Archived Pulling CAF batches isn't the same anymore

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It has changed horribly over the last 2 to 3 years. The whole process has been changed so much that I pull a lot of shit that doesn't go out either because the shelves are full or people don't want to work it. Let's not forget the wonder that is pulling regurgitated back stock. I would say half of the 12pm CAF batches is back stock most of the time. It's a flawed system that makes team members pay the price. The FDC cluster fuck has also made pulling CAF batches basically pointless in the dairy, freezer, and meat cooler. Meat team members, flow team members, and the bakery and deli team members are constantly back stocking which causes outliers in the CAF batches. For example, a deli team member back stocks a tier cart at 3pm, that means at 4pm, I will be pulling probably 10 DPCIs. If they don't back stock that shit, I either won't have to pull DELI or might have to pull 1 DPCI. Huge waste of my time. I can say the same for meat.
To be honest, I don't really give a shit that much anymore when I pull dairy, frozen, or meat. It's gotten to that point where I don't have time to go on a treasure hunt looking for a cart or tub and then pulling shit that was just back stocked. And another thing too, it will either get back stocked or won't get worked until the next day or a couple of days. When I pull in the dairy and freezer, I usually just throw shit on any tub not giving a fuck. Pointless work aka busy work.
Target just doesn't understand how shit works at their stores. You don't mess with this stuff. Because when you do mess with it, you make it way more difficult and time consuming than it should be. For instance, I shouldn't be pulling deli, bakery, or produce shit. There is no reason for me to be doing that. It's a waste of time. I waste probably on average 3 to 5 minutes pulling the bakery, deli, and produce shit because first I have to walk over there and then go through an obstacle course trying to get into the coolers and then pulling the shit and walking back to the grocery side of the backroom. I am just glad that produce actually had the guts to delete everything that was located in the produce cooler which is good for me. If only the bakery and deli could do the same, it would save me half an hour of work per shift. 30 minutes times 5 days a week= 150 minutes. Almost 2 and a half hours wasted on bullshit work per week.
The dry grocery stuff isn't that much better. I rarely pull candy because if it goes on a check lane, the grocery team members will not work it. I am also hesitant to pull the health and beauty shit because of the same thing. Grocery team members at the store I work at are extremely lazy. They can't walk 10 feet across from the grocery aisles to put a box of condoms on the shelf. It's just too hard for them. They also don't combine their back stock either which means I have like 5 to 6 tubs with maybe a dozen items on each tub.

Things could be so much better but they will never be better because this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

Stop with the bullshit work. Delete the bakery and deli shit from backroom locations. Only locate It for inventory once a year and then delete it. Fix RF apps. That means goodbye to STO fucking up the CAF batches. If Billy Bobby back stocks a full tub of shampoo at 11am, that shit should not be pulled at 12pm in the CAF batches. No excuses or exceptions. If I could meet the person that designed RF apps, I would slap them. If I was in a fantasy reality, I would honestly consider loopering them or time copping them. STO back stocking is a back room day team member's worst nightmare. When I arrive usually at noon, I can't wait for flow and backroom to leave because once they are gone for the day, I know I won't be pulling bullshit CAF batches.
Bullshit CAF batches = 20 DPCI for CHEM at 1pm on a Tuesday
Normal CAF batches= 4 DPCI for CHEM at 1pm on a Tuesday

I have worked at Target long enough to know all of the moves that back room team members make when back stocking. I know that when I am pulling CAF batches to always pull the item that is the closest to the back. I also know to watch out for "lookalikes". That means when I'm pulling in the freezer and I see two tv dinners of the same brand but are different flavors/styles, I toggle over to STO and see how many are actually backstocked into the location. I am not boastful but like I said "I know all the moves, tricks, and shortcuts". The backroom team members at my store are extremely predictable. I know their patterns so it's easy for me to anticipate their mistakes and errors. It's sad to deal with but a part of my daily routine at Target. There is just no accountability anymore. We would use to get coachings at least a lecture if our accuracy was shitty or if we had more than 3 baffles/ghosts on the report. Those reports aren't even printed out anymore. I think they stopped doing that because the scores had gotten so bad.
I even told the ETL that one of the bubbas I was working with didn't even know how to use SUBT or pull FF. This is a backroom team member and he doesn't know how to do that shit. Just sad. But I am used to it. I am used to doing the majority of the work when I'm there. When I'm there, I pull every FF, I pull all items that cry baby guests want from the back even when I'm on the grocery side and my so called help is on the hardlines side (most of the time, guests want items from the hardlines side), I make all the bales, and babysit vendors who annoy the hell out of me.

The CAF batches used to be a lot more tolerable and easier. I miss those days. I miss the days in which I could be done with the CAF batches in less 30 minutes sometimes 20 minutes by myself on weekdays. Now, I'm looking at usually 40 to 55 minutes by myself on weekdays.

One last thing, I always smirk when the salesfloor team members that have been at Target for at least year or longer ask "how many pulls are you going to pull" and "when are the last pulls going to drop". The ignorance and obliviousness never get old.
If your store is as bad as it sounds, it's less the system and the teams causing all kinds of inaccuracies across the floor and backroom. The system isn't perfect (or great), but it sounds like they're just compounding the issue.

I wonder if the system would be better if we had more flexibility with changing capacities/altering the accumulator than we currently do. The system works on such a general basis that it can't possibly be very effective from such a broad range of store sizes.
I have a love/hate relationship with back stocking. I pretty much refuse to refuse to back stock between 11 am and 7 pm because I know it'll come right back.

If your store is as bad as it sounds, it's less the system and the teams causing all kinds of inaccuracies across the floor and backroom. The system isn't perfect (or great), but it sounds like they're just compounding the issue.

I wonder if the system would be better if we had more flexibility with changing capacities/altering the accumulator than we currently do. The system works on such a general basis that it can't possibly be very effective from such a broad range of store sizes.

Apparently the accumulator is going away this year and everyone will be able to alter capacities on the floor.
I have a love/hate relationship with back stocking. I pretty much refuse to refuse to back stock between 11 am and 7 pm because I know it'll come right back.

Apparently the accumulator is going away this year and everyone will be able to alter capacities on the floor.

Then sit back and watch a clusterfucks happen.
Since Spot is all about making new apps ...they should come up with one ( other than subt) that can be used to backstock when bakcstocking items from Plano/resets etc. I would also like to think that the computer system shouldbe smart enough to know ( assuming that everyone pushed to every location and pushed correctly) that if you are backstocking something at 11 50 am...its backstock and doesn't need to be pulled on the 12 cafs. IE, I backstock the frozen and dairy at my store. I know that if I don't backstock it under subt999 then almost all of it will come back out on the takes longer to do it that way but in the end it saves time. There should be an app for that !
I have a love/hate relationship with back stocking. I pretty much refuse to refuse to back stock between 11 am and 7 pm because I know it'll come right back.

Apparently the accumulator is going away this year and everyone will be able to alter capacities on the floor.

I don't think the Accumulator will ever go away, If that did then CAF's and Autofills would disappear as well.. They are working on a way for the Store side teams to be able to adjust the capacities on the floor. This will help a lot.

From what the original Poster stated; it sounds like a broken logistics process and broken sales floor. Store I just helped clean up had the same issue, CAF pulls were huge because items were just being back stocked and not pushed to the floor. This store I was in literally had 2-3 trucks worth of back stock sitting in there back room and there ETL-LOG was pushing to get it back stocked even after it sitting for 3+ days. In total, we had 20-30 Pallets of back stock, we repushed all of it, and ended up with 4 Pallets of back stock..... I would look at routines around pushing to home locations and Push accuracy front he flow team.
I come in at 4. I pull the 4's and then backstock from 4:30 - 5. I then pull and push the 5's. I pull everything, even if I just backstocked it. Most of the time it ends up going out in a second location.

When I work pulls, I used to fill the home first, then the end caps. Now I fill the end caps first because I know I am the only one that does. When SF sets spls, they take from the home. When spls come down, they do not push to the home. The only downside to filling end caps is the huge amount of backstock when they come down. That could be solved with the shallow end caps with the side parts, but that's over my head.
Since Spot is all about making new apps ...they should come up with one ( other than subt) that can be used to backstock when bakcstocking items from Plano/resets etc. I would also like to think that the computer system shouldbe smart enough to know ( assuming that everyone pushed to every location and pushed correctly) that if you are backstocking something at 11 50 am...its backstock and doesn't need to be pulled on the 12 cafs. IE, I backstock the frozen and dairy at my store. I know that if I don't backstock it under subt999 then almost all of it will come back out on the takes longer to do it that way but in the end it saves time. There should be an app for that !

Well, on the MyDevices, to SUBT9999:
  • Stow product
  • Take 999
  • Answer "How much is left?"
I've been back stocking during the caf batch hours with SUBT999 for months and haven't had any guilt about it. It makes my job easier so I'm gonna do it. And fuck the accumulator. I always hear the accumulator this, the accumulator that. I don't care. If the accumulator was a person, I'd slap it.
Super simple fix here it’s 2018. Pay an IT guy to make a modification so that anything you backstock won’t be pulled in the same day batch, only the 2nd batch later if still needed weather that’s the next day autos or cafs. At my super T it all goes out, I just flex and by the time the true product comes I’m able to put the flexed product on an emptier home location lol.
If your store is as bad as it sounds, it's less the system and the teams causing all kinds of inaccuracies across the floor and backroom. The system isn't perfect (or great), but it sounds like they're just compounding the issue.

I wonder if the system would be better if we had more flexibility with changing capacities/altering the accumulator than we currently do. The system works on such a general basis that it can't possibly be very effective from such a broad range of store sizes.
I change capacities every day I work because they're all super unrealistic or just plain off by a couple. Are we not supposed to as regular TMs? I thought I was helping.
Super simple fix here it’s 2018. Pay an IT guy to make a modification so that anything you backstock won’t be pulled in the same day batch, only the 2nd batch later if still needed weather that’s the next day autos or cafs. At my super T it all goes out, I just flex and by the time the true product comes I’m able to put the flexed product on an emptier home location lol.
Kinda sure that already is the case. We backstock stuff but it doesn't come out on the next CAFS for the day. The exact product and quantity we backstocked yesterday comes out today though and in full force. It's like I backstock something and it says it should fit on the sales I sto is somewhere I can easily get to because I know tomorrow I will be pulling it. I can't wait for end to end hardlines. I'll miss not having to talk to guests ever but I can handle the morons we call guests as well as any hardlines TM we have currently.
I change capacities every day I work because they're all super unrealistic or just plain off by a couple. Are we not supposed to as regular TMs? I thought I was helping.
That post was from before they nixed the accumulator and when we couldn't change capacities at will. Changing capacities (as long as they're accurate changes) would never NOT be beneficial.
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