What is this price accuracy pilot? I am also ULV and now I'm afraid.
The Price Accuracy Pilot just forces the pricing team to work between the hours of 11-730. Push all clearance from backroom, mark clearance from backroom on the floor visible to guests.. etc.
The Price Accuracy Pilot ends this Friday
... can I say, HELL YES.. I hope the idea gets crammed into a compactor and set ablaze.
Idk, I feel if for in store music, they would play satellite radio of the 90's, 2000's it would be fine. But when it's on a constant loop of the same songs and never gets changed... NO THANKS.. I feel like they would never do satellite though because after every song they would probably, no definitely, run a sales commercial for the red card..
What worked/didn't work? What sucked about it??? We are a super low volume so I wouldn't be surprised if we had to do this.
The worst part was pretty much not being able to do my job.. I felt like I was more in people's way trying to do my process then I was helping out.. It's very difficult to pull apart racks of clearance being heavily shopped for BTS and organize everything without pissing off a guest because it's not shoppable. Or the 15 racks in RTW.. the one I was marking down had to be the one a woman wanted to look at.. seriously, wait 15 minutes.. I will have everything marked for you.. jeez
Moving boxes from a pallet, to a tub.. pushing it to the floor, breaking down all the boxes and marking it on the floor was just a pain in the butt. It was counter-productive.. and since my TL never works with us, I just DIDNT, and said we did. So if anyone asked her she could say we were doing it (she hated the idea too).
Also, since we were working so late in the afternoon, we didn't realize we weren't going to finish until like 430 when we were going to lunch.. at that time, everyone else had already left.. so we couldn't get team members from other workcenters to stay and help and I always had to stay late, cut other days.. and basically mentally exhaust myself because I was working a completely different shift from my TL so i never got to speak with her about anything..
Our ETLS singled us out constantly for fast service. Never once called instocks, flow, or pog.. only pricing and sales floor.
What DID work was I started pushing clearance. So i knew where I was putting everything. I could flex and do whatever I wanted to and the clearance endcaps stayed brand for most of the week. I didn't have to run around and ask 5 different people to find out they flexed Busch's baked beans down underneath vitamin water..
And we were told we couldn't take break together. We still did though. We just made sure we didn't take it with a bunch of other team members..
And nobody on my team could work the whole shift so my hours got boosted because I have open availability lol. We didn't have to sit through pointless huddles either.
I made a thread. Down near the end i posted after a couple stressful days. Lol
For the most part it was bearable.. but I hated it.
Any questions I'm free to answer. My DTL said she hated the idea too but couldn't change it at her level. Apparently orders came from higher up and it wasn't a district thing.. even though I've yet to hear of another store part of it..