Archived reasons that target fires people

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I think when you put people who are in their early 20s in stores away from their families and friends things are going to happen. The workload is such that you spend most of your time interacting with the people you work with. The little free time you have is spent sleeping or running errands. If you do go somewhere it is with someone you work with.
I think all retail looses people for the same reasons. Attendance, poor job performance and insubordination. With all the cameras in the buildings I am surprised anyone would even consider for a minute to have an "encounter"
Gee, I assume you were still punched in while you had your tryst? It reminds me of a time when two of my ETL's were having a threesome with one of the flow team members in an office of a former store of mine. She was on the clock, too, and spent the entire night going at it with them. It seems no one cared about productivity that night?

Can't believe all this was happening on the cock - er - clock. :blush:
With all the cameras in the buildings I am surprised anyone would even consider for a minute to have an "encounter"

If SOT's store was set up like mine, there isn't a camera in the ETL-HR's office. Do they even leave the cameras on all night in non-overnight stores?
only heard of one person being fired, was HR dunno what happened just heard she was fired and we were not allowed to ask and no one would even talk about it. Most people just stop coming to work and just fire themselves
My personal favorite thing about when someone is fired... When you hear that no one is to know why that person was let go, then the next morning I don't think that there is a single person that doesn't know all the details except for some of the cashiers and the other newbies.
You would be surprised at some of the BS you can get away with though.

A few years ago, we got a new 24 year old ETL-HR. (about my age at the time) I had a feeling she was interested in me. (I was a GSTL at the time)

She was always calling me in the office and just talking about her personal life with me for 30 minutes at a time, always making casual cryptic insinuations that she thought I was attractive, etc.

One night we had just closed the store and let the team out. We were the only two people in the building. We were in her office going over the schedule and she was flirting with me casually. We were talking about how bad all of her past relationships were, and how she wished she had experienced more in life.

So anyway, she got up to walk out of the office and as she got up she said "It's too bad people can't do the things they want in life". I grabbed her crotch and said "Like that?"

Looking back on it, I don't know WTF I was thinking because that could have gone so incredibly wrong, but at the time I just had the feeling that was what she wanted.

Lol, long story short she ended up closing the door and we had sex in her office for 45 mins.

We ended up getting together outside of work all the time for a few months after that. Eventually she moved out of state and we lost touch.

No one ever found out any of it was going on.

That was pretty hot.
Isn't it a joy when everything in Corporate America has to be so "hush hush" we are all forced to be left in the dark
only heard of one person being fired, was HR dunno what happened just heard she was fired and we were not allowed to ask and no one would even talk about it. Most people just stop coming to work and just fire themselves
My personal favorite thing about when someone is fired... When you hear that no one is to know why that person was let go, then the next morning I don't think that there is a single person that doesn't know all the details except for some of the cashiers and the other newbies.

Or when I'm cashing and a GSA tells me that "so-and-so got fired today...shhhhh!"
If SOT's store was set up like mine, there isn't a camera in the ETL-HR's office. Do they even leave the cameras on all night in non-overnight stores?

Yes, so they can catch overnight tm's stealing.

And the camera is really not your friend when the AP-ETL is stalking you. I'm sure it's not a coincidence that he's pointed out all the blind spots and dummy cameras in the building to me.
trying to get back on topic here - has anyone or does anyone know anyone who has fought a termination? i know my store has had a lot of shady terms - and one person who has actually said that they got termed and fought it, and are back now? i don't remember what the story was since i heard it a long time ago.
^^^ heard of people at my store that needed the job for benefits get fired over politics, usually involving an etl/stl that was new to the store and didn't like the person for whatever reason. Usually, after lawyering up, they got their jobs back pretty fast.
trying to get back on topic here - has anyone or does anyone know anyone who has fought a termination? i know my store has had a lot of shady terms - and one person who has actually said that they got termed and fought it, and are back now? i don't remember what the story was since i heard it a long time ago.

User talan123 beat spot 3 times after getting fired & still works at spot.
Sometimes it seems like Spot never fires anybody.

We have this one GSTL that our guests complain about....especially on the surveys, but this GSTL continues to be here.

I once asked an LOD, "Why is ------ still here?" The LOD said, "I don't know, but she doesn't deserve to be here."

So, WHY does or store keep a TM like this? She ticks off guests almost every day.......I can't figure out what it is that they see in this GSTL!!
Sometimes it seems like Spot never fires anybody.

We have this one GSTL that our guests complain about....especially on the surveys, but this GSTL continues to be here.

I once asked an LOD, "Why is ------ still here?" The LOD said, "I don't know, but she doesn't deserve to be here."

So, WHY does or store keep a TM like this? She ticks off guests almost every day.......I can't figure out what it is that they see in this GSTL!!

She probably slept with the DTL or something.
Sometimes it seems like Spot never fires anybody.

We have this one GSTL that our guests complain about....especially on the surveys, but this GSTL continues to be here.

I once asked an LOD, "Why is ------ still here?" The LOD said, "I don't know, but she doesn't deserve to be here."

So, WHY does or store keep a TM like this? She ticks off guests almost every day.......I can't figure out what it is that they see in this GSTL!!

As a former TL, I can say that I constantly went after the worst TMs we had. I tried to get them out the door. Two things happened.

The first was a road block known as the ETLs. For example, when I was a GSTL I tried my hardest to get rid of cart attendant. The guy disappeared for hours, constantly let us run out of carts, outright refused to do the trash/restrooms, etc. Basically - did not do his job. Every single one of the ETLs at my store wouldn't let me do anything about him. All they would tell me was "Blah blah... if we get rid of him, guess what? We will just hire another one exactly like him and waste everyone's time. We can't get anyone but high school drop outs to do his job, so the next one won't be any better". So in other words, the ETLs wouldn't let me touch him.

The second was that some TMs were damn good about covering their tracks. They "knew the game" so to speak. Once they realized I was on to them, they learned how to make it difficult for me to get anything on them. I hate to say it, but it was actually good team members who protected them. Why? They refused to tell me what I pretty much knew was going on but couldn't get solid evidence because I wasn't there to see it. Unfortunately, TMs who were there to see it refused to admit they saw it or knew who was doing it.

Eventually I gave up out of frustration, and honestly that is what happens to most TLs. They really do try to get rid of these people, but eventually after trying countless times and nothing happens we are forced to give up. It just becomes a waste of our time.
An older, wiser ETL used to say "Give people enough rope & they'll hang themselves. But sometimes, you may need to feed 'em a little rope." When somebody asked him why he hadn't 'taken care of a problem TM yet, he'd simply say "I'm feeding 'em rope."
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