Archived Powertrips and cut hours merry christmas to us :/

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You can also blame the people that call out.... during our ETL meeting before Q4 we specifically said we were hiring even more people in order to compensate for the call outs and horrible availability. If people don't want to come in for their shifts, why give them the hours when they are just going to call out and hurt the team? That being said, it actually worked out and we have been comping up in sales. Most people that want 40 hours get it thanks to the added hours from additional sales.

If you are open availability, there should be no reason why you aren't getting 32+ hours.

Edit: Unless your store is horrible with scheduling and is comping down in sales.
I'm still not sure if they are considering me seasonal or not. It's a second job but i'm finally getting what I requested when I was hired...not more (super overwhelming) and not way less (very disappointing). I'm hoping it's a good sign.

Question...does a human do the scheduling or is it computer based?
I imagine a program dictates the hours but a human puts the bodies in the hours.
Yeah I found out my old STL misappropriated funds from our 549 budget. Nothing fraudulent but she spent it on things other than food or would buy food for the ETLs a little more than I'm used to.

Our new stl is letting us use it to feed the team. We have some good food days on our December calendar. Some tms are annoying and complain no matter what we get

I think our ETLs believe that money is only for them. The team got food on black friday and.... maybe some stuff that's getting salvaged/damaged out every once in awhile.

Plus the PB&J. I wonder what Target will do if someone with a severe peanut butter allergy walks into a breakroom.
District leadership is different everywhere I suppose. What our store did is overschedule for call outs then lods are told not to replace any callouts.

This helped our regular tms get 40 so when a seasonal calls out or job abandons life goes on.

We have officially lost 11 of our seasonals out of about 58 hires so far.
During this week I'm going to hit 75 hours at least, bridging 80 if they let me stay longer tomorrow. Food on black Friday was alright but the food they provided on Monday was even better. I think our HR maxed out the budget they got for food so bless them.

The system for overtime at our store is unlimited this week for those who ask, first come first serve until the hours they can schedule are gone. Same for the two week out, and it's mostly permanent TM's telling other permanent TM's that more hours are available, so the seasonals generally get what they were scheduled unless they're seasonal flex.

We've termed 8 people recently too, some I know the reasons of some I don't.

tl;dr My store seems pretty neat
Plus the PB&J. I wonder what Target will do if someone with a severe peanut butter allergy walks into a breakroom.

They do this all the time at my (former) store. My kids, who still work there, have severe (i.e. Epi-Pen carrying) allergies. Pretty sure nobody cares. The HR-ETL isn't that smart honestly. She looks lost most of the time. The HR TM who did everything, switched work centers. The remaining HR TM's are 17 and 20 years old. 🙄 One is still on probation, yet she leads orientation.
They do this all the time at my (former) store. My kids, who still work there, have severe (i.e. Epi-Pen carrying) allergies. Pretty sure nobody cares. The HR-ETL isn't that smart honestly. She looks lost most of the time. The HR TM who did everything, switched work centers. The remaining HR TM's are 17 and 20 years old. 🙄 One is still on probation, yet she leads orientation.

I haven't seen a smart HR-ETL in... man, years now. Several have come and gone and they've all been recent college grads that are completely clueless.
DTL said to use OT. We had food of various kinds at all times from Wednesday at 10am to Sunday close. There is no reason for a store to not provide food for its teams.
Except when the spot p-cards were decline due to a spot issue with the bank.
He us completely right, the AP TMS payroll is district the store can't touch you, is there a fair number of you guys at your store? There is 5 of us total including etl
I always knew it wasn't store payroll. Guess my leadership is just trash!

2 TPS's and 1 APTL at my store.
My store ordered shitty Spanish food on Thanksgiving and then left it sitting out in trays overnight with nothing keeping it warm or safe from bacteria growing for people to keep going for on Friday. They haven't fed us anything since and are probably using all that money on themselves tbh
We'e probably in the same store, and yes it was very shitty.
We had Panda Express on Thanksgiving (*barf*), Round table delivered every 5 hours Friday, I brought my own food Saturday. Tuesday, the next day I worked, we had Panera cater pre made sandwiches, with enough pickles to stink up the entire store.
So we had food provided, but it was nothing like we had in years past. But I will admit, I know that at least one of the restaurants that we had cater last year doesn't exist anymore.
My store ordered shitty Spanish food on Thanksgiving and then left it sitting out in trays overnight with nothing keeping it warm or safe from bacteria growing for people to keep going for on Friday. They haven't fed us anything since and are probably using all that money on themselves tbh

My store had great food. But here’s the thing. On Friday we had deli catering and had several boxes that were leftover in the fridge the entire time since it was catered. On Sunday there was pizza and left it sit out. Well some bonehead decided to throw out all the catering sandwiches from the fridge on Monday which could have been used for another day but leaves the pizzas that had been sitting out all night on the counter.
I remember last year we had panera, subway, and Qdoba in three days so much food! I HATE when they let stuff sit out and rot my old stl wouldnt let anyone leave unless we cleaned out the breakroom and took stuff home he refused to waste it lol. I miss him 🙁
We had Mexican thurs/ Fri, no idea Saturday, cereal Sunday. Plus they bought a fuck ton of shitty deli meat/ cheese and wet sandwich rolls and soda. But no condiments. Or chips. Or water/ gatorade. It was prety shitty, especially after I saw the budget for December.
Cheap-ass Cici's, two nights in a row.

Gawd it tastes like crap, even free.
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