Not at my store. We've been told to no longer do one for ones.The idea is that you do priority pulls and then your normal 141s. If you're just replacing 141s with priority, you're doing it wrong. Priorities are for keeping things from going out of stock and for when you don't have time to do a full 141, they're not a replacement for 141s.
Acknowledging the trailer should be correcting most of those counts though.Everything builds up over night, because your inbound crew is backstocking. If the floor counts are not adjusted to properly account for what's there, then the count will go up.
??? Priorities take the place of 1for1s...if they're hanging around in the back then that's a fault of whoever is pulling them needs to be pushing as well. Would you rather them pull 1for1s that will produce way more pulls??We are still pulling priorities, another stupid move from Target Corporate. Pull to pet an ego that the numbers are up. The priorities sit in an isle in the back room all day rendering carts useless and are in the way of SFS. We have to shuffle the priorities from isle to isle to pic items for guests. Oh! No worries they won't be there when a visitor shows up! Do away with the problem is the way I see it!!
We can’t put them in aisles because they move at my store. All but 6 move and two are tech do they are locked up most of the timeWe are still pulling priorities, another stupid move from Target Corporate. Pull to pet an ego that the numbers are up. The priorities sit in an isle in the back room all day rendering carts useless and are in the way of SFS. We have to shuffle the priorities from isle to isle to pic items for guests. Oh! No worries they won't be there when a visitor shows up! Do away with the problem is the way I see it!!