Archived Performance Reviews

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Our VML is doing a TL self review.

I feel that's what I should be doing....... a TL self-review, just like before ! But that's NOT the review form that was emailed to me. I've partnered w/ my ETL and discussed my concern. More to come......
Yes..... no longer a "Team" Lead, but viewed as a Leader of a process, so to speak. We're still in a "specialty" role like a PMT. And I'm pretty sure PMTs have a review that's specific to their workcenter/duties.

Pmts are seniors except the LOD shifts. They even have a P card.

Vm is officially a team member even if your store "treats you" like a team lead
Is anyone doing their tm scores this week?
Clicked on the link... though about doing it... decided to go build furniture instead. Probably will wait until I’m told to do it.
Pmts are seniors except the LOD shifts. They even have a P card.

Vm is officially a team member even if your store "treats you" like a team lead
not all have P cards, especially new in role. Heck I had an etl that didn't get one for almost a year.
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