Red shirts and Black faces

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Aug 18, 2022
What is going on with the leadership at Target these days? 99% of their promotions are African American. Funny given the whole George Floyd retaliation when African Americans robbed that store in Minneapolis blind and set it on fire and destroyed everything. Changing your image is one thing. Reverse discrimination at its finest. Enjoy the demise of your business which started with unethical behavior and a total lack of integrity. Cya Brian.
What is going on with the leadership at Target these days? 99% of their promotions are African American. Funny given the whole George Floyd retaliation when African Americans robbed that store in Minneapolis blind and set it on fire and destroyed everything. Changing your image is one thing. Reverse discrimination at its finest. Enjoy the demise of your business which started with unethical behavior and a total lack of integrity. Cya Brian.
No dude. This ain't it.
What is going on with the leadership at Target these days? 99% of their promotions are African American. Funny given the whole George Floyd retaliation when African Americans robbed that store in Minneapolis blind and set it on fire and destroyed everything. Changing your image is one thing. Reverse discrimination at its finest. Enjoy the demise of your business which started with unethical behavior and a total lack of integrity. Cya Brian.
That's a spicy opinion you got there. Very original. Much wow
Soooo... you have data to support that 99%? While we have a few African American team members, we have ZERO that are in leadership positions. We have two Asian American leads, and one Latinx in a leadership position. That being said, our leadership team has 11 females, 3 males and none identify as gay. None of this is something to necessarily be proud of and is just the fact at my store. Don't make up statistics to support your bitter racist/homophobic take on life.
What is going on with the leadership at Target these days? 99% of their promotions are African American. Funny given the whole George Floyd retaliation when African Americans robbed that store in Minneapolis blind and set it on fire and destroyed everything. Changing your image is one thing. Reverse discrimination at its finest. Enjoy the demise of your business which started with unethical behavior and a total lack of integrity. Cya Brian.
I'm not going to say my opinion on whether you're right or wrong about Target's hiring decisions but you are really going into dangerous territory by posting that.

... and I'm not going to reveal my race either. Regardless of what I've seen at Target I'm offended by your post.
There was a good thread about this a while back I'll see if I can find it before this one is locked
Just saw this article on my news feed and I need to comment on it.

Included in the article is this breakdown of employee diversity: "overall workforce — which includes hourly store employees who stock shelves and check out customers — is more mixed, with 50% made up of White workers, 25% Latino and 15% Black, as the top three groups. "

According the the Kaiser Foundation, the racial makeup of the US in 2018 was: 60% white, 12% black, 18% Hispanic

Blacks are already over-represented among Target employees. Among leadership roles (75% white, 8% black) there is an issue that must be addressed, but to "increase representation of Black employees across its workforce by 20% over the next three years" seems overboard.
So "Dude" you are saying two wrongs make a right. If you go all the way to "above" you'll see everyone minus the people they hired out of reverse discrimination is white. Again this is all a result of the George Floyd riots. Change your image. Seems to be working really well 😎
What is going on with the leadership at Target these days? 99% of their promotions are African American. Funny given the whole George Floyd retaliation when African Americans robbed that store in Minneapolis blind and set it on fire and destroyed everything. Changing your image is one thing. Reverse discrimination at its finest. Enjoy the demise of your business which started with unethical behavior and a total lack of integrity. Cya Brian.

Yeah, no.
Your impression of Target's promotion policies is complete nonsense.
A bunch of people destroying shit and setting fires (like the courthouse in Nashville) during the protests turned out to be AnCaps and Boogaloo Bois (who are all white).
Reverse discrimination is not a thing.
If Target goes under it will be because of capitalism eating yet another company and spitting out the bones.
And before you get nasty with anyone in this thread and especially with me, I have no problem banhammering racists.
So be nice...

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