Archived Payroll Focus Store = our lives suck!

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Going with the Flow

Queen of the dungeon
Jun 8, 2011
Think you get crap for all the hours you guys spend now? Try becoming a Payroll Focus store and watch Target nitpick every penny they can from your pocket. Our store is a disaster these days the only time we ever get zoned is before a visit and often not even then. Try stocking in a store that is so messy and poorly zoned, try scanning for Instocks..impossible and depressing! People are giving up left and right, our ETL's are all being replaced by young college grads with NO retail experience...we used to have an awesome logistics teamed trained all over the store but the ETL left and then we got a new one and then more left and in came more clueless kids. Good team leads want to transfer out ASAP because they can't deal with these people who have no clue how to run our store and our STL doesn't seem to give a really sucks and I am really not looking forward to going into 4th quarter already feeling defeated! WTG Target!! Let's take a few more penny's out of the pockets of the working people on whose sweat you make your money so the higher ups can have a few more penny's in their pockets!
I went into Super Walmart today to do some shopping (Spot doesn't carry the cat food or litter I buy). It was absolutely depressing to see how well zoned the store was compared to ours (non Super). Even their clothing clearance racks in children's didn't look like a tornado hit them.
It is happening at my store. Night zoning teams are unhappy bunch. They get all the fallout from dayside, truck, & reshop, almost every day of the week.
Can you provide more details on this focus? Such as hours your store gets vs. hours comparable stores are getting. How they are allocated to each of the teams. Any special shifts people work. Etc.
Can you provide more details on this focus? Such as hours your store gets vs. hours comparable stores are getting. How they are allocated to each of the teams. Any special shifts people work. Etc.

God if it's anything like what happened to another store I know of they shifted the payroll budget from monthly to weekly. Basically the executives had till the end of the week to make the payroll balance out or the store was in red. Flex hours no longer existed for all intents and purposes and the store just looked like garbage ALL THE TIME.
God if it's anything like what happened to another store I know of they shifted the payroll budget from monthly to weekly. Basically the executives had till the end of the week to make the payroll balance out or the store was in red. Flex hours no longer existed for all intents and purposes and the store just looked like garbage ALL THE TIME.

Personally, if I were a TM at a store like that, I'd make an anonymous call to corporate and let them know that. There really should be surprise DTL visits so they get an idea of what's really happening. A poorly zoned store that has crappy presentation will eventually affect their bottom line and cut into profit.

Corporate is expanding regular stores to pfresh and building new ones. I don't understand why theyre stingy as **** when it comes to payroll. If you treat your employees like crap and nickel and dime them, don't expect to keep them around or make a profit in the long run.

Dumbasses up at HQ who just analyze spreadsheets will kill the Target brand eventually.

Oh, I forgot. Capital rules everything around me.
It means the dtl is on the phone daily nitpicking every hour spent by every team, it means carts and carts of reshop that never get done, it means your stores zone is hideous, it means 2 closers on a Saturday night during BTS week! It means Instocks is pointless. Our best scanning in weeks was because the STL finally came back from yet another vacation and had us in Instocks superzone toys aisle by aisle, work out our reshop and scan it as we went.( my most productive IS shift in weeks) Then as we were doing that I watched as the electronics team member sat with his head resting on his hand at the boat while 3 carts of toy reshop sat in front of him. ( I reported him to my team lead) I'm on flow and we have people scheduled 18 hours a week in Sept! I could on for days about how bad it...I am going to call but doubt it will do any good.
It means the dtl is on the phone daily nitpicking every hour spent by every team, it means carts and carts of reshop that never get done, it means your stores zone is hideous, it means 2 closers on a Saturday night during BTS week! It means Instocks is pointless. Our best scanning in weeks was because the STL finally came back from yet another vacation and had us in Instocks superzone toys aisle by aisle, work out our reshop and scan it as we went.( my most productive IS shift in weeks) Then as we were doing that I watched as the electronics team member sat with his head resting on his hand at the boat while 3 carts of toy reshop sat in front of him. ( I reported him to my team lead) I'm on flow and we have people scheduled 18 hours a week in Sept! I could on for days about how bad it...I am going to call but doubt it will do any good.

That TM won't be around long.

Honestly, DTL should work a closing shift or two at store and see for themselves the results of being so anal retentive about payroll hours. The store turns red, profit goes down, guests will not want to shop at a store that is that disorganized. They'll go elsewhere.

It seems like the higher one goes up the ladder, the less common sense they have and focus exclusively on spreadsheets.

Also, your store isn't the only one whose STL and ETL-HR seems to always be on vacation every month.
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I should add that we did the same thing super zoning in infant hardlines that weekend and we got so much toy and infant freight in on our next truck it wad crazy! In my mind this should be a no brainer..better zone = better scans = more product on the shelves = more sales = more profit = more hours.....
I know you become a safety focus store if there are too many incident in your store over a certain period of time or a AP focus store if there is high rate of theft in certain areas that seem kinda suspect.
What gets you stuck being a payroll focus store?
I blame our old ETL log he was awesome and willing to fight to make our store awesome ..sadly he moved on to the DC.
we have had 6 dtl visits in the last 2 weeks. weird part is, the dtl wasnt in red & k, but incognito(plain clothes) different times day or night. something is going on, but not sure what or why.
currently happening at my store, the night hl teams were cut in half during the week & maybe 1 or 2 tm's during the day. which causes reshop not done, push, etc. i have been doing clearance, 40 plus salesplanners, push & reshop when i can, then help out on the truck.
my store is train wreck right now.
we have had 6 dtl visits in the last 2 weeks. weird part is, the dtl wasnt in red & k, but incognito(plain clothes) different times day or night. something is going on, but not sure what or why.
currently happening at my store, the night hl teams were cut in half during the week & maybe 1 or 2 tm's during the day. which causes reshop not done, push, etc. i have been doing clearance, 40 plus salesplanners, push & reshop when i can, then help out on the truck.
my store is train wreck right now.

Wow, that does not sound like conditions that lead to a 'brand' store.
How exactly do they think people under that kind of pressure are going to act?
Sorry to hear you're being put through that kind of a wringer.

Illegitimis non carborundum
They're really cracking down on payroll now at our store as well. Flow takes up most of the hours but I honestly feel like their still isn't enough for us to really get the job done effectively. We run a really great process and I really don't feel like there's any other way to improve outside of adding extra people(which I know will never happen). I understand that corporate wants to really nail down every little thing, but everyone at my store is so burnt out from doing so much in such little time that morale is really low. The worst part is that our guests are really starting to notice.
glad to know we're not alone. i was beginning to wonder about my stl/etl's sanity. 150 hours to set halloween, 1spot, sgoods, and mini seasonal? are they nuts? my team is schedule out at 10 am every day. there's no way we're going to be able to get it done. we're closing with 2 hl on the weekends, 0 openers except for instocks and an electronics. i talked to them, they just say "oh, you'll get it, don't worry, we'll help".... i guess if they're helping, maybe we'll get some panera bread or olive garden out of it :excited:
So far my store is not a disaster yet.

We have no BRTL ever since Christmas and yet BR is the strongest team in the store.
glad to know we're not alone. i was beginning to wonder about my stl/etl's sanity. 150 hours to set halloween, 1spot, sgoods, and mini seasonal? are they nuts? my team is schedule out at 10 am every day. there's no way we're going to be able to get it done. we're closing with 2 hl on the weekends, 0 openers except for instocks and an electronics. i talked to them, they just say "oh, you'll get it, don't worry, we'll help".... i guess if they're helping, maybe we'll get some panera bread or olive garden out of it :excited:

It's insulting to think they could just give us food and think that'll placate us for being overworked and arguably, abused. How about something more useful, like I don't know.. a raise? Oh, wait. I forgot. They give the money to people who don't really contribute much of anything to the store, and work half as hard as the rest of us. Such as, oh, I don't know.. the executives?
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".... i guess if they're helping, maybe we'll get some panera bread or olive garden out of it :excited:

so tied of the ETL's tossing some pizza, or bagels, or donuts on the table and thinking that will make it all better.
Im hoping they dont start cutting our hours too. We are a very low volume store, example, monday and tuesday night our projected was $88,000 or so. Tonight and last night we made about $105,000 in sales each day with the same payroll allocation for those days. Last friday night we beat sales by $20,000+. MY STL closed tonight and even she is giving in to how terrible it is haha. She just told us to get whatever we can zoned and that was that. We didnt even zone domestics tonight. I barely touched dry market and not sure about the other zones. She was in girls for over an hour, and our shoes section look like a bomb went off. One of my coworkers said they had 7 carts of empty shoes HAHHAA.
so tied of the ETL's tossing some pizza, or bagels, or donuts on the table and thinking that will make it all better.

yeah, this whole 'bribe them with food' thing is great if you were trying to run a collegiate student group, but in the business world ... you're gonna need to diversify your incentives PAST my stomach's immediate needs/wants
The store I work (well as of Friday, used to work at) isn't a payroll watch store but by the way things have been run recently you would swear it was. I believe at one point we didn't have instocks finish their workload for almost two and a half weeks. We have lost all but two of our best closing zoners, and the replacements just don't cut it. On top of that, we never have enough people on sales floor dayside to do a mid day zone through softlines. Nightly the Softlines team struggles, and we have carts of reshops because there are just not enough people to complete the workload. I just don't get how the company cant see this maximizing productivity/minimize payroll game plan can only work for SO long. Turnover has been creeping up since Q1 at our store. Glad I'm out before Q4 and holidays.
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