Archived Planogram and Revisions

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Do what you can do, and don't kill yourself over what you can't.
you've said it!
Today we were supposed to finish last weeks work.. they were going to give me two extra people to help ... one of them called off.. the other did salesplanners instead.. we also pushed the truck from 7 - 9 then we pushed softlines reshop till almost 10.. needless to say nope.. didnt get anything done lol. but i dont worry about it. I work and give me 100% and thats all I ask of my team.. no matter what they have us do.. my score is red.. too bad maybe they will see things need to change.. maybe they wont care lol
My TL constantly says that we need to "step on it" and "put the pedal to the metal", but I'm not sure if we're ACTUALLY behind or if we're on time because we're constantly "stepping on it". I do know that we didn't set NR books until Thursday this week, for some reason.
lol it feels like theres a LOT of stores in the same position. we left behind books, the browser, stationary pogs and 60 rev's tis week
Had to train two new people this week and it was a lot more difficult than it should've been. Some of the revisions were so messed up I didn't feel comfortable handing off to a new person.
The revisions are nightmares anymore. So much wasted time. And this coming week ... 136 revisions. I wonder what horrors are contained within?
I feel your pain, and hope you get relief.
No one in management at the store level cares. When I try to explain it to them, I get blank stares. I care less and less everyday.
My store is behind 35 hours. Last week we were only 66%. It was due to being behind the two weeks prior to that and playing catch up. We were green this week because we didn't go back and do last weeks work. I leave there so upset every day but there is nothing I can do at this point. They added a 30 hr baby transition to POG a few weeks ago when it was on the sales floor part of the adjacency calendar. We didn't notice it until it was too late to add payroll so guess who got stuck with doing it with no added hours? Yeah we did. That put us in the weeds. Not to mention screwed up revisions, pointless revisions, missing label strips, schematics that scan to one location but the strip says something completely different, wrong footage for new POGs, not getting the fixtures or signing on time and having to go back when it finally decides to show up, not being able to print labels for the girls and boys sock wall for 3 days until they fixed the issue, ect. 😡

I know my team is doing all they can and I feel so bad because they really are trying hard but Target is making our jobs impossible.
I feel your pain. I still have 10-ish hours of revisions from last week, this week's insane workload (and the revisions), and need to start Trim a Tree Saturday overnight. Not sure how we'll get it all done.
we are still pretty behind from last week.. we dont start xmas until sunday night they are only giving us 3 nights to get it 100% lol
My etl and stl are very supportive, but I own the entire TwT and we're in great shape. we have the common issues of missing some signing and fixturing here and there, but we've set several aisles of xmas already and are in a position to get slightly ahead on next weeks salesplans as well.
My etl and stl are very supportive, but I own the entire TwT and we're in great shape. we have the common issues of missing some signing and fixturing here and there, but we've set several aisles of xmas already and are in a position to get slightly ahead on next weeks salesplans as well.

WOW. Where did all of your Halloween merchandise go?
My etl and stl are very supportive, but I own the entire TwT and we're in great shape. we have the common issues of missing some signing and fixturing here and there, but we've set several aisles of xmas already and are in a position to get slightly ahead on next weeks salesplans as well.

WOW. Where did all of your Halloween merchandise go?

Sold it haha
We actually condensed everything we had left in seasonal to the flat and two aisles facing the flat today. We also moved all of the Halloween merch around the store to the aisle in g block that faces the flat (it's the last aisle of g block which faces the seasonal flat that is in f block). We'll be condensing daily, so I'm sure my Sunday morning will consist of setting Christmas!!!!
Speaking of planograms and revisions...

I really hope my store, in the upcoming Covergirl revision, starts selling the Covergirl Queen Collection. Someone needs to tell whoever decides what store sells what that black people shop at my store and we could definitely use a line of make-up for darker skinned women.
Then you ask a bunch of people to come in to fill back after those 4 set the pogs. Have the flow team work 8 hour days on non truck days to pull and fill. Have Instocks pull and backstock. Have salesfloor people scheduled the night before to dump Halloween out of rear seasonal and move it to mini, so it's empty when Plano arrives.

There are many ways to schedule and use those Plano hours.
We took down the tables two weeks ago and moved all product onto gondolas. We moved all domestics, pets, and softlines Halloween to rear seasonal a week ago. We emptied and changed out two of the short gondolas to what they need to be for the Christmas set, on Monday this week. Coming soon signs are on those. Our costume valleys have just 3 peghooks of costumes per 4 foot section. And several of the back endcaps just have dollar buckets on them. We have had all halloween out of the stockroom for a month.

We had a lot more leftover last year.
I know my store will be pushing clearance candy straight out of the backroom on Saturday morning.
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