Archived Pikachu Funko DPCI

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Does target have an official stance on Collectibles? I personally have made a big stink to make it one item per guest.

We have it coinsist with the company reseller policy.
That’s why on the signs they state:

limit 1 Exclusive/Chase per guest
( example a Exclusive has a chase variant as well they can only choose 1 or the other no both)
they get get stocked overnight
Specific “Named” ones won’t be pulled if asked
No holds

I would post the sign to help others but that wouldn’t be good for me or the stores that use those best to do is work with the ETL SF on a sign stating above things or more depending on how each store goes. The last I checked we have 12+ signs for collectibles between Funko & toys
323 has no fill group. The back wall of entertainment where they reside is part of the toys adjacency. Shrug.

We’ve always had Funko Dept 323 with the Electronics lock up if it’s the Dept 087 Funko then that does go to toys. We never have to worry about keeping any exclusives in the backroom because they sell quick at our store or unless they are street dated. For the street dated product it’s kept in Electronics Lockup since they will get rung up back in the Dept. The common pops when we get sent to many (Snoke) we do have a section for the Funko Dept 323 line
We have it coinsist with the company reseller policy.
That’s why on the signs they state:

limit 1 Exclusive/Chase per guest
( example a Exclusive has a chase variant as well they can only choose 1 or the other no both)
they get get stocked overnight
Specific “Named” ones won’t be pulled if asked
No holds

I would post the sign to help others but that wouldn’t be good for me or the stores that use those best to do is work with the ETL SF on a sign stating above things or more depending on how each store goes. The last I checked we have 12+ signs for collectibles between Funko & toys

I need, this sign. Is it just something printed from workbench?
Sold out on the same day yet our system says "0 on floor, 0 in back, (2 on hand)" I'm loosing my mind with all the phone calls and complaints.
Sold out on the same day yet our system says "0 on floor, 0 in back, (2 on hand)" I'm loosing my mind with all the phone calls and complaints.
Practice the following statement.
"I'm sorry, we're out of stock. I don't know when we will be getting more in as we never know what will come in on the nightly truck until after it arrives. These things sold out in minutes following opening, so I recommend that you be at the door before opening instead of calling tomorrow, especially since we can't hold high demand items, which this is. Have a good day."

The answers aren't what people like, but they are answers to just about all the questions they have so the conversation stays short.
We’ve always had Funko Dept 323 with the Electronics lock up if it’s the Dept 087 Funko then that does go to toys. We never have to worry about keeping any exclusives in the backroom because they sell quick at our store or unless they are street dated. For the street dated product it’s kept in Electronics Lockup since they will get rung up back in the Dept. The common pops when we get sent to many (Snoke) we do have a section for the Funko Dept 323 line
My point was I see how people on the line can mix it up. Especially since we are push all, they don't scan anything anymore, the box came in with a transition location on it from the pre tie therefore it got put with the transition toys. There's one person I know that if they were on the line, he would have caught it but since we moved to slow metered unload he doesn't work the truck anymore.
I need, this sign. Is it just something printed from workbench?

There’s so sign on workbench for this I typed and print it on 7x11 paper so it fits within sign holders I even added pictures to make it clearer for the guests as well
My point was I see how people on the line can mix it up. Especially since we are push all, they don't scan anything anymore, the box came in with a transition location on it from the pre tie therefore it got put with the transition toys. There's one person I know that if they were on the line, he would have caught it but since we moved to slow metered unload he doesn't work the truck anymore.

That I understand and I communicated to backroom just in case I am off so they know as well
The pops have the same size box for standard pops, you should know it by now. Also most toys boxes all seem to have black and purple bars, it should be VERY easy to look at the plain brown boxes and find the pops. Also being pikachu, didnt it come marked as zone 9?
The transition pallets are shrink wrapped. Not wasting my time looking either.
The majority of Funko is Dept 323 so it’s a Electronics item no matter where located so it’s always sent to Electronics no matter what the label says

We had 12 at open and 7 guests waiting in line at open by 9am we sold all 12 to 12 different guests. The guests at open even enjoyed us playing the Pokémon theme song at open back in Electronics. We constantly were asked if the guest could buy another or put on hold for a friend of theirs that’s on their way and we had to keep referring to our sign stating our rules on all Collectibles
It came in pretied to a toy aisle and is put with toy transition. All the line looks for is the aisle number on the pick label.
There’s so sign on workbench for this I typed and print it on 7x11 paper so it fits within sign holders I even added pictures to make it clearer for the guests as well

Ok so its simply your written interpretation of your stores policy. I find that if its not an official target signage, our HR don't want it. 🙁
Ok so its simply your written interpretation of your stores policy. I find that if its not an official target signage, our HR don't want it. 🙁

The whole store leadership including our DTL is behind it for the 3+ years we’ve had the signs and it stays enforced no matter how bad a guest may complain tho since then we have had very little issues with collectible items including in toys.
At least it seems like there’s gonna be a decent resupply. My store has 20+ coming in this upcoming week.

On a side note, I think the 10” Dino Ultrazord is going to be worse since it’s going to be more limited.
Figured I better take a picture cause it won’t look the same tomorrow.

I don’t like how they have it this time around it’s going to be a wreck in no time esp with no shippers and many tags of discounted pops of slim chance of a restock. When there’s time that part of the wall will get the logical reset as many tms at my store call it lol

But I am def shocked we don’t have that many compared to your store. The sales of those in our store are really good to where it’s a even flow we normally get l. we have enough just to fill 7 shippers and about a dozen Snokes for back stock lol.

We’ve gotten 24 Pikachu’s so far and another 12 OTW. Our 2nd batch less then a hour to sell out. I was also surprised since I was there for both launches no one from the first batch tried to come in and grab another one lol.
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