I do have a couple boxes marked "Chrome Fixtures", "Black Fixtures", "TV Parts" etc. I put all the odds and ends in those. On the ones I do have stickers or photos from TIPP I can copy and paste into wordpad, I'm slowly enlarging, and laminating them.
My fixture room has evolved over the years..I tossed out the original designs and moved things around to fit my stores needs. For example, the peghooks were planogrammed to be at the back of the fixture room. They are now in front, and cosmetic fixtures are in the back. NO waco boxes, I have everything in grey bins or the white plastic cooler bins. I'm sure this is a no brainer for the old timers, but my advice to anyone who is starting off trying to organized your fixture room is don't be afraid to move/add/delete speed shelving around to fit your needs. Keep like with like. Pegs in one section, softlines fixture in another, dividers in yet another, etc. Gotta put yourself in a new tm position of not knowing where things are and try and make it as easy as possible for them.
Think about it. None of the big wigs walk by a planogram or signing that was set flawlessly and make a big deal of it, but a clean fixture room? That gets noticed big time...