Archived Promo Gift Card Theft

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I know this post is old but i am curious to know what ended up happening to her? I keep hearing it is either an automatic term or a final warning?
It'd be easier to steal a fur coat out of Nordstroms than steal a PENNY from Target. I didn't realize until I saw it happen to an employee but Target ALWAYS catches you when you're in the wrong.
Seems like every store is different. I've heard it ranges from coaching, automatic term, final warning, corrective action etc.
If she is smart she will stop these shenanigans while she is ahead! she stole from a guest/store plain and simple. She will probably get a warning or written up.
Our store would do nothing the first time it happened but you were on AP's radar & they'd watch to see if it happened again or if it was just a single occurrence.
If it happened again, they'd start gathering video & by the third time, you were pulled in & termed.
They never gave warnings about theft because they knew you'd be more covert next time.
And there was ALWAYS a next time.
It'd be easier to steal a fur coat out of Nordstroms than steal a PENNY from Target. I didn't realize until I saw it happen to an employee but Target ALWAYS catches you when you're in the wrong.

Uh yeah. Don't steal. Plain and simple. You spin that as if Target is the big bad for doing what it should.
Uh yeah. Don't steal. Plain and simple. You spin that as if Target is the big bad for doing what it should.
No not at all a spin just an example. If read correctly it says IT'D not I'D. But true statement, don't steal.
Question....another TM found a "free Starbucks" coupon in the parking lot and used it. Another TM told her she could be termed for doing so because that is also technically considered "stealing" in Big Brother's eyes. I saw the coupon and it was very obviously "found" and not pilfered straight from the catalina printer (or the TM did one hell of a job making it LOOK "found," including making it look run over by a vehicle, rained on, etc.). True???
Question....another TM found a "free Starbucks" coupon in the parking lot and used it. Another TM told her she could be termed for doing so because that is also technically considered "stealing" in Big Brother's eyes. I saw the coupon and it was very obviously "found" and not pilfered straight from the catalina printer (or the TM did one hell of a job making it LOOK "found," including making it look run over by a vehicle, rained on, etc.). True???
I would consider that picking up trash. On money, give to gs
I've found plenty of 5 dollar promo gift cards left behind at registers and I always turn them into guest service. But I found a dollar bill on the floor by the checkout lanes once and kept it, could I get in trouble if that happened again? Also I saw a 5 dollar bill and some other bills laying down close to card wall on my way out one day and I thought about picking it up but I didn't. I didn't turn it in or anything because I didn't wanna bother with it but it was there for at least 20 minutes. I figured whoever left it would come back but who knows. I would never use a promo gift card I've found because I know they can track that stuff and that's a dumb thing to do. But a crumpled up dollar bill? Would anyone care? It wasn't like it fell out of the drawer it was on the other side of the register.
it really amazes me at times what TMs think they can get away with! every year at least 1 seasonal cashier gets fired for this stupid shit.

I was at a store where a handful of cashiers were termed at once for signing up nonexistent people for redcards with made up SSNs. I will never know how so many of them thought they would get away with that.
I was at a store where a handful of cashiers were termed at once for signing up nonexistent people for redcards with made up SSNs. I will never know how so many of them thought they would get away with that.
I'm surprised they didn't get a raise! Lol.
I was at a store where a handful of cashiers were termed at once for signing up nonexistent people for redcards with made up SSNs. I will never know how so many of them thought they would get away with that.
Easy. Person A did it and got away with it. Person B noticed and decided he could do it too and blame it on Person A if asked about it. Person C notices and figures if it's working for them, it will work for him. What are they going to do, fire all of them?

Oh wait...
Easy. Person A did it and got away with it. Person B noticed and decided he could do it too and blame it on Person A if asked about it. Person C notices and figures if it's working for them, it will work for him. What are they going to do, fire all of them?

Oh wait...
That is most likely what happened since most of them had worked there for years and were all suddenly gone, but all things done electronically are recorded somewhere. Someone who didn't know that could easily use their common sense to guess so, considering it's a multi-billion dollar corporation. Either they were abysmally stupid or very audacious.
I've found plenty of 5 dollar promo gift cards left behind at registers and I always turn them into guest service. But I found a dollar bill on the floor by the checkout lanes once and kept it, could I get in trouble if that happened again? Also I saw a 5 dollar bill and some other bills laying down close to card wall on my way out one day and I thought about picking it up but I didn't. I didn't turn it in or anything because I didn't wanna bother with it but it was there for at least 20 minutes. I figured whoever left it would come back but who knows. I would never use a promo gift card I've found because I know they can track that stuff and that's a dumb thing to do. But a crumpled up dollar bill? Would anyone care? It wasn't like it fell out of the drawer it was on the other side of the register.
Very bad idea.
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