Playing Music In Target?

Would You Want Music Playing In Target?

  • Yaaaaaaaaas

    Votes: 197 59.3%
  • Heck no

    Votes: 135 40.7%

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Does anyone know the song that ends with a refrain of "never lie"? It was playing in a block with M83 and was a similar electronic genre...male vocals, not really a slow song. I love it, but totally stumped on what it was!
Wait a minute, in that “Doing What She Likes” song, are one of the lyrics “lighting watermelon candles upstairs”? What an awful line.
Wait a minute, in that “Doing What She Likes” song, are one of the lyrics “lighting watermelon candles upstairs”? What an awful line.

She likes it when I call in sick to work
Spend the whole day hanging with her
I might get fired but that's alright
I'm doin' what she likes
She likes it when I bring home fresh fajitas
And mix up a pitcher of margaritas
Catch a kind of buzz that lasts all night
Doin' what she likes
She likes hearin' how good she looks in them blue jeans
Little kisses, sweeter than sweet tea
Things I whispered in her ear, oh my
I like doin' what she likes
Like running my fingers through her long hair
Lightin' watermelon candles upstairs
Lettin' them burn and holdin' her all night
I like doin' what she likes
She likes it when I get past second gear
Sees gravel flying in the rear view mirror
Sometimes I'm pushing 95
Doin' what she likes

I'd say that's not the only awful line.
Ours was turned on last night during remodel. An immediate blitz of itz-itz-itz. I swear I felt like I was stuck in Planet Fitness. Later on it went to pop (mostly) crap. Please tell me Taylor Swift isn't on constant replay. I may need to dig my ears out with a rusty spoon because it is definitely not background music in softlines in my store.
Ours was turned on last night during remodel. An immediate blitz of itz-itz-itz. I swear I felt like I was stuck in Planet Fitness. Later on it went to pop (mostly) crap. Please tell me Taylor Swift isn't on constant replay. I may need to dig my ears out with a rusty spoon because it is definitely not background music in softlines in my store.
Taylor Swift’s 2 latest singles are in rotation, and I imagine more will be added when her new album is released. Sorry 😕
Last night one of my coworker and I were trying to figure out the lyrics of one of the songs and we swear it's talking about bologna. I think the line is something more like "below me", but we can't get bologna out of our heads now. *Snirk*
"You're gonna love me" (aka: Song of a crazed stalker) is making my ears bleed.

Yeah, I heard that one and all I can think of is how I can't even listen to The Human League's song, "Don't You Want Me" for the same reason. This music sucks big, fat, hairy donkey balls.
Some song that goes "say your prayers say you're sorry" and I can't find the damn thing
this fucking song played today and I always only ever hear the end of it when it plays those lyrics and I can't find it

drives me insane
I had it play again today.

Some cunt of a vendor chose that time to start blabbing her mouth about the fucking Bella storage bins

Eat my shit lady
Least I got new lyrics

"follow me into your arms don't turn away"

Nothing turning up


Big Wild - City of Sound


We don’t have overnight anymore but before the store opens some of our team members do play their music on their own speaker it gets too loud I some times feel like I was still in a disco dancing until the sunrise lol but you can still have your earphones on but just one side because your Tls would call out over the walkie talkie or in case of emergency you can still hear them never put on both of your ears with max volume.
Taylor Swift- Delicate

They’ve really ramped up her music the past couple weeks. I actually don’t hate her music, but that Me song has some cringey lyrics.
"The times we've spent together will always be a part of their own story." or the like is a lyric to a song that plays at my store.
I am tired of hearing this song on my store’s radio. I didn’t even know who sang this is until I googled the lyrics that got stuck in my head. I haven’t paid attention to Lady Gaga in years. Every time I hear her sing “I’m going to heal you anyway,” all I can think is, What if I don’t want you to heal me? Doesn’t consent matter here? LOL
I crack up about all the songs about sexy bodies I hear in the store, whether it’s the guy who says he’s “in love with the shape of you” or that country singer who says he totally lost it at the sight of her in a miniskirt. I suppose that’s way better than songs about being in love with someone crazy and chaotic, which I’m sure I also heard on the clock.
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For those of you with Apple Music, this is a pretty good playlist of most of the music they play. I’m sure there’s an unofficial Spotify playlist too, but I don’t use Spotify

OMG it's taken me forever to find one of them EDM songs. I heard it one day and was like.... 'wait... what is this? I like it!' and was searching for months with no luck. Raf Rundell 'Falling Out'. Bless the one who compiled this list.

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