Archived Not Allowed to Text Other TMs?

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I am friends with people I work with both in the real world and on Facebook...and I txt some of them as well. However, I will not any tl or srtl who I directly report to. I only have one tl on my FB page and she was on there before she got promoted.
If this is the case where do the "team building" events come in?

At this point I am guessing not everyone and every store is doing this, but for as long as I have worked for Target it is encouraged that leaders have out-of-work events with teams as a morale boosting exercise. This includes community service events, of course, but other events as well. For example, the ETL or Team Lead in logistics could take the in-stocks team out for a celebratory meal if in-stocks had the highest rank in the district or group. Stipulations exist that all applicable team members must be invited, that it is all-inclusive, but this has always been a thing.
Several years back we had an etl/log who would have the backroom/team over to her house for a meal etc.
I like and respect the people I work with very much, but when off work, I just want to be at home with hubby and cat
Like the song says.. different strokes, for different folks
I fully support the whole no texting/contact with ETL/STL/TL but I think texting and having contact with other TM's should be okay. It helps create a sense of community and friendship. Wouldn't they rather us have good relationships with our coworkers than not? And I personally am grateful when someone texts me to tell me what I'm going to be walking into.
That's stupid. Shit we have a lot of employee's who are frickin related to each other so clearly they'r be calling/texting each other.
I'm pretty sure that off the clock rule was made to protect the company from lawsuits, not to protect TMs.
That's why all these stories really strike a nerve with me. They know that nobody is going to complain that texting or talking about work is "working off the clock". If anybody even tried to use that argument against Target, it wouldn't hold up in court. And yet, Target uses it against us when they can't think of any legitimate reason to get someone written up or fired.
Talking about work is not the same as working, plain and simple. There's something really evil about Target exploiting a loophole in a rule that was meant to cover their own ass and using that against their own TMs.
I'm consistently amazed at how different stores are and some the rules the ETLs drag out of their ass because they have no management skills.

Very very true. It's s weird how different the stores are.

I'm thankful my STL (new in role STL, but I think he was ETL before) is smart enough and has enough management skills to know not to try and make some weird off the wall change.
My time self-service? But if you can access it from home, of course you're going to do it from home. That's considered working off the clock?

my time as in my tenure, sorry.
That's stupid. Shit we have a lot of employee's who are frickin related to each other so clearly they'r be calling/texting each other.

I didn't even think of that. We have whole clans working at the store, some even living under the same roof. If mom who works HR asks son who works the floor how his day was do they get written up?
I'm FB friends with a couple of fellow TMs, but I don't ever text either of them. We talk, sure, but never text.

Even if we did, what team members do off the clock is none of Target's concern (unless it directly involves illegal activity with the stores or corporation; like stealing). Besides, while TMs do sometimes gripe about Target (a lot, usually), what we talk about isn't anything that literally everyone already knows. We know that management generally sucks. We know that Target seems to be going downhill fast. We know that TMs on many levels are getting screwed over royally. How is telling us to not converse about it going to make the aforementioned, and then some, magically disappear?

Maybe Target as a whole should pull their heads out of their rear ends and actually try to deal with the issues, rather then to try and make TMs not talk about stuff which is already common knowledge.
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my time as in my tenure, sorry.

Oh, OK. Well in that case, I would consider it working off the clock, but definitely nothing they should get in trouble for. What TL really has time to write reviews when they already have to do the work of several people?
I could understand not allowing to text each other during Target time because you shouldn't be texting on the clock by that I meant saying god it's so boring over here and then the other tm member says I know and basically tm text each other back and forth all day now that I could understand but not allowed to text each other off the clock or not allowed to text each other at all? That is insane...... I am friends with other TMs and we follow each other on twitter and sometimes we hangout but rarely talk about work really unless it's complaining lol
If this is the case where do the "team building" events come in?

At this point I am guessing not everyone and every store is doing this, but for as long as I have worked for Target it is encouraged that leaders have out-of-work events with teams as a morale boosting exercise. This includes community service events, of course, but other events as well. For example, the ETL or Team Lead in logistics could take the in-stocks team out for a celebratory meal if in-stocks had the highest rank in the district or group. Stipulations exist that all applicable team members must be invited, that it is all-inclusive, but this has always been a thing.
They used to do this at my store too.
I am friends with several TMs and we talk on the phone or text each other. Spot does NOT tell me who I may and may not be friends with!
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I don't text anyone from work unless it would be for a shift change - or something funny - or if I'm sick - or if they want to go out for dinner - or how their kids are - or if I want to say hi..... But this is all providing I can find my phone and if it's charged.
I keep my phone in my locker all day. If I have something to share, I'll take my friends phone and type in a message, then slide it back. Last time I typed stay away from Stinko esp strong today. One of my fellow tm's who doesn't use toothpaste, shampoo or deodorant!
I sporadically text other leaders, but not regular TM's. I have a few FB friend requests pending from TM's that I will not accept while I'm working at Target. As both a supervisor and someone who actively investigates internal theft/dishonest behavior in my store, I just don't feel it would be appropriate.
Several TMs and TLs are friends with each other on facebook at my store. Many TMs are in relationships with each other so yeah there is a lot of texting going on during break/lunch.

But of course no one is texting WHILE working that would be a incredibly stupid thing to do.
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Several TMs and TLs are friends with each other on facebook at my store. Many TMs are in relationships with each other so yeah there is a lot of texting going on during break/lunch.

But of course no one is texting WHILE working that would be a incredibly stupid thing to do.
yea you want to know something even more stupid that texting while working? the LOD said he caught a TM doing algebra homework on the sales floor when they should have been zoning for the night.
I hung out with the TLs who had the same weekend off as me. We had kids the same age so it was nice to have play dates then talk about shitty work. Hell a lot of ETLs hung out with TLs and TMs outside of work in a professional manner.

Not being able to text is extreme.
yea you want to know something even more stupid that texting while working? the LOD said he caught a TM doing algebra homework on the sales floor when they should have been zoning for the night.
Hmmm, do homework, or not get murdered in a dark alley because I didn't finish my zone...

Tough decision
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