser & adjusted the security settings to no avail so I make sure I copy it down at the store. Currently we have several folk out sick as the result of allergies so we're scrambling to cover & scheduling is rather ransack at the moment.
Last time I was late, my ETL-HL personally called me. I overslept because I was sick, and was trying to sleep it off.
Somebody added me into the schedule but forgot to tell me, so I never made it in for this one shift. An hour in, my STL called asking why I wasn't there. I told her that I wasn't on the wall schedule, she confirmed, and said have a nice day. I offered to come in anyways, but she said not to worry about it.
Somebody added me into the schedule but forgot to tell me, so I never made it in for this one shift. An hour in, my STL called asking why I wasn't there. I told her that I wasn't on the wall schedule, she confirmed, and said have a nice day. I offered to come in anyways, but she said not to worry about it.

The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. I was off on a Sunday (a rarity at the time) and my GSTL called me and said I was scheduled for that afternoon. Told him the same thing. He went and checked and told me to have a good day off. The next day I said something to one of the other GSTLs and he said there had been a glitch in the system.
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