Requirements to close drive up/store

Sep 30, 2022
I work at a store that’s in an area that’s getting a ton of snow and am wondering

What’s the number to call to find out if you have to work when scheduled?
I assume it’s my job to find out if the store is closed or not. They won’t tell me I have to find out myself.

What are the conditions for du to close and who makes the decision?

What are the conditions for the store to close and who makes the decision?

Will we be paid for a full shift if we were scheduled? (I assume not but could be wrong)

If the road is closed to come in will the store close until it’s opened? Will TMs in the store still work on the floor?

If the power goes out is the store still open to guests?

Same thing with the Zebra/register internet?

Will I get written up for leaving early if the weather is bad? Obviously I would let a TL know if I have to leave early because of the weather.
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MN TM here. We've never closed the store due to snow. I don't believe we've ever shut off DU for it either; you just get creative and use sleds instead of carts if you aren't able to shovel an adequate path to the parking spaces.
I work at a store that’s in an area that’s getting a ton of snow and am wondering

What’s the number to call to find out if you have to work when scheduled?
I assume it’s my job to find out if the store is closed or not. They won’t tell me I have to find out myself.

What are the conditions for du to close and who makes the decision?

What are the conditions for the store to close and who makes the decision?

Will we be paid for a full shift if we were scheduled? (I assume not but could be wrong)

If the road is closed to come in will the store close until it’s opened? Will TMs in the store still work on the floor?

If the power goes out is the store still open to guests?

Same thing with the Zebra/register internet?

Will I get written up for leaving early if the weather is bad? Obviously I would let a TL know if I have to leave early because of the weather.
Target never closes a store for snow. Only if the town says no travel allowed and the sherif shows up and tells you to close or you’re fined.
MN TM here. We've never closed the store due to snow. I don't believe we've ever shut off DU for it either; you just get creative and use sleds instead of carts if you aren't able to shovel an adequate path to the parking spaces.
Who is supposed to do this shoveling? As a front end TM, that would have been a hard pass for me!
If the governor issues a travel ban, maybe target will close, but I doubt it. Headquarters are in MN and their winters are worse then NY/New England. They probably have people showing up driving snow mobiles LOL.

If you are a cart attendant, get some snow gaiters or snow pants, boots, warm water proof gloves, base layer pants, hat, and a face/neck gaiter. Depending on the temp, you may need 2 pairs of gloves. You have to clear the parking lot of all carts before the store. We have a crew that plows, shovels, and sands. Getting carts will suck worse if you don't clear the lot. You don't want slushy slow freezing in the corrals.

If you are on drive up, have boots handy, touch screen gloves, a hat, and base layer pants. Spot doesn't close DU for snow. The TMs in MN are running them out in worse conditions than you LOL. Some stores put signs up asking people to come in when the conditions are bad though.

You ETL should provide hot hands.
Who is supposed to do this shoveling? As a front end TM, that would have been a hard pass for me!

Per the Snow Event info we got from my PML, if it is less than 2 inches the store is responsible for shoveling, more than that a vendor comes out to do it as plow the lot. But when it's falling steadily, you do what you have to do keep TMs and guests safe outside and sometimes that means shoveling and putting salt down on walkways. Cart attendant, SETLs, ETL-HR, PML, DU TMs all jump in at my store.
Targets policy is to never close. If you feel unsafe or are physically unable to go to work then take care of yourself, but the store will not close for snow as long as at one key holder can make it in.
Snow removal would depend on how often and how much the snow happens, whether Target owns the property the store is on vs. lease, and other things, but in places where it snows a lot they do contract with companies for snow removal.

In reality, for shoveling in front of the doors, the cart attendants/front ends/TLs/ETLs/AP/whoever does it during store hours. It's really hard to plow the lots while the store is open so a lot of it depends on snowfall amounts and timing.

If you live in a snowy place, this is a thing all business have to deal with, and nothing is perfect. Most everyone gets it, so you do your best.
I’m in the south so, I can’t speak for snow but we do get hurricanes. Our store has only closed 3 times in the 11 years I’ve been with Target due to severe weather/ hurricane. I don’t think Target would ever close due to snow.
My store will turn off drive up for lightning. We also had a few tornado warnings this year (including one where a small tornado swept through the parking lot), and they closed DU for those, too, obviously.
My store will turn off drive up for lightning. We also had a few tornado warnings this year (including one where a small tornado swept through the parking lot), and they closed DU for those, too, obviously.

Same on the lightning. I think it stays off until there has been no lightning for at least 30 minutes.
Actually an EtL can make a call during bad weather and turn off drive up. It was done once at my store during severe rain.
Every time we turned off drive up, guests could still come and got their stuff. Dunno? Possible it's only guests in the "on my way" queue who can still come? I just remember it never stopped it totally, and we came back up as soon as snow got shoveled or the rain/lightning eased up, so the service was barely interrupted.
I don't think it's ever turned off per se. Its more like you you put out the sign and they have to go inside to get their orders. We are only allowed to do it when there is lightning. It's always a cluster though because people CANNOT read.
Targets policy is to never close. If you feel unsafe or are physically unable to go to work then take care of yourself, but the store will not close for snow as long as at one key holder can make it in.
I had the STL tell us we could close once, but we didn't. STL called the closing LOD and told her that a bad blizzard was coming, and any TM that wanted to go home to beat the storm was allowed to do so. Closing LOD asked what she should do if too many people left that the store couldn't function properly, and was told to close the store if that happened. It didn't happen though, I stayed, the Closing LOD stayed, and I think 2 other TM's stayed, we ran the store for about 5 hours with just 4 employees.
I don't think it's ever turned off per se. Its more like you you put out the sign and they have to go inside to get their orders. We are only allowed to do it when there is lightning. It's always a cluster though because people CANNOT read.
At my store we turned it off once guests were upset because once the rain cleared up they couldn’t check in, it took a few minutes to get it turned back on. It’s possible you can’t do that anymore.
It takes a lot for a store to close. Usually a state of emergency, travel band, or curfew.

But as for snow...never I worked at a store in NE IOWA. It never closed during blizzards. Usually management will allow call-ins or people to take time to come in if roads get icy.

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