No More Flexing


Knowledge TL
Feb 10, 2016
Curious how well this is going in stores? I know it is just starting to roll out. My store will have so much trouble with this, especially in Q4 when they over push toys beyond the max. Curious if field leadership will follow up on this.
Curious how well this is going in stores? I know it is just starting to roll out. My store will have so much trouble with this, especially in Q4 when they over push toys beyond the max. Curious if field leadership will follow up on this.
My bet is leadership will follow up on it because it is "the thing" right now. How they will do it, probably by looking at endcaps and seasonal. We were told once seasonal is near the end and nothing else was to come in we were to leave everything were it is and basically spread it out or expand the facings of one item to cover the out of the item next to it. For the time being while this is still a hot topic, it will HAVE to be done that way or answered to during a visit. We'll see what happens in toys.
This makes more sense to me because the whole reason for doing it this way is so fulfillment can find things plus its less work in seasonal not having to condense. It will take more time to set seasonal because there won't be empty aisle anymore whoever sets it will have to tear down all the fixtures, backer and gondolas and put it all away while at the same time setting and pushing.:eek: But with them breaking up the set into different weeks it should be manageable. We'll see.🤣
I wonder if this was piloted in some stores and if so how it went there.
Stay tuned for next week, where we get instructed to flex because it looks like we are going out of business. And the week after that where we cant flex because everything is all over the place. And don't get me started on the week after that!
Stay tuned for next week, where we get instructed to flex because it looks like we are going out of business. And the week after that where we cant flex because everything is all over the place. And don't get me started on the week after that!
What?! No they wouldn't do that!🤣
Stay tuned for next week, where we get instructed to flex because it looks like we are going out of business. And the week after that where we cant flex because everything is all over the place. And don't get me started on the week after that!
Flexing is a must, not flexing just looks awful. I don't know who's bright idea it was to set jean walls with bin tickets but when they are set to "plan" the walls look horrible.
Flexing can be great when done by people who know what they're doing, and who aren't looking to cut corners, but are in fact willing to take on the added efforts of label maintenance, changing capacities, adjusting fixtures intelligently, etc. But as a shopper, I'd rather be able to see that an item is still carried but temporarily out of stock than see shelves that look "full" of stuff I'm not looking for.
The problem with flexing is TMs will do it because it's either that or not finish the u-boat in time. I've been this TM. You flex because otherwise you're going to get talked to about the U-boat timer thing and you're not going to make that time anyway but if you're only late by a LITTLE BIT then MAYBE you won't get that "talk."

You simply don't have time to backstock the thing so you just flex it.