Archived Orientation: Are You The Only One Left?

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I was part of a huge seasonal class almost 5 years ago. I only remember a couple people from my orientation, and they weren't hired on.
I was in a group of three other people, and I'm honestly not sure if they are still there. From how they acted during orientation my guess is no, but I'm early morning team BR and they were all sales floor/cashiers so I never saw them again after orientation. I started two years ago.
5 1/2 years

Waiting on our 4th STL, 5th HR, and 5th SF (6th if you count the one SL ETL). They might try to split HL and SL/GE, even though Spot says we only get one.

4th AP
3rd Log

Only 2 execs have transferred. None have been promoted.
There were 8 or 9 of us almost 7 years ago and I'm the last one. Before transferring to Deli I was also one of the 2 last SL people to still be around since I started, the other being the stubborn elderly operator (I love that lady) who's been on forever. We've gone through 6 ETL-SL in that time and I don't pay attention to other workcenters' ETLs, though I believe we've had 4 different ETL-HRs and 3 STLs.
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Only 3 others in my orientation group and I have no idea how long they lasted. I just passed my 1 year mark and in that time all ETL's have been replaced. (A few transferred but I'm pretty sure a couple got fired.) Only the STL is the same. Several TL's have also left for one reason or another.
3 in my orientation. 2 for flow and 1 for cashier. I'm still here, the other 2 were fired in less than a year
My orientation was about a year and a half ago. We had 1 cashier, 1 hardlines, and 1 other backroom TM. Just me and the hardlines guy are left. The cashier was gone within a couple weeks, actually.
I can't really remember who was in my orientation. I know there's a lady who's a week before me. As far as I know we're the only ones in Logistics since 10/2006.
Lil over 4 years, close to 5... not too many people that were around my hire date are left at my store.

Saw 5 STLs, 6 LOG-ETL, 3 GS ETL, 3 Soft-ETL, 1 HL-ETL

Couple TLs and too many TMs to mention. Heck, I'm the last one standing from my original team.
I was hired seasonally at my current store, there was close to 50 people in my orientation. That being said, there's 7 of us left, and one is leaving some time next month.
I just heard a rumor that another one was quitting or being termed, or something, so another one down!
There were 3 of us and 2 of us are still going strong. The other dude was so gung ho about the job but then one day he was gone.
I only had one other person during my orientation. She left after a few months and works as a receptionist.
Honestly, I can't remember. Pretty sure I am the only one left.

New team members are dropping like flies, though. I see new faces on flow and in the BR, and they are gone within weeks.

Can't remember all the ETL's and STL's, either [that I have worked with during my time at Target.]

:shakes cane:
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I'm fairly certain there is one flow TM left from my orientation, but I don't work mornings so I don't know for sure. There were maybe like 5 or 6 others at mine. Soon he'll be the sole survivor, my time with Spot is up. 🙂
There was someone from flow who was with me during orientation. I don't think he lasted much longer than 6 or 7 months. I've been there for over a year now.
Well, I took my leave about 2 weeks ago, and of my entire seasonal orientation team, I lasted the longest at 3.5 years with Spot. Heck, I was one of maybe 2-3 people from that seasonal year to make it past the 3 month mark.
Next week will be my third year with spot and there was 5 of us in my orientation. 2 quit within the first month and the other 2 quit about 8-10 months after orientation. I'm the sole survivor from my group.
Wow, a lot of you seem to go through a ton of leaders!

I am coming up on 2 years soon, and the STL and ETLs have been the same. TL turnover has also been low. One SrTL was fired and one TL was hired and then quit.
I don't even remember who was in orientation with me but am pretty sure they're all long gone. In fact, a good lot of the people who were already employed at the store when I was hired are gone. The turnover is so rapid now and I'm almost ashamed to say this (but not really) but unless someone makes effort to get to know me, I rarely bother with anything more than pleasantries.
Three of us were hired just before Halloween. I am the only one left from my orientation group. I mean it was only three of us. One guy hired as a cart attendant, and me and the other guy were hardlines. Cart attendant didn't show up for his shift after orientation. Guess it was more work than he was looking for. Other guy was around for about a month. Then vanished. I'm going on a little over 8 months now lol.
My 1st orientation at the store was a class of ~20-25, of seasonals for Q4. After my 5 yr tour, I was the only one left, though one guy stayed on O/N for 3 or 4 years. DC is much harder to stay on w/o getting walked out or quitting. Out of 16 in the class, It's just me, a dude on OB-B2 and a woman in MBP-B2 after 2 yrs. For me in OB-A2, with 8 other trainees, I was the only one left after 2 weeks, which is pretty typical of a DC hiring class.
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