Archived Porn leads to SLO Target Evacuation

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And by the same token, our STL stops the reminders (when the projected daily sales aren't being met) in the hopes that guests will stay longer and buy stuff.
And by the same token, our STL stops the reminders (when the projected daily sales aren't being met) in the hopes that guests will stay longer and buy stuff.
Then I bet he complains about payroll when they don't buy much.
The disabling of the overhead system is really annoying. Last night, we had a whole slew of guests come up to the registers right at 11 because that's when the lights turned off. I clocked out nearly 15 minutes after 11 because of this. Spot knows that the cattle need to be herded with the 15-, 10- and 5-minute reminders!
Actually, we still tend to have guests checking out past eleven even with the closing announcements. The only real difference right now is that we are walking our zones before the store closes and telling the guests in person instead of over the loudspeaker.
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Anyone know if/when we get the intercom back? I have guests screaming at me because I can't page their loved ones, and it's a pain to get people out at night with no closing announcements. Getting sick of it quickly.
Anyone know if/when we get the intercom back? I have guests screaming at me because I can't page their loved ones, and it's a pain to get people out at night with no closing announcements. Getting sick of it quickly.

Don't you guys have a microphone? We have one in our TL office.
I find it disturbing how Corp can just disable features in stores like that with ease
I find it disturbing how Corp can just disable features in stores like that with ease
How so Employee 626? Target only wishes to reward your compliance.

I mean it's not like Spot doesn't already do that with each new MyDevice update anyways.
Anyone know if/when we get the intercom back? I have guests screaming at me because I can't page their loved ones, and it's a pain to get people out at night with no closing announcements. Getting sick of it quickly.

You aren't supposed to page for loved ones, anyway. We would if it was a small child who knew their parent's name...but that was pretty rare.

We explain it's a privacy and noise issue, and then they simmer the hell down most of the time.
You aren't supposed to page for loved ones, anyway. We would if it was a small child who knew their parent's name...but that was pretty rare.

We explain it's a privacy and noise issue, and then they simmer the hell down most of the time.

But it's not a privacy or noise issue to have the GSTL's screaming over the walkies about redcards every 3 minutes???

And it's not a privacy or noise issue for us to butt into a guest's business to tell them about Cartwheel, Target Mobile Coupons, Redcards, Target Subscriptions, Pharmacy Rewards, etc????

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