Pride merch

When corporations have figured out they can make money off your people they will.
But if they face the slightest bit of backlash they will turn and run.
Because they care only about money not the movement.
They aren't advertising the movement, they are trying to make money.
Lmao. Not gonna lie this reads like how far right extremeists say about not actually liking Hitler for the bad parts, they just admire and use his iconogrpahy as a symbol of European ("white") greatness, independence, etc. etc.

Suuuper cringey. I hope you dont think anyone actually takes you seriously. All I can think about is the South Park goth kids episode with the Vamp kids, and how they tried to be edgy but refused to actually do anything "bad".

Oh man I feel bad. Yeah we get it, its meant to piss off wacky hardcore christians. Congratulations, you pissed off the 60 year olds. To the rest of us. Yikes.
Anyone you have ever told about your "religion" was laughing at you in their head. Even if they pretended they were interested to your face. They turned around and made fun of you to the first person within earshot.

I just reread your post again and my coworker next to me asked what I was laughing so loud about. Whoops! I tried to get through the whole thing but after the part with the "I-theist" we both burst out laughing together.
He asked me "how bad do you have to be bullied in school to be atracted to a group like that"

Im not even trying to be overly mean here, just trying to save you from cringing at yourself in another 10 years when you look back and remember you made posts like this.
TF are you on about? I'm not a member of the Church of Satan or The Satanic Temple. I think all religion is stupid.

Satan isn't real. Hitler was. Great comparison.

The only people I cringe about is those who think they know everything and judge others for it when in reality they have no clue.
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As silly and edgy as some of the Satanists are there are others who seem to have taken the concept and run with it as a way of challenging some of the current issues we are facing.
Their recent win at a school where christian clubs were allowed after school so the school had to allow the Satanist club did a good job of pointing out the issue of schools being used for any religious group.
The lawsuit that is still working its way through the courts that anti-abortion laws break the Satanist's Freedom of Religion is another one.
Christians seem to think this country is only for them (unless they decide to lump us Jews in with them and no you don't fucking either).
They seem constantly surprised when the Constitution protects even their polar opposite.
The Satanic Temple is the one that's always in the headlines, recruiting anyone that wants. The Church of Satan is more laid back, do your own thing and only accepts adults. The 2 don't like each other apparently.
You really can't tell me that this doesn't just come down to one side viewing the other as inhuman. Homosexuality is objectively no different from heterosexuality and Target sells clothing that caters to both, with Pride being in the front of the store as a seasonal set, just like Black History Month.

No one screeches about Target indoctrinating children because they sell books that feature a *gasp* boy kissing a girl! If anyone is really that hurt by the way other people want to live, maybe society just isn't for them.

As an aside, The Satanic Temple is a wonderful organization. When laws are established that focus on or promote one religion in particular, excluding or censoring all others by design, it's The Satanic Temple that acts to ensure religious freedom by challenging those laws.
You really can't tell me that this doesn't just come down to one side viewing the other as inhuman. Homosexuality is objectively no different from heterosexuality and Target sells clothing that caters to both, with Pride being in the front of the store as a seasonal set, just like Black History Month.

No one screeches about Target indoctrinating children because they sell books that feature a *gasp* boy kissing a girl! If anyone is really that hurt by the way other people want to live, maybe society just isn't for them.

As an aside, The Satanic Temple is a wonderful organization. When laws are established that focus on or promote one religion in particular, excluding or censoring all others by design, it's The Satanic Temple that acts to ensure religious freedom by challenging those laws.
I think people's problem is that its right in your face when you walk in the building and in some cases its right next to or sharing a floor space with kids clothing. It may force parents to have a conversation with a child that they aren't ready to have.

Children know heterosexual couples because in order for them to be born, a heterosexual relationship had to take place(except in rare cases). They are familiar with their parents being affectionate with one another.

Like I've said before there has never been a "boycott" before because Target hasn't sold such "progressive" merchandise like they have this year. Maybe people were becoming more comfortable/accepting of "Pride" merchandise and lifestyle etc. Then Target took it a step further and people are uncomfortable again.

I'd be very interested to see the opposite sides reaction to Target selling conservative merchandise. MAGA hats and flags. Desantis shirts. I'm sure it would be a very similar response and handled in a similar way by Target.
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I think people's problem is that its right in your face when you walk in the building and in some cases its right next to or sharing a floor space with kids clothing. It may force parents to have a conversation with a child that they aren't ready to have.

Children know heterosexual couples because in order for them to be born, a heterosexual relationship had to take place(except in rare cases). They are familiar with their parents being affectionate with one another.

Like I've said before there has never been a "boycott" before because Target hasn't sold such "progressive" merchandise like they have this year. Maybe people were becoming more comfortable/accepting of "Pride" merchandise and lifestyle etc. Then Target took it a step further and people are uncomfortable again.
Do parents stop to explain to their children what happened to slaves in the US when they walk right into the Black History Month section? I mean, c'mon.

Again, there's objectively nothing different between homosexuality and heterosexuality. Yes, most children are aware of heterosexuality (not explicitly, of course, but they get the general idea), but what kind of discussion is needed to explain Pride beyond "people love who they love"? The real answer is, of course, the parents' prejudice against the "wrong" kind of love, but feel free to provide your own.

Dude, it's a simpler conversation to have than death is, and kids are around death all the time. Grandparents, pets, fellow students, etc... Call it for what it really is: these parents are just terrified their child might "have the gay".

I'd be very interested to see the opposite sides reaction to Target selling conservative merchandise. MAGA hats and flags. Desantis shirts. I'm sure it would be a very similar response and handled in a similar way by Target.
It's a bit wild to compare merchandise associated with love and inclusion to merchandise associated with hate and violence as if they're equal in some way, but you do you.
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Do parents stop to explain to their children what happened to slaves in the US when they walk right into the Black History Month section? I mean, c'mon.

Again, there's objectively nothing different between homosexuality and heterosexuality. Yes, most children are aware of heterosexuality (not explicitly, of course, but they get the general idea), but what kind of discussion is needed to explain Pride beyond "people love who they love"? The real answer is, of course, the parents' prejudice against the "wrong" kind of love, but feel free to provide your own.

Dude, it's a simpler conversation to have than death is, and kids are around death all the time. Grandparents, pets, fellow students, etc... Call it for what it really is: these parents are just terrified their child might "have the gay".
I mean it's entirely possible Black History month is sparking conversations, I'm sure some schools do lessons about it. So kids are probably already exposed to it. Also it isn't fostering ideas that it is ok to change your sex. Also that merchandise is typically shoved in the back of the store or floor pad.

So you think explaining why a man would want to wear a bathing suit that conceals his penis is an easier conversation to have with a little child than why grandma is dead? Yeah I don't think so.
So you think explaining why a man would want to wear a bathing suit that conceals his penis is an easier conversation to have with a little child than why grandma is dead? Yeah I don't think so.
Do you really have to? Most 5-year-olds are not going to run up to that specific item and ask what it's for. And even if one would do that, why is "it's for adults" not sufficient an explanation in that context? Hell, we have vibrators an aisle away from kid's cough syrup, but I've never overheard a mother explaining to their daughter the majesty of magical rocket wands for her vagina.

You're really grasping there, buddy. Especially when most parents (I imagine; thankfully, I am not one myself) would prefer if bathing suits would better conceal their wearer's penises. That's a win all around.

We experience things daily that are meant only for adults. It's just a fact of life, and kids are always around that. That Pride merchandise somehow changes everything and forces parents to explain things they wouldn't in any other situation is complete and utter nonsense. It's not an argument, it's an excuse for prejudice. Especially when most of these people practically worship both Trump and DeSantis, who've both said things no child should ever have to hear.
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Do you really have to? Most 5-year-olds are not going to run up to that specific item and ask what it's for. And even if one would do that, why is "it's for adults" not sufficient an explanation in that context? Hell, we have vibrators an aisle away from kid's cough syrup, but I've never overheard a mother explaining to their daughter the majesty of magical rocket wands for her vagina.

You're really grasping there, buddy. Especially when most parents (I imagine; thankfully, I am not one myself) would prefer if bathing suits would better conceal their wearer's penises. That's a win all around.
Anything is possible, buddy.

People are uncomfortable and can choose to react to it however they want. I don't agree with the bomb threats, angry phone calls or people being mean to team members in the store. But if you don't want to shop at a store that you don't agree with then it's up to you.

How would you react if Target sold Trump merchandise and put a big display right in the front of the store? I'm seriously asking, please answer. I'm sure most people who disagreed would respond in a way much worse than those who negatively responded to pride.

I have worked for Target for almost 2 decades and I couldn't give a shit less about the pride merchandise in the past. I think they went a little far this year and I don't think they handled it correctly once people got upset. But I just work here and I stay in my lane. If I didn't work here and get a discount I wouldn't boycott target but I also wouldn't go out of my way to go either.

I have no issues with how others live their lives. I just don't want it shoved in my face. That's the way I feel about sexuality(I don't want to see PDA of any sort), politics and anything else you can think of. I can have a civil conversation with anyone as long as they share the same courtesy.
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How would you react if Target sold Trump merchandise and put a big display right in the front of the store? I'm seriously asking, please answer.
You're comparing something that espouses love and inclusion to something that expounds hate and violence. They are not in any way comparable. Is selling To Kill A Mockingbird the same as selling Nazi memorabilia?

I have no issues with how others live their lives. I just don't want it shoved in my face. That's the way I feel about sexuality, politics and anything else you can think of. I can have a civil conversation with anyone as long as they share the same courtesy.
Why do you feel that this is being shoved in your face? Why this, specifically? We have lots of different collections and sets that cycle through Family Gateway, so why is it this one in particular that you feel is being forced upon you?

Did you take issue with there being more latin songs and covers being played during Hispanic Heritage Month? I know that made some guests at my store uncomfortable as well.
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You're comparing something that espouses love and inclusion to something that expounds hate and violence. They are not in any way comparable. Is selling To Kill A Mockingbird the same as selling Nazi memorabilia
In your opinion it expounds hate. Almost half of the country supports that side and would be happy to see that merchandise in the front of the store. Just because you disagree with their views, you'd be upset.

During the BLM protests, people rioted and destroyed stores and businesses, Target included. That expounded violence and people still supported it.
Why do you feel that this is being shoved in your face? Why this, specifically? We have lots of different collections and sets that cycle through Family Gateway, so why is it this one in particular that you feel is being forced upon you?
It's shoved in my face because it's the first thing I see when I walk into Target and it is a controversial topic that I don't necessarily want to see on my way to pick up milk. The family gateway typically has regular clothing or holiday sleepwear, nothing that isn't typical in 99% of the other stores you go in to.

I also have a problem with the body positivity signing in the store that has nothing to do with Pride or a controversial issue. I think that the signing is extreme and is obviously forced and objectifying in a different way.
I mean it's entirely possible Black History month is sparking conversations, I'm sure some schools do lessons about it. So kids are probably already exposed to it. Also it isn't fostering ideas that it is ok to change your sex. Also that merchandise is typically shoved in the back of the store or floor pad.

So you think explaining why a man would want to wear a bathing suit that conceals his penis is an easier conversation to have with a little child than why grandma is dead? Yeah I don't think so.
What are you talking about? Black History Month is featured at the front of the store, it is not shoved in the back, nor should it - just as the Pride merchandise should not be either.

"Fostering the idea that it's okay to change your sex". And there it is. As much as you people try to hide your homophobia and transphobia, it always seeps out somewhere.

Guess what? IT IS OKAY FOR SOMEONE TO CHANGE THEIR SEX. It's a deeply personal decision that is not made lightly or easily, despite the right-ring chuds who try to claim that adults are taking kids to doctors who are then operating on them left and right on a whim.

"I just don't want it shoved in my face." No, you'd rather it all be shoved back in the closet. Shame on you.
In your opinion it expounds hate. Almost half of the country supports that side and would be happy to see that merchandise in the front of the store. Just because you disagree with their views, you'd be upset.
It objectively expounds hate by the definition of the word itself. It's not an opinion or something subjective, it's actual, legitimate, by-the-books hate. It wasn't that long ago that half of the country saw another group of people as inhuman and undeserving of rights, by the way.

During the BLM protests, people rioted and destroyed stores and businesses, Target included. That expounded violence and people still supported it.
Most people didn't support the violence or the riots. The vast majority of people condemned those things while supporting the movement those actions unfortunately stemmed from, as they always seem to do during emotional protests numbering in the tens of millions.

It's shoved in my face because it's the first thing I see when I walk into Target and it is a controversial topic that I don't necessarily want to see on my way to pick up milk. The family gateway typically has regular clothing or holiday sleepwear, nothing that isn't typical in 99% of the other stores you go in to.
It's not a topic that should be controversial. Again, and I feel like I've been saying this quite a bit, homosexuality is no different from heterosexuality. The only people that are turning this into a controversy are the ones who see the LGBTQ+ community as inhuman.

I also have a problem with the body positivity signing in the store that has nothing to do with Pride or a controversial issue. I think that the signing is extreme and is obviously forced and objectifying in a different way.
I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean transgender positivity or plus size positivity? And why do you think it's extreme for people to want to be comfortable in their own body?
What are you talking about? Black History Month is featured at the front of the store, it is not shoved in the back, nor should it - just as the Pride merchandise should not be either.

"Fostering the idea that it's okay to change your sex". And there it is. As much as you people try to hide your homophobia and transphobia, it always seeps out somewhere.

Guess what? IT IS OKAY FOR SOMEONE TO CHANGE THEIR SEX. It's a deeply personal decision that is not made lightly or easily, despite the right-ring chuds who try to claim that adults are taking kids to doctors who are then operating on them left and right on a whim.

"I just don't want it shoved in my face." No, you'd rather it all be shoved back in the closet. Shame on you.
Black history month in my store is featured in the middle of the store by active wear.

In my opinion there are only 2 sexes and it isn't ok to change your sex. But I respect your opinion and right to do what you want.
In my opinion there are only 2 sexes and it isn't ok to change your sex. But I respect your opinion and right to do what you want.
Gender isn't the same thing as sex, although I'm still confused why you don't think it's okay for people to want to be comfortable in their own body. Why do you feel someone's gender identity should be locked to their assigned sex at birth, regardless of their feelings on the matter?

If you're not comfortable with having this discussion, we don't need to continue it. No one here is going to change their mind and this is supposed to be about Target's policy regarding Pride merchandise, not a specific person's beliefs on the subject.
There was a time when #ffffff people were uncomfortable with BIPOC people eating at the same lunch counter or using the same bathroom.
They didn't consider themselves to be racist or bad people.
They just didn't want their kids exposed to BIPOC kids in school.
That only made sense to them because that was what their parents, politicians, and religious leaders said.
It took a long battle to change including sending in the military to protect a little girl so she could go to school.
The people who screamed at her proved to be on the wrong side of history.
Now they and their children are trying to erase those events from our schools history books because they are so embarrassed.
But they also have a worse motivation, they know people will compare it to the awful shit they are doing to LGBTQ folks and they can't have that.
Especially since they already have started talking about who is responsible for "forcing" this on America.
That would be us Jews, because it is always the Jews.
We are next on the chopping block.
We need to do something before that happens.

Editing for clarity.
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I don't know if I'd called MAGA'ism a conservative slam dunk vote. My Bible thumping parents think he's a fucking moron who was ruining the country and got what he deserved. Hell, they have Republican groups dedicated to anyone winning but the tiny handed orange dude. They voted for neither Trump or Biden, same as me, because they're both idiots.

We need better candidates.
I don't know if I'd called MAGA'ism a conservative slam dunk vote. My Bible thumping parents think he's a fucking moron who was ruining the country and got what he deserved. Hell, they have Republican groups dedicated to anyone winning but the tiny handed orange dude. They voted for neither Trump or Biden, same as me, because they're both idiots.

We need better candidates.
I used to feel that way, because I thought things like Roe v Wade and other rights were solid. I never dreamed that a woman's right to choose would be threatened again, and I figured if I skipped an election or voted for candidates whose beliefs didn't always align with mine (because "we need a change" or whatever bullshit I told myself) most things would still be fine.

How naive I was. A woman's right to choose is gone in several states, and now they're coming for trans rights and making it illegal to be a drag queen, ffs. If we aren't diligent, what's next? Gay marriage, no-fault divorce, reinstituting legal segregation? A woman's right to vote?

The only way to ensure that all the rights we have fought for as a society remain intact is to vote for the candidates that will continue to protect those rights. Progress may be slow, but it sure as hell beats going backwards.
I used to feel that way, because I thought things like Roe v Wade and other rights were solid. I never dreamed that a woman's right to choose would be threatened again, and I figured if I skipped an election or voted for candidates whose beliefs didn't always align with mine (because "we need a change" or whatever bullshit I told myself) most things would still be fine.

How naive I was. A woman's right to choose is gone in several states, and now they're coming for trans rights and making it illegal to be a drag queen, ffs. If we aren't diligent, what's next? Gay marriage, no-fault divorce, reinstituting legal segregation? A woman's right to vote?

The only way to ensure that all the rights we have fought for as a society remain intact is to vote for the candidates that will continue to protect those rights. Progress may be slow, but it sure as hell beats going backwards.
I live in a solidly blue state. I have the liberty of voting the way I do.

If I lived in a swing state, I'd probably swallow my pride and vote differently, but not necessarily because I like the candidate, but because I know they would, most likely, protect the things important to me and my family. That's the reason Trump got as many votes as he did imho. Most conservatives I know told me they wouldn't have voted for Trump if they had better candidates on the Republican side.
"You need liberals because now and then the right thing to do is to come up with something new, and you need conservatives because now and then the right thing to do is to do what everyone's always done. And the reason you need political dialogue is so that the liberals and conservatives can continue to argue about which of those solutions are appropriate right now."

Instead of bomb threats, I hope one day we can resolve our differences through civil debates where each side attempts to actually understand each other rather than blindly accusing them of bigotry or grooming, where people can respectfully disagree, and where the basic tenants of humanity of treating others as you yourself would want to be treated is respected.

But honestly, I think it's just time for me to turn off the mainstream media.

I just want to come to work, do what I am suppose to do, and go home and enjoy my family time while the outside world divides itself to zero.
Thanks Mikihl, almost forgot to put my Ally back on for tomorrow,,, of coirse I did forget to take my insulin with me today. What a crazy 11 days. Can't wair for a day off....
So you think explaining why a man would want to wear a bathing suit that conceals his penis is an easier conversation to have with a little child than why grandma is dead? Yeah I don't think so.

I work at GS and we had that tuck friendly swim suit in my store. I hung it up and put it on the style rack like everything else. I HAD NO IDEA it was tuck friendly. It was just a bathing suit. Now, if I was shopping with my 7 year old and he happened to read the tag (which he wouldn't because it is a woman's swimsuit), I'd simply respond with "I don't know what that means." I DID ask my younger teenager if they knew what "tuck friendly" meant. No explanation needed because they already knew LOL.

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