Archived Put in unpaid time off, but was still scheduled! What do I do?

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Using mental illness as an excuse for bad behavior is all sorts of wrong and makes the stigma stronger.

Also, related to topic, it is YOUR YOUR YOUR responsibility to make sure your requests are *officially* approved. Mistakes happen things fall through the cracks. You have to follow up.

I always print out a copy of the request and put it in ETLs mailbox as a physical reminder for them since they have a million things going on at once.
Why do people try the mods? Don't they know they are not special and Mods(I mod a car forum) can drop the hammer of ban without blinking.

idk.. their are some people here that deserves a ban but yet never do. no offense mods
So on the 17th of may I have a departmental graduation ceremony. Since a few days after I have a 60 PAGE essay (!) and another small essay and an exam. I graduate soon and on the 26th I am officially transferring to another store which i start work on the 31st. Until then I was going to take vacation from the 17th-25th so i can graduate and move back home. I put in this unpaid time off last week and told one HR TL and one LOD. They said that was fine for me to do. I also told the HR TL that my last day would be the 17th, over a month ago. So I checked my schedule and I am schedualed on the 17th and 18th! I absolutely cannot work those days and this was known! What do i do ? I tried to call my target and the HR TL is closing so I will have to call back. I am so worried they wont change the schedule. This isnt fair, I gave advanced notice and they said it was ok :'(

Me coming in isnt negotiable. I CANNOT make it to those shifts. And it is not my problem they messed up as I told them several times of my plans and checked in with them to make sure they knew!!!

Looking at this as a leader, as my HR has said “ they are requests.” I get it sucks but if 5 people put in the same request. Some people will be denied. It had happen before. It does suck but your leaders are running a business. If they can’t fix those shifts, definitely get those on the swap shift board as well as talk to team members in your area.
Looking at this as a leader, as my HR has said “ they are requests.” I get it sucks but if 5 people put in the same request. Some people will be denied. It had happen before. It does suck but your leaders are running a business. If they can’t fix those shifts, definitely get those on the swap shift board as well as talk to team members in your area.

Where I get pissy about this is when I put in a request and it sits until Auto Denial, talk to said leader request it again then its denied. And the shrug and go "oh well" your request was last. It wasn't last when I requested that time for June in March. Or it just gets ignored completely. Which is what I am dealing with right now. "Bitch I am going to be gone for a month and you think you as a my manager would like to plan for that."
No offense taken.
See my comment about how we put up with a certain amount of behavior from long time members that we wouldn't from someone who just logged in.

That's fine, but there's got to be a cut off point for these behaviors. Even after several warnings from mods they continue to do it multiple times. What's the tipping point?

Other than warnings post in big bold letters, I feel like there's no enforcement or consequences of the rules which is a bit frustrating. Give regulars some slack sure, but I feel this "certain amount" is infinite.
That's fine, but there's got to be a cut off point for these behaviors. Even after several warnings from mods they continue to do it multiple times. What's the tipping point?

Other than warnings post in big bold letters, I feel like there's no enforcement or consequences of the rules which is a bit frustrating. Give regulars some slack sure, but I feel this "certain amount" is infinite.
When the mods give a loud warning the thread calms down. This forum allows more nastiness than your typical forum, but that can be a good thing too. I've been on forums that enforce a lot of niceness and there's often a situation where someone needs to be told something straight, something your mother or your best friend would tell you, and it gets moderated out of existence because the mods want to foster a "safe place" where no one is made to feel bad. Sometimes you need to be called out on your bullcrap, sometimes you need to call someone else out on their bullcrap and this forum allows for that.

With long time participation in this forum, you get to know personalities. Some people clash, just like in a physical meeting. Some people have rough personalities but whatever is said is from the heart, from a position of caring. That's why there's a bit of slack for people that you know vs. someone who comes on and 3 posts in starts to act catty.
That's fine, but there's got to be a cut off point for these behaviors. Even after several warnings from mods they continue to do it multiple times. What's the tipping point?

Other than warnings post in big bold letters, I feel like there's no enforcement or consequences of the rules which is a bit frustrating. Give regulars some slack sure, but I feel this "certain amount" is infinite.

There is also the ignore button.
If there is a member who just gets under your skin, you can make them invisible.
Where I get pissy about this is when I put in a request and it sits until Auto Denial, talk to said leader request it again then its denied. And the shrug and go "oh well" your request was last. It wasn't last when I requested that time for June in March. Or it just gets ignored completely. Which is what I am dealing with right now. "Bitch I am going to be gone for a month and you think you as a my manager would like to plan for that."
If you’re gone for a month I think you have to put in LOA
If you’re gone for a month I think you have to put in LOA
Anything longer than 10 days is considered an LOA. Unless you break up the dates, submit 2 separate time off requests and the dates are sequential. The system doesn't count it as more than 10 days, just 2 time off requests. I've done this before when I went on a 14 day cruise. And talking to your HR/ETL/TL about it in advance doesn't hurt either.
Looking at this as a leader, as my HR has said “ they are requests.” I get it sucks but if 5 people put in the same request. Some people will be denied

I think most people understand that, but if I have a wedding, graduation, tickets for an event, etc... something other than just a simple BBQ... I'm going to the event whether or not the time off is approved. However, I'm also respectful enough to put in the time off request weeks or months ahead of soon as I know.
I did that as well and nothing. I am just taking no chances. Cause I don't trust either my ETL or HR..
I called the people that handle LOAs and while I was on the phone the lady there called my store and that three way call got me a personal LOA. Try calling them.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you meant by this message. Can you clarify?

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