Pride merch

Has anyone heard about what they will do with the merchandise they recalled? It would be nice if they donated it to some worthy organizations like the Trevor Project.
It goes back to the vendor . That’s how target get credit back for inventory that has been removed .
Why would you feel bad for someone who has a loving family that accepts his decision to live his life openly?

I would also beat the shit out of a biologically male brother that tried to teach my children about sex. It has nothing to do with being straight, gay, or trans. But being trans does NOT give you a pass to force sex upon children.

I fully admit I made my own strawman argument there.

Correct. There is nothing wrong with trans people. I do not deny their existence. I full believe in accepting them. Sex is so far removed from procreation we have people that get horny looking about balloon animals so I could care less about sexual orientation either.

Let me reitterate that the issue that most central non-extremists have started to have is that for some reason some people seem to have begun beleiving it is okay to take advantage of the acceptance movement in order to force the topic of sex on children.
I would not let a straight cis man ask my daughter if she liked boys or tried to explain to her she could also be atracted to girls either. I sure as hell wont let a trans man or woman do it. Except then these pedophiles (not all trans indivuduals, but the ones in that do do these things) hide behind the excuse of transphobia to defend their grooming tactics.
And then the generally politically left rally behind these trans people to blindly defend them rather than facing that some of them are bad people because bad people exists everywhere and in all groups.

The same way the poltically right rallies behind racist cops. Because god forbid we all take a step back and admit when bad people abuse their status and work to address the problem rather than call the other group evil. In fact its funny how so many of these posts read exactly the same as the riots against Target when police brutality occured. The right would blindly defend the cops and call the rioters and people making threats evil. Ignoring the issues the left presented.

So the 95% of mostly centrally viewing people get pushed further and further to the extreme on both sides. Its all so tiring.
Dude, you admit you made shit up and then continued to make up more shit.

NO ONE is defending pedophiles. Anyone who hurts a child should pay the price, no matter their gender or sexual identity. Being trans is not synonymous with being a groomer or pedophile. Neither is being gay or a drag queen. But that is what conservatives are trying to push - they are planting that seed in people's minds that trans equals bad, drag equals bad, gay equals bad. Worse than bad, they are equating being LGBTQ+ with being evil.

Taking away trans rights under the guise of "protecting the children" is utter bullshit. So is trying to make it illegal to appear in drag outside of nightclubs. Conservatives are making up stories to try and push the LGBTQ+ community back in the closet, to strip them of their rights, to dehumanize them.

It's infuriating, and sad, and scary.
Dude, you admit you made shit up and then continued to make up more shit.

NO ONE is defending pedophiles. Anyone who hurts a child should pay the price, no matter their gender or sexual identity. Being trans is not synonymous with being a groomer or pedophile. Neither is being gay or a drag queen. But that is what conservatives are trying to push - they are planting that seed in people's minds that trans equals bad, drag equals bad, gay equals bad. Worse than bad, they are equating being LGBTQ+ with being evil.

Taking away trans rights under the guise of "protecting the children" is utter bullshit. So is trying to make it illegal to appear in drag outside of nightclubs. Conservatives are making up stories to try and push the LGBTQ+ community back in the closet, to strip them of their rights, to dehumanize them.

It's infuriating, and sad, and scary.
Im conservative and I don’t think that way nor do I feel that way . I Can respect everyone but I don’t have to accept everything . Just like I don’t expect anyone to accept everything .
Im conservative and I don’t think that way nor do I feel that way . I Can respect everyone but I don’t have to accept everything . Just like I don’t expect anyone to accept everything .
This is it. You can accept people but not their views. No one will ever agree on everything, some don't agree on anything.

Just because you are gay or trans or whatever doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Just do you and I'll do me.

I don't need to be reminded of it everyday. Why is there so many "national rememberance or visibility" days? There are a ton of underrepresented people in this country, why so much attention to the LGBTQ community? They make up such a small percentage of the population, yet it's all you hear about.

If you like something then you support it. If not then don't and leave me out of it. Stop trying to change my mind or the way I think. Maybe eventually people will get used to all of this change and it will improve. For me most of it doesn't make sense and I don't think it ever will.
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People having representation and being able to live their lives in the open doesn't harm you. Lawmakers all over the country and trying to criminalize queerness that's why it's "all over the place".
Certain things should be criminalized. No one under the age of 18 should be allowed any type of puberty blockers, hormone blockers or surgery.

No one will ever convince me otherwise, once you are an adult do what you want.
This is it. You can accept people but not their views. No one will ever agree on everything, some don't agree on anything.

Just because you are gay or trans or whatever doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Just do you and I'll do me.

I don't need to be reminded of it everyday. Why is there so many "national rememberance or visibility" days? There are a ton of underrepresented people in this country, why so much attention to the LGBTQ community? They make up such a small percentage of the population, yet it's all you hear about.

If you like something then you support it. If not then don't and leave me out of it. Stop trying to change my mind or the way I think. Maybe eventually people will get used to all of this change and it will improve. For me most of it doesn't make sense and I don't think it ever will.
It's "all over the place" because people are basically trying to make it illegal to be gay or tràns. You say "live and let live" but it's the conservatives who are not doing that.

Pride is one fucking month out of the year, just like Black History Month and other celebrations. Why are white straights so pressed about it? Can no one else enjoy a celebration of their culture or community? If it bothers you, that tells me all I need to know. It's truly sick. Letting someone else feel good doesn't take away from your happiness.

I don't like football and don't give a crap about the Superbowl, yet every year I'm inundated with displays at grocery stores touting it. Huge stacks of soda cans and bags of chips with NFL logos all over them, promoting a sporting event I care not one whit about. Do I complain that the Superbowl is being "shoved in my face"? Do I call the store and harass employees and threaten them over it? No, because it's not up to me to take away their celebration. I can just walk on by.

We all see stuff being displayed every day. To people like you,, It's not *that* it is, it's *what* it is. It's something you don't "approve" of, but your approval or disapproval doesn't change the fact that the LGBTQ+ community exists, they are human beings and deserve to live free of your judgement and free of attempts by the government to outlaw and eradicate their very existence.
Certain things should be criminalized. No one under the age of 18 should be allowed any type of puberty blockers, hormone blockers or surgery.

No one will ever convince me otherwise, once you are an adult do what you want.

You are basically saying that even if you are completely factually wrong, you don't care.
You will not change your mind.
Cool, kewl.

So this post isn't for you because clearly that would be pointless but if there is anyone else who is feeling that 'wait till they are grown-ups' nonsense.

Because the entire fucking point of puberty blockers is so they can wait.
For folks who have gender issues watching their body changing into something they can't identify with makes their life far worse.
It also makes transitioning harder.

However, if they do decide they are that gender., or something in between, and want to go through puberty it's as easy as stopping the blockers.
The only side effect is slightly lowered bone density.
And yes, I know about the 5,000 other side effects listed but those are also listed with my antidepressants and blood pressure medication including death.
They are used for kids who get a medical condition called early onset puberty with no issues.

Keep in mind all of this is being done with the parents and medical supervision i.e. more than one doctor.
This is not the kid just deciding one day they are trans and getting to do whatever they want.

As to surgeries, they are not doing them on children.
Not in the United States at least.

The gotcha videos posted by anti-trans bigots were short conversations with hospital receptionists doing nothing more than trying to get the right wing grifter to the appropriate department as quickly as possible.
They didn't talk to an actual specialist because their con would have been exposed but mostly because they wouldn't have gotten the answer they wanted, which is that there's no such thing going on.

These videos have caused the hospitals to get bomb threats and laws passed against affirming care.
Some hospitals have shut down the service out of fear for the lives of their employees.
This is fucking unacceptable.

People know they are trans at a very young age.
Every respected medical group in the world prescribes transitioning.
You can certainly disagree with that but it isn't going to change the facts.
These kids have the right to appropriate medical care no matter what state they live in and right now that isn't happening.
That is fucked up and wrong.

It's only going to get worse.
Especially if people refuse to change their mind.
Certain things should be criminalized. No one under the age of 18 should be allowed any type of puberty blockers, hormone blockers or surgery.
No one will ever convince me otherwise, once you are an adult do what you want.

so someone who is 17 years and 364 days cannot get puberty blockers

but add one calendar day and they can

got it!
You are basically saying that even if you are completely factually wrong, you don't care.
You will not change your mind.
Cool, kewl
What about my post is factually wrong? When I was a kid I wanted to be a professional athlete. I didn't realize until I was much older that it was impossible. I realize it's not the same but kids and young adults make rash unthoughtful decisions all of the time and they should be protected from that.
so someone who is 17 years and 364 days cannot get puberty blockers

but add one calendar day and they can

got it!
Someone who is 20 years and 364 days can't buy alcohol in the US, but add 1 calendar day and they can. Yep that's how things work. You aren't considered an adult in this country until you are 18 so that should be the age you can make those decisions.

Parents do all types of crazy shit to their kids because they want to, ever hear of munchausen? So you aren't only protecting kids from themselves you are protecting them from their parents.
The first major issue people had with the trans issue is arguing for/trying to legalize bioligical men entering womens bathrooms.
The big big issue that has turned half or more of the 95% of people formerly in the middle, is pushing the topic on children. It crossed the line for alot of people when they have dragqueens entering 6 year old storytimes, etc. etc.
First, unisex/gender neutral restrooms have been a thing since forever, so sharing a restroom isn't an issue. Beyond that, anyone who would claim to be transgender just to enter a specific restroom is already unhinged. If they're prepared to break one law, why wouldn't they be prepared to break another anyway? Allowing transgender individuals to use the restrooms of their choosing is not and will not open the floodgates for rapists and pedophiles like some people claim.

Second, what's your issue with drag queens entering 6-year-old storytimes? If there's nothing inherently wrong with transgender or homosexual people, why do you take issue with them doing things that cisgender and heterosexual people already do? Why is it indoctrination or grooming to expose kids to homosexuality or transgender individuals, but not heterosexuality or cisgender individuals?

You want to talk about groomers and pedophiles? Every single day, there's a story about a priest, conservative politician, teacher, etc.. molesting or raping children. People still bring their kids to church. They still vote for conservative politicians. They still send their kids to school. But somehow drag queens are the real problem and we need to do whatever we can to save the children from them?
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What about my post is factually wrong? When I was a kid I wanted to be a professional athlete. I didn't realize until I was much older that it was impossible. I realize it's not the same but kids and young adults make rash unthoughtful decisions all of the time and they should be protected from that.

Someone who is 20 years and 364 days can't buy alcohol in the US, but add 1 calendar day and they can. Yep that's how things work. You aren't considered an adult in this country until you are 18 so that should be the age you can make those decisions.

Parents do all types of crazy shit to their kids because they want to, ever hear of munchausen? So you aren't only protecting kids from themselves you are protecting them from their parents.

what makes the 17 & 364 person less capable of making a decision about their gender identity than someone who is one day older

if you’re going to make claims that you should have to be an adult to do something, you should provide some sort of basis for it other than “well you’re an adult at 18 so that’s what matters” because that’s flimsier than tissue paper in a tornado.

we let lots of people under the age of 18 make serious decisions that have an impact on people that aren’t themselves, such as driving multi-ton motor vehicles that can kill people and themselves, so clearly the “you should be an 18 year old adult to make valid decisions” bit is specious at best
what makes the 17 & 364 person less capable of making a decision about their gender identity than someone who is one day older

if you’re going to make claims that you should have to be an adult to do something, you should provide some sort of basis for it other than “well you’re an adult at 18 so that’s what matters” because that’s flimsier than tissue paper in a tornado.

we let lots of people under the age of 18 make serious decisions that have an impact on people that aren’t themselves, such as driving multi-ton motor vehicles that can kill people and themselves, so clearly the “you should be an 18 year old adult to make valid decisions” bit is specious at best
Technically nothing, but it gives a hard line that you need to reach inorder to make such a decision. Some 12 year olds are more mature and capable of making decisions than some 20 year olds. But if you draw a line in the sand and say you have to cross it to be able to make a certain decision, it gives you time and legal protection to make that decision. Also for the most part when people reach the age of 18 have a good grasp on their lives and have a pretty good idea who they are.

So you think it's perfectly fine for a baby to be born and before they can even talk that the parent wants to transition that child? If not then where do you draw the line? At what point does a child become able to make that decision? There has to be a line somewhere and it makes sense that it is in line with other laws that restrict minors.

Technically someone under the age of 18 isn't allowed to get a driver's license without consent of their parent or guardian. So technically if a parent thinks they are unfit to drive or too immature, they shouldn't be allowing them.
What about my post is factually wrong? When I was a kid I wanted to be a professional athlete. I didn't realize until I was much older that it was impossible. I realize it's not the same but kids and young adults make rash unthoughtful decisions all of the time and they should be protected from that.

Someone who is 20 years and 364 days can't buy alcohol in the US, but add 1 calendar day and they can. Yep that's how things work. You aren't considered an adult in this country until you are 18 so that should be the age you can make those decisions.

Parents do all types of crazy shit to their kids because they want to, ever hear of munchausen? So you aren't only protecting kids from themselves you are protecting them from their parents.

There is a huge difference between "I want to be a basketball player" and "I am the wrong gender".
I don't see how you can even equate the two things at all.
This isn't playing dress up.
This, as my FtM trans friend put it, is waking up every day wearing someone else's body.
It was something they felt as a little kid so they weren't talked into it or making a rash decision.
Trans people are not to be patted on the head and told they will grow out of it.
They deserve medical care, a society that treats them fairly and with respect, but most of all not to be called groomers and freaks.

Girls can get breast enlargement surgery and nose jobs at 16 with parental permission.
Nearly 320,000 breast augmentations were performed in 2011, with adolescents under 18 years of age.
Surgeries that make them feel better about their gender.
So I find the fact that kids who want to wait until they are 18 to make those decisions i.e. puberty blockers aren't being allowed to pretty damned hypocritical.

As to parents messing with their kids, there is a very thick layer of medical professionals to protect the children.
Could they be fooled, sure.
But transitioning has the lowest rate of regret out of all medical processes at 1%.
That is lower even than childbirth.

So no your arguments aren't factually correct.
They are repeated over and over by people, hoping that if they are said enough they will be taken as fact.
There is a huge difference between "I want to be a basketball player" and "I am the wrong gender".
I don't see how you can even equate the two things at all.
This isn't playing dress up.
This, as my FtM trans friend put it, is waking up every day wearing someone else's body.
It was something they felt as a little kid so they weren't talked into it or making a rash decision.
Trans people are not to be patted on the head and told they will grow out of it.
They deserve medical care, a society that treats them fairly and with respect, but most of all not to be called groomers and freaks.

Girls can get breast enlargement surgery and nose jobs at 16 with parental permission.
Nearly 320,000 breast augmentations were performed in 2011, with adolescents under 18 years of age.
Surgeries that make them feel better about their gender.
So I find the fact that kids who want to wait until they are 18 to make those decisions i.e. puberty blockers aren't being allowed to pretty damned hypocritical.

As to parents messing with their kids, there is a very thick layer of medical professionals to protect the children.
Could they be fooled, sure.
But transitioning has the lowest rate of regret out of all medical processes at 1%.
That is lower even than childbirth.

So no your arguments aren't factually correct.
They are repeated over and over by people, hoping that if they are said enough they will be taken as fact.
Ok so you are saying there should be a line somewhere and requires parental consent? For every medical professional that protects kids I'm sure there is one that is just in it for the money and will do whatever to whoever. I have had this experience on a much less serious scale but similar none the less.

I know if my child wanted to transition I wouldnt love them any less or think any less of them. I would in no way ever ever sign off on them making a decision on transitioning until they were an adult. I do not even think kids should be on any type of serious medication or drugs, unless in extreme circumstances. They are still growing and their brains are still forming into their late teens.

You say about girls getting breast enlargement to help them feel better about their gender? Yes their gender the one they were given when they were conceived in the womb. I am not condoning it by any means but every breast enlargement is able to be taken out with little to no damage for the most part. As far as I know, once you cut off your penis, you can't grow another one.

What do you think of transabled people? Someone who feels they should have been born without 2 legs and wants a doctor to cut one off. Do you think that the doctor should be performing that on anyone? How about on a child, even with parental consent?
What do you think of transabled people? Someone who feels they should have been born without 2 legs and wants a doctor to cut one off. Do you think that the doctor should be performing that on anyone? How about on a child, even with parental consent?
It is so hard to try and hear you out when you keep making things up; you've admitted yourself that you have made strawman arguments in this thread and yet you keep doing it. Why? Who is actually going to a hospital and deciding they want to be disabled? That does not compare to gender dysphoria, which is a real, recognized medical condition. No doctor is going to cut off someone's leg just because the person wants it, that's not a real thing.
It is so hard to try and hear you out when you keep making things up; you've admitted yourself that you have made strawman arguments in this thread and yet you keep doing it. Why? Who is actually going to a hospital and deciding they want to be disabled? That does not compare to gender dysphoria, which is a real, recognized medical condition. No doctor is going to cut off someone's leg just because the person wants it, that's not a real thing.
You are confusing me for the other person who admitted that. And I am not making it up, look into it. Transabled is a real thing, it might not be as prominent or maybe it is and people aren't as loud about it.

Why does it not compare? Someone feels like they were born with the wrong body, they feel like they need to have only 1 leg to feel complete. It's like body dysmorphia but more extreme.
Technically nothing, but it gives a hard line that you need to reach inorder to make such a decision. Some 12 year olds are more mature and capable of making decisions than some 20 year olds. But if you draw a line in the sand and say you have to cross it to be able to make a certain decision, it gives you time and legal protection to make that decision. Also for the most part when people reach the age of 18 have a good grasp on their lives and have a pretty good idea who they are.

So you think it's perfectly fine for a baby to be born and before they can even talk that the parent wants to transition that child? If not then where do you draw the line? At what point does a child become able to make that decision? There has to be a line somewhere and it makes sense that it is in line with other laws that restrict minors.

Technically someone under the age of 18 isn't allowed to get a driver's license without consent of their parent or guardian. So technically if a parent thinks they are unfit to drive or too immature, they shouldn't be allowing them.

Ok so you are saying there should be a line somewhere and requires parental consent? For every medical professional that protects kids I'm sure there is one that is just in it for the money and will do whatever to whoever. I have had this experience on a much less serious scale but similar none the less.

I know if my child wanted to transition I wouldnt love them any less or think any less of them. I would in no way ever ever sign off on them making a decision on transitioning until they were an adult. I do not even think kids should be on any type of serious medication or drugs, unless in extreme circumstances. They are still growing and their brains are still forming into their late teens.

You say about girls getting breast enlargement to help them feel better about their gender? Yes their gender the one they were given when they were conceived in the womb. I am not condoning it by any means but every breast enlargement is able to be taken out with little to no damage for the most part. As far as I know, once you cut off your penis, you can't grow another one.

What do you think of transabled people? Someone who feels they should have been born without 2 legs and wants a doctor to cut one off. Do you think that the doctor should be performing that on anyone? How about on a child, even with parental consent?
Bro, you are making up scenarios that ARE NOT HAPPENING. You can open a scarecrow store with all the strawman arguments in your posts. Think about what you are saying.

Rest assured, parents are NOT transitioning their children before they can even talk! Where did you even get this? And no one is going to the doctor and asking for their legs to be cut off.

At this point all I can wonder is what the actual fuck? Your posts are proving our points wonderfully. You've got nothing, no leg to stand on.
Rest assured, parents are NOT transitioning their children before they can even talk!
I agree with you, I was just saying where is the line? It was in context of my argument, in no way was I implying it would actually happen.
And no one is going to the doctor and asking for their legs to be cut off.
Oh so now you are denying the existence of the transabled? Please look into it before you brush it off. Does it sound ridiculous? Yes! Is it real? Also Yes!
Ok so you are saying there should be a line somewhere and requires parental consent? For every medical professional that protects kids I'm sure there is one that is just in it for the money and will do whatever to whoever. I have had this experience on a much less serious scale but similar none the less.

I know if my child wanted to transition I wouldnt love them any less or think any less of them. I would in no way ever ever sign off on them making a decision on transitioning until they were an adult. I do not even think kids should be on any type of serious medication or drugs, unless in extreme circumstances. They are still growing and their brains are still forming into their late teens.

You say about girls getting breast enlargement to help them feel better about their gender? Yes their gender the one they were given when they were conceived in the womb. I am not condoning it by any means but every breast enlargement is able to be taken out with little to no damage for the most part. As far as I know, once you cut off your penis, you can't grow another one.

What do you think of transabled people? Someone who feels they should have been born without 2 legs and wants a doctor to cut one off. Do you think that the doctor should be performing that on anyone? How about on a child, even with parental consent?

Oh FFS, once again you are comparing two things that are not the same.
Becoming a different gender is not a disability.
Only people who have severe issues with the opposite sex would think that.
Parents decide the gender of their intersex children at birth, often wrongly, all the time.
My job is working with people who have disabilities, helping them get into the workforce.
We know about the tiny number of people who feel like they need to have a disability of one kind or another.
Turns out the numbers are miniscule.
About as high as the number of people who are sexually excited by car accidents.
Which must be a lot, right, a movie was made about it?
No, it's titillating and grist for the 24/7 media/internet mill.
Also rightwing grifters get to use it against trans people.
Fuck that very much.

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