Archived No one scheduled, because time and a half

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Uh we got a truck today and a rather large one at that

ETL-log: hey everybody who wants to stay and take a lunch? We’re 1.5x today so if you’re looking for hours we have them!
Flow: *yawn* let’s go home at 9 instead lmao
Me: let’s yeet this wheat

Narrator: the bread was acquired that day (to the tune of $190 before tax) much to the irritation of many shareholders. Little did CTT know, he had fucked with the wrong crew, and was shortly to wish he had called in sick that day instead. *suspenseful smash cut to black*
Uh we got a truck today and a rather large one at that

ETL-log: hey everybody who wants to stay and take a lunch? We’re 1.5x today so if you’re looking for hours we have them!
Flow: *yawn* let’s go home at 9 instead lmao
Me: let’s yeet this wheat

Narrator: the bread was acquired that day (to the tune of $190 before tax) much to the irritation of many shareholders. Little did CTT know, he had fucked with the wrong crew, and was shortly to wish he had called in sick that day instead. *suspenseful smash cut to black*
tired: calling out sick on 1.5 day
wired: using sick time on 1.5 day
We were short staffed to begin with but then there were multiple call outs. You called out on a day with time and a half? Are you nuts?
yeah that's crazy why would anyone unless they're literally dead
We have two Softlines closers and a travel ban due to the snow now.
We had nine cashiers scheduled today, which was better than yesterday's eight. Back-up City at my store both days and only SLs was responding (like every other day). I had a couple of my TMs on check lanes for two hours, so the floor was a dumpster fire 🤷🏻‍♀️
We had a skeleton crew in my store and I was scheduled POG to take apart the Christmas stuff, but found myself doing that and running hardlines....It was a crazy day, don't forget.....WE NEED A BACK UP TO THE CHECK LANES
yeah we were really low. barely any coverage at guest service and we needed back up to the lanes constantly today. still have no idea how my tls managed to sneak me in today when i wasn’t originally on the schedule though!

luckily the store died down a little to end the night.
PMT's usually don't work holidays. I have crawled to work almost dead cause time and a half.. Love working eight hours getting paid for ten..
Ours does. He was there for Thanksgiving and Black Friday. He had a worse schedule for Thanksgiving than I did, honestly. Tried Christmas Eve, but couldn't get anything done, so he left early. He doesn't care if he works holidays, but don't mess with his weekends, lol.

Anyway, he already has 500 things to do on Wednesday because a lot of stuff just didn't go right today.
I left at 4, but more closers called out than showed up.

1.5-2 in the high desert. Roads are ice now. I slid leaving work and arriving in my driveway.

Even for time and a half, I know if the roads are bad and my car is totaled, target isn't going to replace it. If I am injured trying to make it into Target or home from Target all the pay I've made in the last 6 years might not cover a bad injury that could have been avoided by staying off the road. If spot wants me there when I think it is unsafe to drive, they can pick me up.
Even for time and a half, I know if the roads are bad and my car is totaled, target isn't going to replace it. If I am injured trying to make it into Target or home from Target all the pay I've made in the last 6 years might not cover a bad injury that could have been avoided by staying off the road. If spot wants me there when I think it is unsafe to drive, they can pick me up.
I will be calling it today. It’s 1 and getting colder.
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