Before I start this rant sort of, I just want to say I actually really do like my job.
I work in the starbucks in my store, which is perfect because I worked in a corporate starbucks near my campus before working at target. I required very little training aside from learning how to use target registers. There's several problems in my store that I've noticed. We're the closest target for about 30-45 mins and EXTREMELY understaffed. We have enough people, it's just that our hours are at max 160 so there's often only one or two people working at a time. This is a problem considering how much business we get. We get alot of housewives, and after school the kids flood target before going to the mall. It's terrible. Our TL is more than aware but there's really nothing he can do.
My ETL went to high school with my dad apparently and for that reason alone I'm going to assume that's why she has it out for me. She's made comments about me being lazy, has even told me to my face "I understand how you were raised but here we clean up our messes." because I was working alone and the bar wasn't tidy since I was busy taking orders, making drinks, cleaning guest seating, taking dishes back and etc. I had walkied many times for some help, just someone to wipe the tables off or something since I had to stop and do it. No one ever comes because she won't let them. The one time a cart attendant did come while I was slammed and working alone, he began to sweep guest seating and wipe off some tables and she yelled at him for doing that. Then after she told him to leave she comes to me and says "you're used to people cleaning up after you huh?" and just walked away.
A week later I got a corrective action because I was frustrated and told her I'm no superhero after she called herself 'helping' by sending over a cashier who knew nothing about marking cups or ringing people up over there. We were crazy busy since it was a morning rush and I had a ton of drinks to make but I kept having to stop to tell him how to mark something or ring something up. I got a coaching about my speed, because I clocked out 15 mins late after doing an entire closing shift by myself (the only reason it was 15 mins was because someone from food ave. offered to do my dishes since I was alone and had to do everything else. It would have been more).
This week is frappucino happy hour, and we have been hit REALLY hard by it. Keep in mind we also have one blender. It starts at 3 so in addition to the rush from the kids getting out of school we have all the other people coming to the mall who want frappucinos half off. Wednesday night, I was working with only one other person. We had a line of 12 cups in the queue and a line on top of that behind the register and were working our tails off to get things done quickly and get people out of there. Apparently they needed help zoning softlines and our ETL pulls me out of busy happy hour to do that. I refused, which I know was bad, but there was no way in hell that other TM was going to get through happy hour by herself for another hour. I politely asked if there was any way that she could pull maybe a cashier (the front lanes werent busy at all) or someone from food ave since they had 3 people working and were't busy either. I was told no. I ended up not leaving and getting another corrective action for not following instructions.
I don't know what to do about this, this specific ETL is well liked by the STL and a few other higher ups so I feel if I complain or say something I'll be ignored. I know there's the ethics hotline (i think that's what it is?) but I've been told that that's useless. I work hard and am constantly recognized by other TM's, my TL, and even guests for how good I am at what I do. I'm just lost as to what to do about this specific person. No one else in the store has a problem with me except her. I'm really confused here 🙁
I work in the starbucks in my store, which is perfect because I worked in a corporate starbucks near my campus before working at target. I required very little training aside from learning how to use target registers. There's several problems in my store that I've noticed. We're the closest target for about 30-45 mins and EXTREMELY understaffed. We have enough people, it's just that our hours are at max 160 so there's often only one or two people working at a time. This is a problem considering how much business we get. We get alot of housewives, and after school the kids flood target before going to the mall. It's terrible. Our TL is more than aware but there's really nothing he can do.
My ETL went to high school with my dad apparently and for that reason alone I'm going to assume that's why she has it out for me. She's made comments about me being lazy, has even told me to my face "I understand how you were raised but here we clean up our messes." because I was working alone and the bar wasn't tidy since I was busy taking orders, making drinks, cleaning guest seating, taking dishes back and etc. I had walkied many times for some help, just someone to wipe the tables off or something since I had to stop and do it. No one ever comes because she won't let them. The one time a cart attendant did come while I was slammed and working alone, he began to sweep guest seating and wipe off some tables and she yelled at him for doing that. Then after she told him to leave she comes to me and says "you're used to people cleaning up after you huh?" and just walked away.
A week later I got a corrective action because I was frustrated and told her I'm no superhero after she called herself 'helping' by sending over a cashier who knew nothing about marking cups or ringing people up over there. We were crazy busy since it was a morning rush and I had a ton of drinks to make but I kept having to stop to tell him how to mark something or ring something up. I got a coaching about my speed, because I clocked out 15 mins late after doing an entire closing shift by myself (the only reason it was 15 mins was because someone from food ave. offered to do my dishes since I was alone and had to do everything else. It would have been more).
This week is frappucino happy hour, and we have been hit REALLY hard by it. Keep in mind we also have one blender. It starts at 3 so in addition to the rush from the kids getting out of school we have all the other people coming to the mall who want frappucinos half off. Wednesday night, I was working with only one other person. We had a line of 12 cups in the queue and a line on top of that behind the register and were working our tails off to get things done quickly and get people out of there. Apparently they needed help zoning softlines and our ETL pulls me out of busy happy hour to do that. I refused, which I know was bad, but there was no way in hell that other TM was going to get through happy hour by herself for another hour. I politely asked if there was any way that she could pull maybe a cashier (the front lanes werent busy at all) or someone from food ave since they had 3 people working and were't busy either. I was told no. I ended up not leaving and getting another corrective action for not following instructions.
I don't know what to do about this, this specific ETL is well liked by the STL and a few other higher ups so I feel if I complain or say something I'll be ignored. I know there's the ethics hotline (i think that's what it is?) but I've been told that that's useless. I work hard and am constantly recognized by other TM's, my TL, and even guests for how good I am at what I do. I'm just lost as to what to do about this specific person. No one else in the store has a problem with me except her. I'm really confused here 🙁