Archived Presentation Advice needed!

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lol i told him there is no way im coming in on sat to get it finished. if he wants it done then he can do it himself.. this is the guy that thought th rev on the side of the label strip meant it was a revision no reverse.
A few years ago when they wanted fixtures to be located they sent pictures that went onto the outside of the bins to show what was in them. If you don't have the pictures print out a sign that details what's in the bin (i.e. 9" peghooks, 9" heavy duty, etc.) We also include part numbers in case we need to order more.

I have the part numbers for the gray bins, the photo stickers, and the yellow labels. I will find these for you. My store still uses these. However, nobody actually follows it. *sigh*:angry:

Too true. It's easier for them to dump and run. Harder for the Fixture Room Captain to go through every bin and fish out 'strays' and 'go backs' rather than to sort from abandoned carts left in the room. At least imho.

Beware on the grey bins. Do not ever give yours away to another team because you want to order new ones. The new grey bins not only cost more, they are made of a thinner plastic (darker color too.) Be careful when trying to lift them if they are full of metal parts.
If you give your signing person the adjacency hours they are alloted every week, theres no reason they can't keep the fixture room clean, IF your team is also held responsible for not leaving until they put away every fixture.

I manage even with the hours cut, but then I'm real scary when I come into any disarray.:hysteric:
I hate to say this....but some of the biggest culprits during 'special' times (major resets/MPG) are ETLs. You can only do this :dance::dance2: around a room full of carts, partial boxes, trash, fixtures, signs, merchandise trying to put some of it away so that you can get enough room to sashay further inside to put more of it away....
I do have a couple boxes marked "Chrome Fixtures", "Black Fixtures", "TV Parts" etc. I put all the odds and ends in those. On the ones I do have stickers or photos from TIPP I can copy and paste into wordpad, I'm slowly enlarging, and laminating them.

My fixture room has evolved over the years..I tossed out the original designs and moved things around to fit my stores needs. For example, the peghooks were planogrammed to be at the back of the fixture room. They are now in front, and cosmetic fixtures are in the back. NO waco boxes, I have everything in grey bins or the white plastic cooler bins. I'm sure this is a no brainer for the old timers, but my advice to anyone who is starting off trying to organized your fixture room is don't be afraid to move/add/delete speed shelving around to fit your needs. Keep like with like. Pegs in one section, softlines fixture in another, dividers in yet another, etc. Gotta put yourself in a new tm position of not knowing where things are and try and make it as easy as possible for them.

Think about it. None of the big wigs walk by a planogram or signing that was set flawlessly and make a big deal of it, but a clean fixture room? That gets noticed big time...
I do have a couple boxes marked "Chrome Fixtures", "Black Fixtures", "TV Parts" etc. I put all the odds and ends in those. On the ones I do have stickers or photos from TIPP I can copy and paste into wordpad, I'm slowly enlarging, and laminating them.

My fixture room has evolved over the years..I tossed out the original designs and moved things around to fit my stores needs. For example, the peghooks were planogrammed to be at the back of the fixture room. They are now in front, and cosmetic fixtures are in the back. NO waco boxes, I have everything in grey bins or the white plastic cooler bins. I'm sure this is a no brainer for the old timers, but my advice to anyone who is starting off trying to organized your fixture room is don't be afraid to move/add/delete speed shelving around to fit your needs. Keep like with like. Pegs in one section, softlines fixture in another, dividers in yet another, etc. Gotta put yourself in a new tm position of not knowing where things are and try and make it as easy as possible for them.

Think about it. None of the big wigs walk by a planogram or signing that was set flawlessly and make a big deal of it, but a clean fixture room? That gets noticed big time...

All excellent. Treat your room like part of the salesfloor. Utilize whatever you can get your hands on that is easily replaceable such as stockroom labels to mark shelves, the label pocket holders that you can get for the grey bins (should come up with the same search), mark every oddball fixture that comes in without a tag while you still have the info on the box (hopefully before someone else gets hold of it and throws all the info away.) Sharpie markers are your friend! Just make sure you mark the things in areas that they won't show when on the floor.
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