Archived reasons that target fires people

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what would happen if someone left a safe unlocked inside an office?
Main reason why Target will fire you
-Stealing in Florida its also a 3rd degree felony if you still from an employer compared to a misdemeanor
- Not showing up for 3 days in a row
- Safety ( they fire more people for not using the "3 point system when on a ladder"
Recent firings:
time theft - that new cashier spends more time in the dining area than TMs from FA or SB; the new CA doesn't think they'll notice that he's sitting in his car outside when he's supposed to be bringing carts in (hello? cameras?).
giftcard theft - cashiers think they're SOOOOOOO clever at pocketing giftcards yet they're SOOOOOOO surprised when busted.
job abandonment - after a few days, they decide it's not fun any more & simply stop showing up.
More hrs for us, suckers....
Recent firings: The overnight SrTL got fired for stealing between 1 thousand to 10 thousand worth of merchandise.

I know the amount because I found his arrest record.
Recent firings:
time theft - that new cashier spends more time in the dining area than TMs from FA or SB; the new CA doesn't think they'll notice that he's sitting in his car outside when he's supposed to be bringing carts in (hello? cameras?).
giftcard theft - cashiers think they're SOOOOOOO clever at pocketing giftcards yet they're SOOOOOOO surprised when busted.
job abandonment - after a few days, they decide it's not fun any more & simply stop showing up.
More hrs for us, suckers....

I really don't know why they think they can get away with pocketing gift cards. Cashiers should already know AP has some really good cameras on the registers and can tell the dollar amounts people are given.
[/QUOTE] Gee, I assume you were still punched in while you had your tryst? It reminds me of a time when two of my ETL's were having a threesome with one of the flow team members in an office of a former store of mine. She was on the clock, too, and spent the entire night going at it with them. It seems no one cared about productivity that night?[/QUOTE]

sounds like my store
Target won't fire you unless they don't like you. If your ETL likes you, go ahead and slice off the head of the cashier with no redcards and offer it on his desk as tribute.
ah the Hunger Games strategy of getting the team to get more Red Cards. Works every time
I think the most recent reason people are getting fire is NOT following purchasing guide lines.

You don't think you will get caught but you will.

Its so serious that if you know someone is not following the rules they are firing the TM or Cashier that knew.
My store has taken to posting reminders about purchase guidelines around off-stage areas: in the breakroom, by the timeclocks, next to the lockers, outside the equipment cabinet, beside the schedule board, on the backroom announcements boards, etc.
Yeah, we had a TL fired over purchasing guidelines. It's a dumb thing to get fired for, especially at your own store. AP loves catching folks for that.

Our top 3 terms post holidays are
Job abandonment
Purchasing guidelines
Internal theft
Someone at my store cussed the STL out infront of a bunch of guests and was fired on the spot.
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