Archived Problems with my ETL? No clue what to do about this.. :(

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May 11, 2013
Before I start this rant sort of, I just want to say I actually really do like my job.

I work in the starbucks in my store, which is perfect because I worked in a corporate starbucks near my campus before working at target. I required very little training aside from learning how to use target registers. There's several problems in my store that I've noticed. We're the closest target for about 30-45 mins and EXTREMELY understaffed. We have enough people, it's just that our hours are at max 160 so there's often only one or two people working at a time. This is a problem considering how much business we get. We get alot of housewives, and after school the kids flood target before going to the mall. It's terrible. Our TL is more than aware but there's really nothing he can do.
My ETL went to high school with my dad apparently and for that reason alone I'm going to assume that's why she has it out for me. She's made comments about me being lazy, has even told me to my face "I understand how you were raised but here we clean up our messes." because I was working alone and the bar wasn't tidy since I was busy taking orders, making drinks, cleaning guest seating, taking dishes back and etc. I had walkied many times for some help, just someone to wipe the tables off or something since I had to stop and do it. No one ever comes because she won't let them. The one time a cart attendant did come while I was slammed and working alone, he began to sweep guest seating and wipe off some tables and she yelled at him for doing that. Then after she told him to leave she comes to me and says "you're used to people cleaning up after you huh?" and just walked away.
A week later I got a corrective action because I was frustrated and told her I'm no superhero after she called herself 'helping' by sending over a cashier who knew nothing about marking cups or ringing people up over there. We were crazy busy since it was a morning rush and I had a ton of drinks to make but I kept having to stop to tell him how to mark something or ring something up. I got a coaching about my speed, because I clocked out 15 mins late after doing an entire closing shift by myself (the only reason it was 15 mins was because someone from food ave. offered to do my dishes since I was alone and had to do everything else. It would have been more).
This week is frappucino happy hour, and we have been hit REALLY hard by it. Keep in mind we also have one blender. It starts at 3 so in addition to the rush from the kids getting out of school we have all the other people coming to the mall who want frappucinos half off. Wednesday night, I was working with only one other person. We had a line of 12 cups in the queue and a line on top of that behind the register and were working our tails off to get things done quickly and get people out of there. Apparently they needed help zoning softlines and our ETL pulls me out of busy happy hour to do that. I refused, which I know was bad, but there was no way in hell that other TM was going to get through happy hour by herself for another hour. I politely asked if there was any way that she could pull maybe a cashier (the front lanes werent busy at all) or someone from food ave since they had 3 people working and were't busy either. I was told no. I ended up not leaving and getting another corrective action for not following instructions.

I don't know what to do about this, this specific ETL is well liked by the STL and a few other higher ups so I feel if I complain or say something I'll be ignored. I know there's the ethics hotline (i think that's what it is?) but I've been told that that's useless. I work hard and am constantly recognized by other TM's, my TL, and even guests for how good I am at what I do. I'm just lost as to what to do about this specific person. No one else in the store has a problem with me except her. I'm really confused here 🙁
I'd approach the ETL in private and let them know what's going on. Don't come across like you're whining, but instead try bringing up your problems in a mature manner. Let them know your side of the story, and ask them what they think you should do to improve your speed. If you come across as asking for assistance, you can find out what they want from you. Later, if they coach you again, you can bring up that "hey, last time I had this issue you suggested I do xxx. I did that, and it's still not working." If you show you're trying to take constructive criticism, then a coaching can be a positive method of communication instead of a negative one.
I can't believe she wanted to pull you out for a task that ANY cashier/SFTM could've done when you're working in a specialty area during a hi-traffic promo.
If your SBTL isn't going to bat for you, I'd take it up with your ETL-HR but present it as preventing you from providing great guest service.
So this ETL knew your dad in high school. Did he dump her or something for her to treat you so shabbily?

*OT - I HATE frappacino happy hour....
This is one of those times I would advise to completely skip the ETL and go to HR or the STL. Tell them that she went to school with your dad and then inform them of the personal comments the ETL made. Explain that you feel that this ETL has some sort of personal vendetta against you, because of knowing your father and the comments that were made.

Here is a word of advice - When you're told to do something (such as go zone softlines), go do it. You could have been terminated right then for insubordination.
Have to agree with SR on this one.
This is personal and there is no way you can get her to be reasonable.
With the CA that have already been done your in a bad place so you need to be preemptive.
Get this on the record, get everything written down and make sure that there are people around when you have interactions with the ETL.
Thanks you guys so much for your replies!! I will try to pull her aside the next time I work and see what the issue is and in addition talk to the ETL-HR. I highly doubt this will work but for the sake of my job I'll do it. I don't want to get fired over something petty like her not liking me for whatever reason. Our HR-ETL seems to really like her as well and actually recognized her as doing a great job under the vibe card board. So I'm afraid if I go to him about it he'll ignore me as well but I feel as though it's worth it because it really isnt fair.

I'd approach the ETL in private and let them know what's going on. Don't come across like you're whining, but instead try bringing up your problems in a mature manner. Let them know your side of the story, and ask them what they think you should do to improve your speed. If you come across as asking for assistance, you can find out what they want from you. Later, if they coach you again, you can bring up that "hey, last time I had this issue you suggested I do xxx. I did that, and it's still not working." If you show you're trying to take constructive criticism, then a coaching can be a positive method of communication instead of a negative one.

I really think it's not my speed that's the issue, at all. I'm just as fast if not faster than other team members because I know all of the drinks already since I worked at starbucks before this. I was even asked to become a trainer because I was so good at what I was doing as far as the drinks. I even taught my TL how to do a few things. I've given suggestions, things we used to do at my old store to make things easier, and etc. I really feel this is a personal thing and for the life of me can't understand why.

I can't believe she wanted to pull you out for a task that ANY cashier/SFTM could've done when you're working in a specialty area during a hi-traffic promo.
If your SBTL isn't going to bat for you, I'd take it up with your ETL-HR but present it as preventing you from providing great guest service.
So this ETL knew your dad in high school. Did he dump her or something for her to treat you so shabbily?

*OT - I HATE frappacino happy hour....

Frappy hour DOES suck, believe me.
I wondered the same thing. I actually asked my dad and he said they never had any problems. In fact he's came in a few times and they've always had pretty positive conversations from what I've seen. My dad is a pretty successful CEO of a company though, and she knows this and this is where the "this is how you were raised" comments came from I'm assuming. But I don't feel entitled for anything. I mean, if I was living off my parents why would I even have a job? I don't even live with them anymore! My parents do have money but I was always taught to work for my own just like they did. He came from nothing and she obviously knows this being that she graduated with him so I'm not understanding at all.

Either way I will bring this up with my ETL-HR and let you all know how it goes, he was actually one of the ones that interviewed me too.
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Your first post sounded like she was trying to belittle you with comments about how you were raised, etc. This last post makes it seem as if she expects more from you because of how you were raised. I don't think we're getting the full story.
Either way, HR and the STL will take it serious, they won't jeopardize their career for a friend at work.
Next time she makes a comment about how you were raised, calmly repeat back what she said and ask her to clarify what she meant by that.
Maybe she doesn't realize what she is saying is sounding like a personal attack on your family.

I agree, do what your told and fold a couple shirts if it makes her happy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the sb franchise require us to have 2 sb tm behind the counter at all times? Seems like I remember being told this before...
Your first post sounded like she was trying to belittle you with comments about how you were raised, etc. This last post makes it seem as if she expects more from you because of how you were raised. I don't think we're getting the full story.
Either way, HR and the STL will take it serious, they won't jeopardize their career for a friend at work.

She kind of does a mixture of both. She expects more from me but more in her case is pretty much the impossible. Working by yourself, especially at a busy starbucks (our store is in the mall so we're the only sb inside the mall). When I have to work by myself I'm responsible for ringing people, making drinks, keeping behind the bar clean, keeping guest seating clean, and taking our trash back to the bailor/compactor/whatever it is. It doesn't sound like alot but when you have a huge rush of people and you're by yourself it really is.
The second I accept any kind of help I'm 'lazy'. That is the full story, I don't know what else I could leave out.

And to TargetOldTimer, you're correct. I was told that same thing during training by the sb DM who overlooks our store.
Next time she makes a comment about how you were raised, calmly repeat back what she said and ask her to clarify what she meant by that.
Maybe she doesn't realize what she is saying is sounding like a personal attack on your family.

I agree, do what your told and fold a couple shirts if it makes her happy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the sb franchise require us to have 2 sb tm behind the counter at all times? Seems like I remember being told this before...

That isn't correct, but I believe the STL has less wiggle room when it comes to forecasting hours for SB. It may be worth looking into it if the OP believes there is no where near enough hours to get things done.

Ventichai, how do the rest of the tms do with the workload and keeping up with the cleaning? I'm not saying she has any right to treat you like she does, but is everyone struggling as much as you are? Going from an actual SB to a franchised one is going to take a lot of adjusting. You were used to a certain standard that may be lacking at a Target SB.
We'll have solo TMs for as much as 4 hr gaps, either mid-day or closing at our SB.
And we're pretty hi-vol.
Next time she makes a comment about how you were raised, calmly repeat back what she said and ask her to clarify what she meant by that.
Maybe she doesn't realize what she is saying is sounding like a personal attack on your family.

I agree, do what your told and fold a couple shirts if it makes her happy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the sb franchise require us to have 2 sb tm behind the counter at all times? Seems like I remember being told this before...

That isn't correct, but I believe the STL has less wiggle room when it comes to forecasting hours for SB. It may be worth looking into it if the OP believes there is no where near enough hours to get things done.

Ventichai, how do the rest of the tms do with the workload and keeping up with the cleaning? I'm not saying she has any right to treat you like she does, but is everyone struggling as much as you are? Going from an actual SB to a franchised one is going to take a lot of adjusting. You were used to a certain standard that may be lacking at a Target SB.

The other tms have it just as bad as I do if not worse. I'm a bit of a neat freak so whenever I can I try to clean up. I know how bad it can appear to guests when the bar and guest seating looks like it's just been bombed. It's not just me complaining about the lack of coverage, everyone is specifically those who are scheduled to close alone. This weekend, there was only two people scheduled to close. One on Friday and one on Saturday. The girl who was scheduled to work on Friday night was scheduled to work by herself from 7 on and had to be out of there by 9:30...all by herself. I'm sure two hours doesn't seem like alot since we do close an hour before the store but on the weekends it's insane because we're non stop busy with people who don't want to leave the mall but want starbucks. The last time I worked a weekend and closed (by myself) I was yelled at because I didn't get out on time. I had to ring, make drinks, and clean until 9 and then was only scheduled until 930. I had to wait for the food ave tm to get done with his dishes first since he was a minor and had to be out of there before I did and we share a dishwasher and sink. There's always a ton of dishes that need done too. The blender items, the containers that hold the straws and etc, the tea pitchers, milk pitchers, spoons, the bean hopper, whip cream canisters, milk carafs, the chai/mocha/skinny mocha/white mocha containers and pumps, etc. Everything that has to do with touching anything that goes into a guests drink has to be washed rinsed and sanitized prior to it going in the dishwasher as well. It's crazy. No way you can do dishes AND clean everything else, restock milk, restock cups, [ut out pastries and sandwiches, vacuum out the espresso machine and all of that by yourself in 30 mins. It's hard to do it with two people but me and my tms developed a system where one is strictly dishes and the other is in charge of everything else.
On weekdays there's often someone working by themselves from 5 to close.
All I'm going to say on this is that I would much rather have someone expect more from me because they believe in me, than to have someone look down on me.
Wow, be sure you spit in your etls coffee. She sounds like a ****ing c**t
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