Archived PDA'S

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I don't think the itouches can preform backroom functions. at least not the ones in my store.

The MyDevices can't perform backroom tasks yet. That will come sometime next year. Until then, you'll have to use a PDA.

You can use BR function on the MyD's in my store. When you scan an item, just tap the name to switch it into backroom functions. When the item is scanned, you can just scan a BR location, and it will ask you how many you are stowing. Alternatively, If there is an item backstocked, it will tell you were it is and have a ( - ) Take Button.
You can use BR function on the MyD's in my store. When you scan an item, just tap the name to switch it into backroom functions. When the item is scanned, you can just scan a BR location, and it will ask you how many you are stowing. Alternatively, If there is an item backstocked, it will tell you were it is and have a ( - ) Take Button.
Yep, this Take (SUBT) and Stow (STO) have been on the device for awhile. Obviously that's a small portion of the backroom apps, but it at least provides the basic functionality that most sales floor TMs will need.
Anyone else see the Receive application under All Applications? Guess it's finally going to come out of RF. I'd post a picture but I don't have the editing tool to black out my store number on the PDA. I'll post this one instead.
View attachment 921
View attachment 918
I believe it it has something to do with ship from store, but is not currently needed.

There was info about it either on the RedWire post about the summer PDA update or on the SFS page on workbench.
I figured Receive was what they use to acknowledge the truck. But what do I know?

The MyDevices can't perform backroom tasks yet. That will come sometime next year. Until then, you'll have to use a PDA.
You can use BR function on the MyD's in my store. When you scan an item, just tap the name to switch it into backroom functions. When the item is scanned, you can just scan a BR location, and it will ask you how many you are stowing. Alternatively, If there is an item backstocked, it will tell you were it is and have a ( - ) Take Button.

When I posted that, TAKE and STOW hadn't been added to the MyDevices yet. It's wonderful to be able to pull an item without having to hunt down a PDA and deal with the crappy SUBT app.
List of applications being removed from PDAs next month on REDwire. I'll try and take a picture or list them here tomorrow. I believe the paper said 13 applications being removed. :O
Sorry if this has already been covered, but

If the PTM task list is being removed, how are PTM's being completed? ie is it on the MyDevice or do we just have to scan the POG header label?

ie - I assume it's moving to the MyDevice based on the pictured update from Redwire. (?)
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So they're not removing the RF price workload yet. That's good. The mydevices keep going down and I am not clocking out and coming back 4 or 5 hours later when they come back on. Give me working equipment, have me do something else, but I ain't going home.

One slight addition: If I go home I am not coming back that day. Your loss.
I wish they would order the icons more appropriately. Kind of tired of flipping through four pages to get to myFA, especially when the idiot that calibrated the screen mashed like screen like a wild animal and it takes forever to click on something.
I wish they would order the icons more appropriately. Kind of tired of flipping through four pages to get to myFA, especially when the idiot that calibrated the screen mashed like screen like a wild animal and it takes forever to click on something.

Hit CTRL+X, then Device Troubleshooting, then pick the first option to calibrate. Use a stylus or pen for more precise calibration.
I wish they would order the icons more appropriately. Kind of tired of flipping through four pages to get to myFA, especially when the idiot that calibrated the screen mashed like screen like a wild animal and it takes forever to click on something.
If you are a Flex Fulfillment TM, you can select that role when logging in to the PDA. You can do it if you're a BRTM too but then you'd have to scroll to get SUBT.
Hit CTRL+X, then Device Troubleshooting, then pick the first option to calibrate. Use a stylus or pen for more precise calibration.
There's a shortcut that lets you calibrate from anywhere.. Its either ctrl+esc or blue+esc, I forgot which it is since I rarely use a PDA now
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