Archived No more LOD??

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The Request Has Been Cleared
Jan 15, 2018
My SRTL just had a huddle tonight explaining the new things target is rolling out on how everyone in a department is going to be an “expert” and LOD are not going to be a things anymore..... Like everyone who heard this is basically freaking out
There’s only one ETL who doesn’t use the term anymore but when he’s not in the store we use LODs. We try to ask the TL that we specifically need first but in the event of an emergency we say LOD we need you here now. And a TL usually responds because they know it’s something seriously and thankfully refrain from being petty about it.
No more LODs, no more leadership, anarchy is the modern thing.

Time to unionize.

I can see this working out fine for bigger stores but our store isn’t big and we’re so limited on people we have during the day so I think it’s going to turn into more of a mad house than it already is
It really comes down to the logistics process. We got it to work at our store and everything calmed down 200%. If you have a strong Log you’ll win. If you don’t you'll be in for a long hard road. When modernization takes the real reigns and is implimented correctly it does make sense. As kool-aid drinking as it sounds, if you keep an open mind you can grasp the idea. It truly is a redesign of the storeside of the company
It's a change for sure but it's nothing catastrophic. All it means is you go to your department leader or lead (if they are in the building) as everyone will be responsible for their departments. You'll still have your direct leads to go to..just no one will be consider LOD or leader on duty for the day. Beauty. Electronics and apparel TMS are consultants, flow, HL are experts and front end will be referred to as advocates. That is just simply title changes. Nothing to worry about 🙂
Opening, everyone is responsable for their own departments. If anyone needs to speak to a store manager they can be directed to the store director or senior leader. Closing shift should have one or 2 closing leads (strl level) who follow up on the departments and close the store.
When you think about it, it makes sense and allows leaders to focus on their areas and makes leads more accountable.
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