Archived price challeges

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Oct 20, 2015
soo.. im a new cashier and im a little confused as to what I should do when an item I ring up's price is questioned by a guest... for example something rings up as 15 and the guest says "I thought that was 10" something like that... do I change it and put the reason as guest price challenge? it happened once today and that's what I did because the store was busy and I didn't have time to flash my light and wait 10 minutes for the GTSL to show up (he was really busy and I had a long line) so I just said okay and changed the price for her.... is this ok? obviously if its a drastic change the guest is suggesting and like it doesn't see m right id call someone higher but like for things like that? will I get in trouble in any way??
That is exactly what I would want you to do as a GSA, as long as it is reasonable. If it makes you too uncomfortable, then flag down the GSA. But for $5, that is completely fine. Now, if it was a TV that was ringing at $700 and they said that it was $500, then by all means, ask the GSA please!
Just be careful.
Scammers always get in line where there's a new cashier because they know the newb is usually unsure & easily led.
Talk to your GSTL/GSA to see what their guidelines are.
And beware the guests with fistfuls of COUPONS.
One thing is to hit the 'price inquiry' button on your register & scan the item.
It tells you today's price & what the lowest sale price was (within the last 90 days).
If that lower price is what your guest said, it's likely an old ad sign so you could change it easily.
I would talk with your GSA or GSTL next time you have a shift. See how things are handled at your store.
This! Each store is different and everyone here gave you good advice, but follow your store's practice. If it sounds fishy to you or too good to be true, just flag your GSA/GSTL, that's why they are there... well to help you and a 1000 other items on their list.
Rule in my store is if the item in question is less than 100 and the price difference is less than 30 just do it. We even had s former STL say that if a guest said the item was half off just to change it. I bought a nice 800 Samsung for 400 sadly that STL is no longer with us I wonder why lol!! But if your ever in doubt just ask your gsa.
I know, but I'd check it first before blindly accepting everything a guest tells me.

Talk to the GSTL and find what they are comfy with and follow that, if not flip a blinker on. It is one of those things that takes time to get a feel for. You are doing fine.
I usually just change it, depending on the amount. I always tell the cashiers I train "if you ever feel uncomfortable about a situation or it just seems suspicious flip your light to get a GSA or GSTL over"
What I cant believe is our idiot STL said to change any price, does not matter how big a difference it is 1 dollar or a 500 dollar difference.
Just change it. I used to worry about the loss of money, but not anymore. I only back up cashier though. You've got a handful of coupons, I'll scan them all. Not the right price, I'll change it. Cause I've got no time to try to sort it out when the STL is telling us to do whatever it takes to make the guest happy.
Just change it. I used to worry about the loss of money, but not anymore. I only back up cashier though. You've got a handful of coupons, I'll scan them all. Not the right price, I'll change it. Cause I've got no time to try to sort it out when the STL is telling us to do whatever it takes to make the guest happy.
I am the same way. I know many cashiers who wont change anything without making it a federal investigation even after the STL said "do what it takes to make the guest happy!" I figure they will call me into the office if they have a problem with what I am doing! I have found items were not in the right place and the cashiers wont change it even after I explain the situation to them! it is VERY frustrating when people are not on the same page.
You did exactly the right thing.
That is exactly what I would want you to do as a GSA, as long as it is reasonable. If it makes you too uncomfortable, then flag down the GSA. But for $5, that is completely fine. Now, if it was a TV that was ringing at $700 and they said that it was $500, then by all means, ask the GSA please!
2 best answers.
I don't mind changing the price when the guest is nice about it. But once you start getting a funky ass attitude with me, that's when I'm not going to make life easy for you.
People who gave me attitude over that stuff I always called the GSA or GSTL over... I know they would just have me change it but making the guest have to wait a little longer was the best feeling ever. A little childish I know but still I loved it.
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