Archived Pfresh is killing me

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Aug 10, 2012
How Are backroom TL dealing with the new Pfresh. Bigger trucks, more Blackline, ridiculously massive pulls everyday, obnoxious amounts of cooler/freezer deliveries. All this and not much more hours to work with
What does your process look like? ON, 4am? Is the push getting done? If the push is getting done are you struggling to get the backstock done? My store gets pfresh M/W/F ranging from 700 on wednesday to 1000 pieces on Friday. Pfresh has to be either your top priority or second. If you let push/backstock sit in the freezers/coolers out of location its just going to snowball the problem to the point no one wants to go in there or when they do they can't move and just burn everything.
Our store gets pfresh on MWF, ive been backstocking the freezer for the past 3 years pfresh day or not, so i earned the respect and somewhat have a voice. We usually schedule a 4-5 TMs, to push, give two full 8's and then, i usually come in to backstock. My advice would be, focus on the freezer first, push it first, and after all pallets are done backstock it first while you still have some TMs available.
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