Archived Retailers that are closing lots of their stores this year.

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Scary times


Stores are closing at an epic pace
Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Sears names new CFO, plans more store closures

Sears names new CFO, plans more store closures

I hate Sears for so many personal reasons. My BFF started there when she was 16 years old. She worked there for 20 years, until KMart bought them out. They laid her off, as she made too much money. Her dad worked there until he died from cancer. He used to work in the furniture department (long ago obviously, when people actually bought their furniture from Sears). She would have worked there her whole life. She was very loyal. I only ever shopped there because she worked there.

Sears has been gross since the KMart deal in 2004. I did a marketing job there about 5 years ago. I went in on a mid-week morning. There was literally nobody there. Nobody working. Nobody shopping. It was creepy.
With how dominant Amazon and other online retailers have become, I really wonder what our landscape will look like in 20 years. The downfall of brick and mortar retail as we know it is inevitable. It'll still exist for necessities, but I can't see any stores having 20+ locations in a single state anymore. The whole topic intrigues me... and not just because I'm a retail employee.

What do you guys think will take the real estate where malls and the like exist? More housing? Community centers? Parks? I wish I could see that far out in to the future right now.
What do you guys think will take the real estate where malls and the like exist? More housing? Community centers? Parks? I wish I could see that far out in to the future right now.

Commercial space is hard to sell.

A lot of the closed stores in Canada were never purchased by anyone else. Housing is a real possibility with the population changes
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