Archived Question about doing sda

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Oct 25, 2016
When completing sda task when a product is not on the shelve what are you suppose to do also I was told the expiration date should be a week before not the day of.
First off there is no more sda it is "check dates" on the mydevice.

Just answer no. As for one week out that is too far out. Yogurt is fine if you have a lot of back stock but most is 1 or maybe 2 days out that is what the "check dates"is for.

Maybe the week out was for adding expiration dates into the system.
I believe for SDA, you pull product 4 days out for coolers and 30 days out for dry/frozen. The way you can check is if you hit the third option (can't remember the title, but it's the one you enter the date for) and put the date in. If the date you enter is too near, the system will direct you to toss the item.
I pull lunch meat on check dates if it's within a week. Usually, it takes all of the remaining product, so the quicker you pull it, the quicker you get a new shipment and hopefully make sales.
I pull lunch meat on check dates if it's within a week. Usually, it takes all of the remaining product, so the quicker you pull it, the quicker you get a new shipment and hopefully make sales.
That's some good advice there thanks for the idea. I'm gonna pull the yogurts out of the back room 7 days out so I can get more in.
When the sda audit was still in the PDA .( Before the instocks team took it over because now you need a mydevice) We were always told to pull anything that was 7 days from the expiration date. The only exception were items that I ( I was always the one who did the backroom portion audit when I was there) and the CTL knew sold very well. If I came across those items I would simply subt them and push them out to the floor. However, since those items usually sold well we very rarely had any of them in the backroom to begin with.
First off there is no more sda it is "check dates" on the mydevice.

Just answer no. As for one week out that is too far out. Yogurt is fine if you have a lot of back stock but most is 1 or maybe 2 days out that is what the "check dates"is for.

Maybe the week out was for adding expiration dates into the system.

I'm confused are you saying the experation date should be the exact date instead of a week before it is suppose to expire thanks.
Yeah the week out was for adding an experiation date where there wasn't one.
I'm confused are you saying the experation date should be the exact date instead of a week before it is suppose to expire thanks.
Yeah the week out was for adding an experiation date where there wasn't one.
I would use my judgment if there is a shit load of the same dcpi in your cooler get rid of it a week out. If it is the last 6 yogurts on the shelf snd none in back I would wait till 1 day out.
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