Archived Overpush

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Never underestimate a sense of humor.
Yeah i get that, you have stand up comedians who tell jokes....nice. Then you have clowns that make a fool of themselves , like shrink wrapping their private parts to a barbie doll, clowns.
Yeah i get that, you have stand up comedians who tell jokes....nice. Then you have clowns that make a fool of themselves , like shrink wrapping their private parts to a barbie doll, clowns.
? Where in the world did that come from?
I think you might be my Spirit Animal, are you a Mongoose by chance?
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Abandons are fun at my store. What they do is they get the abandons from GS, find a large box on a shelf, and just dump everything behind it. Out of sight out of mind right?

Making those sales, yeah! Good job salesfloor!
Abandons are fun at my store. What they do is they get the abandons from GS, find a large box on a shelf, and just dump everything behind it. Out of sight out of mind right?

Making those sales, yeah! Good job salesfloor!

No one to work it, too busy at least in my store pushing freight since they send what is left of the flow team home at 8am finished or not. So everyone else does nothing else but push the truck all day long. Reshop? Who has time to do that anymore? The shelves are almost empty for most things that don't flow off the truck regularly no one is shooting research or outs or anything. Push freight cause hours are non existent.
No one to work it, too busy at least in my store pushing freight since they send what is left of the flow team home at 8am finished or not. So everyone else does nothing else but push the truck all day long. Reshop? Who has time to do that anymore? The shelves are almost empty for most things that don't flow off the truck regularly no one is shooting research or outs or anything. Push freight cause hours are non existent.

I do agree that hours and workload tight, but I overhear so many conversations about what people saw on facebook or what they watched on tv or where they went last night. Meanwhile their hands and feet aren't doing anything.

Maybe at your store everyone is busting their ass constantly to get everything done, but that's just not the case where I am.
I do agree that hours and workload tight, but I overhear so many conversations about what people saw on facebook or what they watched on tv or where they went last night. Meanwhile their hands and feet aren't doing anything.

Maybe at your store everyone is busting their ass constantly to get everything done, but that's just not the case where I am.

Not everyone but those that do can't make up for the ones who don't, can't and bad choices of leadership. I go defeated on the daily, of things I could fix but can't cause I am pulled into to many directions to really fix anything other than a band aid over a bullet wound.
Getting back to original topic - over-push makes me crazy! Back stocking in not hard. Besides looking bad, overstocking a shelf makes for broken packaging when things fall on the floor. I've even had things fall ON me when I bump a too-full shelf or peg. I'm waiting for something relatively heavy to fall on a guest, or a just a light item with a sharp-ish corner, and result in a lawsuit....
Don't get me started on the floor/door mirrors!

They could kill a fool!
Or a stack of plastic kiddie pools. They were shoved into the lowest shelf deck and we're not secured, just braced against board games and other impedimentia so they wouldn't slide out of place. No fencing and God forbid peg bars etc. Along comes a toddler with a distracted mom and bang. Whole lot comes down on this kid. She was OK but I was so pissed I put the pools on a flat and left it by the compactor.
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