Archived Our Store Newsletter

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I totally respect others' wishes to remain anonymous, but there are legal protections afforded to workers so that if they were retaliated against by Target for expressing their opinions on social media the corporation can be held accountable for that (it's actually illegal for corporations to spy on their workers) It's a bit sad to be honest that workers have to live in fear of reprisals for expressing their opinions. It goes to show how democracy is limited in the workplace.

Translation, I don't respect anyone and I'll make anyone a martyr of it helps my agenda.
So Target Corp's propaganda is ok, but us coworkers talking about economic issues is insidious? You make it seem like we are the only ones with an agenda here. But it still hasn't been made clear what you think our agenda is, it's pretty straight forward where we are coming from and what we would like. Do you think it's wrong for workers to be talking about these issues?

Yes. It's their company, they can post whatever they want, as long as is causes no one harm.

You have brought it to another level than just 'coworkers talking about economic issues.'

I'm not going to continue the back-and-forth about this ruse.
And as workers of Target so can we. And its up for debate as to what and how much harm they cause pursuing their interests (this is why we started the petition to make them keep their promise to stop funding anti-LGBTQ politicians). Its our labor they appropriate, we are entitled to voice our views as workers and not feel intimidated for doing so.
And as workers of Target so can we. And its up for debate as to what and how much harm they cause pursuing their interests (this is why we started the petition to make them keep their promise to stop funding anti-LGBTQ politicians). Its our labor they appropriate, we are entitled to voice our views as workers and not feel intimidated for doing so.

But you'll be damned if anyone opposes you.
if by appropriate you mean pay more than 150% of the minimum wage in a vast majority of states for what doesn't require much skill
That hardly makes up for the rates of productivity over the last four decades. If we are going to buy the argument that workers are fairly compensated for the work they do then, by definition, the rates of compensation have failed to keep up with the rates of productivity.

The typical worker makes no more than Dad did in 1979 -
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I've had my hours cut to one or two shifts a week and I've only called out once because I was sick, I have only been late one time because I was stuck in a car accident on the interstate heading to work. Guess this makes me unreliable and undeserving of hours?

Thing is if my hours are cut back due to discrimination that's considered retaliation. I'm more than happy to slap another charge on Target corp for this.

So, did you "slap another charge on Target corp" for having your "hours cut to one or two shifts a week?"

It goes to show how democracy is limited in the workplace.

I would run from a workplace that was run as a democracy.
So, did you "slap another charge on Target corp" for having your "hours cut to one or two shifts a week?"

I would run from a workplace that was run as a democracy.
No because I wasn't the only one who's hours were cut back, so in this instance it's not discrimination.

Why don't you want democracy in the workplace? You spend more time there than the voting booth.
Supported the strike against the STL's behavior not being punished.

Now you guys are whining about basic business practices. Its a low skill job with a limited pool of hours based on sales. If you want more hours, learn more skills or bring in more sales.
They haven't said anything or done anything that goes against the rules of the site.
I'm not really sure why they annoy everyone so much but I offer the simple solution that you not go to the thread and put the OP on ignore if they upset you.
Nothing they have done is rude or out of line.
If that happens (on any side) we will step in.
NRVSTRIKE is a guy that got a job at Target for the sole purpose of striking and starting a union. Him and one other brand new employee went on strike implying it was supported by the team members but not one joined the picket line. Most didn't even know who they were. He has been on a campaign every sense to gain support for his campaign to unionize not caring the damage he does along the way. I no longer work for that location but know he is still up to no good. One of his people ( who does not work there) even went so far as to try to shame a team member that was grieving the loss of a team member that literally died in front of him at the store. That team members was calling him out for his lack of support during that time. Go to there website and you can see the comments. Although he has removed or blocked many as he is not liked by the team members at that location. He is here trying to gain support he can't get there I guess. He is not looking out for anyone's best interest but his own.
I just talk to someone who still works there and they said they don't know of One person participating in that newsletter and one that was interviewed but was lied to and she thought it was an actual target newsletter. I would suggest people look up their Facebook page and if he hasn't edited out most of the comments you'll see he has very little support from people actually work there. You can always tell when ever he's deleted or removed a comment as other people comment about it yet it's not there anymore .
NRVSTRIKE is a guy that got a job at Target for the sole purpose of striking and starting a union. Him and one other brand new employee went on strike implying it was supported by the team members but not one joined the picket line. Most didn't even know who they were. He has been on a campaign every sense to gain support for his campaign to unionize not caring the damage he does along the way. I no longer work for that location but know he is still up to no good. One of his people ( who does not work there) even went so far as to try to shame a team member that was grieving the loss of a team member that literally died in front of him at the store. That team members was calling him out for his lack of support during that time. Go to there website and you can see the comments. Although he has removed or blocked many as he is not liked by the team members at that location. He is here trying to gain support he can't get there I guess. He is not looking out for anyone's best interest but his own.

Why isn't he simply fired? I feel a TM could bring up "Hostile work, work environment", and management would GLADLY, intervene on the issue, and if it is as serious as it sounds, probably get that TM promoted (lol).

If Target is ever unionized it will have to start, at least, at the District level. (Which will never happen, unless the DTL, carries the swagger of atleast SIX Paul Newman's
NRVSTRIKE is a guy that got a job at Target for the sole purpose of striking and starting a union. Him and one other brand new employee went on strike implying it was supported by the team members but not one joined the picket line. Most didn't even know who they were. He has been on a campaign every sense to gain support for his campaign to unionize not caring the damage he does along the way. I no longer work for that location but know he is still up to no good. One of his people ( who does not work there) even went so far as to try to shame a team member that was grieving the loss of a team member that literally died in front of him at the store. That team members was calling him out for his lack of support during that time. Go to there website and you can see the comments. Although he has removed or blocked many as he is not liked by the team members at that location. He is here trying to gain support he can't get there I guess. He is not looking out for anyone's best interest but his own.

Totally didn't see this coming. Totally.
Why isn't he simply fired? I feel a TM could bring up "Hostile work, work environment", and management would GLADLY, intervene on the issue, and if it is as serious as it sounds, probably get that TM promoted (lol).

If Target is ever unionized it will have to start, at least, at the District level. (Which will never happen, unless the DTL, carries the swagger of atleast SIX Paul Newman's
I wished they would and I know the team members still there do. I guess they're waiting for a way to do it without getting sued.
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