No, the report only updates once a week and your TL most likely prints and posts it on the day it updates.
You should probably stop toggling over to STO and checking items. Like I said before, those errors wouldn't be assigned to you unless you are the one who originally put that item in the location - wouldn't you remember putting it there when you saw it, and shouldn't you be backstocking it correctly in the first place? Errors that show up under your name on the report are items that you miscounted or missed when LOCU'ing, or M-deleted even though that product was still in the location. ANOTHER TM then comes along to that location and scans the product in question while pulling. That is how errors are showing up in your name. What you need to do to prevent these errors is triple check for accuracy while backstocking using STO.
Use U-pdate to fix quantity errors you encounter while backstocking. For example, if you are in PHAR, and you are backstocking 3 packages of Burt's Bees chapstick. It tells you there are 14 in 01A017C37. So you go to that waco, pull it out, and see that there are really only 3 burts bees in that location. Do you simply add your three in and ignore the fact that the quantity is off? Absolutely not, because that will generate a baffle for you next time a TM (or yourself) pulls that product out of the location in a pull batch. Pretend that the system asks for all 17 that it believes are in there. However, the TM pulling only counts 6 total in there, so he'll key 6, and the system will know that someone screwed up counting. It will look to the last person to backstock in that location was you! Baffle in an Open Stock Location for joshr1990.
To avoid the error illustrated above, when you pull open that waco and discover the system's quantity for the burts bee's is incorrect, you can use the U-pdate function in STO. Scan the location, then on the screen that you key the quantity into, you can see there is U-pdate. Press this, the PDA will beep 4 times, and you can key a new total quantity for the amount of burts Bee's in there. So you can throw your 3 packages in with the existing 3, U-pdate and key 6 total. This will Update the system's quantity without having to toggle over to SUBT and doing it the long way.
When I worked dayside, I had figures of 1500 to 1600 pulls a week and no baffles, so it's definitely possible to be an active backroom TM and have no baffles. Be careful when backstocking, use common sense and fix any errors you encounter (while backstocking, not while pulling) by using LOCU (CAREFULLY!), SUBT, or U-pdate.