Archived Poor ETL training

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Sep 22, 2014
Hi! I'm an ETL in training and new to Target! I'm nearing the end of Business College (training) and my training ETL and STL are considering extending my training before giving me the go to my home store, because they think I'm not ready.

The problem is that my trainer is terrible at training and is a also a District Trainer. She often forgets that I need to be helped and gets annoyed whenever I call on her for something or ask her a question. She always has something else more urgent to do. I often have to find out things alone a lot or rely on team members to explain things. I make the mistakes and then she gives negative "feedback" on things which I should have been taught at the beginning by her. I learn more from the ETLs who aren't my trainers.

I've talked to her and to the STL . He sides with her and doesn't help much. I want to talk with the DTL, but I can't think of a way of telling the truth without throwing people under the bus. I want to be successful and impress the DTL who hired me, but I hope that she (my trainer) is not setting me up for failure by being lazy. What should I do?
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With the direction Target culture seems to be going, I wouldn't take it to the DTL level unless you are confident the DTL and STL aren't buddies. Going above the STL might land you eating at the chess club table while the other executives are at the jock/cheer leader table planning on how to wreck your short career with Target.

The hard truth is that training is your responsibility. Not even the best trainer will give a single fuck if you succeed at your home store. Well maybe a few will care. From the beginning you need to ask questions to whoever you think is willing to share and that person may not be your trainer.

Read all Best Practices and use workbench as a resource. Take your trainer aside and tell her what you need from her. Let her know the best way for you to learn. If this doesn't work. Do your best until you leave your store. They're probably hanging on to you for 4th quarter as free labor.

Not much is expected from you in the first year. There is a lot of pressure but little expectations from new ETLs. It takes a while to adjust and find your groove. And your new store will teach you everything you need to know because you messing up means more work for them.

Stay strong, you'll make it. Ask questions here. Plenty of ETLs here willing to help out.
Haha @Hardlinesmaster too late! I've read that already and took a chance.

@Mhugh220 Your advice really helps and gives me a piece of mind! This site has already been a huge resource and will ask questions in the future!
Besides LOD roles? No! All I got was a small list of hardlines roles with no timelines or days. My Business College is set to end this Friday and I'm trying to get them from a ETL on this site.
At this point, I would extend my "training" until January 1 - going into a Salesfloor/GE position is not going to be good for you or the store you're going to if you feel your not ready - you'll burn out, get frustrated, and feel overwhelmed - the next 8 weeks are crazy. In my brief stay at Spot (13 months, ETL Log), I found that the training is sub par (at best) for most positions in the store - you're probably getting the same training everyone else is, but you're asking questions. Have you spoken to anyone else in your business college to see how they are doing? My BC was extended two weeks because I was bounced to three different stores - so it's possible. You don't necessarily have to "throw anyone under the bus", but just say that you don't feel you're ready. Have a plan prepared to show them how much additional time you would like and what you feel you need to know. Is there someone in the position you're moving into? Can you shadow them or maybe shadow at another store to get a different perspective.
@BullsEyeETL - PM me if you'd like any more advice...
Spot can be very underhanded , so I wouldn't go to the DTL unless it was a last resort. Don't be afraid to ask team members if you have questions etc.( we can be a great source of knowledge) However, if its etl related traning...then I would suggest asking some of the other etls in the building . DONT throw your trainer under the bus ie saying well she wont help me can you etc...just say my trainer is busy may I ask you a question. Lastly, the fact that you took the time to post this shows you care about what kind of job you do...don't let Spot chew you up and spit you out.
Thanks for the advice everyone, and I'm reading all of these and taking notes! I love Target and just want to be successful at what I do!
What? Never in my life have I heard of poor (insert title of store position here) training at Target. Everyone knows target employees are some of the best and most knowledgeable in the industry. Why would the second largest retail chain in the world not implement exceptional training programs for it's employees?
Training varies store to store. It's mostly based on the trainer, not the company program itself. The person training can be lazy.
What? Never in my life have I heard of poor (insert title of store position here) training at Target. Everyone knows target employees are some of the best and most knowledgeable in the industry. Why would the second largest retail chain in the world not implement exceptional training programs for it's employees?
Excellent use of the sarcasm font!
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