Archived Retailers that are closing lots of their stores this year.

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I have literally never been inside a Tevana Store. There's one at my local mall too.

I used to go for samples. And once I went there because Starbucks (also in the mall) had a super long line and I just wanted a passion fruit tea. Same exact tea was $3 more. I never went back.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:

As many as 160 Applebee's and IHOP locations to close

As many as 160 Applebee's and IHOP locations to close
The Applebee's near my house got the axe, been there since I was a kid.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Toys R Us files for bankruptcy

Toys R Us files for bankruptcy
But I don't wanna grow up, 'cause I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid!

Addedum: "The company is saddled with debt from a $6.6 billion buyout in 2005 led by KKR & Co LP (KKR.N) and Bain Capital LP, together with real estate investment trust Vornado Realty Trust (VNO.N)."- Reuters

Fuckin' vulture capitalist firms, Mitt Romney's ilk are killing Geoffrey Giraffe!
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Addedum: "The company is saddled with debt from a $6.6 billion buyout in 2005 led by KKR & Co LP (KKR.N) and Bain Capital LP, together with real estate investment trust Vornado Realty Trust (VNO.N)."- Reuters

Fuckin' vulture capitalist firms, Mitt Romney's ilk are killing Geoffrey Giraffe!

Bain singlehandedly ruined Gymobree. It went from being a fun, exclusive store to a garage sale.
Add ShopKo to this. They've been thinning out last 2 years. Last time I was in one there were 8 cars in the parking lot.
Add ShopKo to this. They've been thinning out last 2 years. Last time I was in one there were 8 cars in the parking lot.

The one near my old store I've been in several times.. And I've never seen more than 2 or 3 employees and never more than one other guest.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Retail woes: 5 big brands that may not be around much longer

Retail woes: 5 big brands that may not be around much longer -

For the past five years I thought each of them would be Kmart's last Christmas and yet they are still hanging on somewhere (my area is now officially Kmart free).

I'm sad about Matel because as a boomer I had a lot of their toys.

What the hell am I going to do with all of those Bed, Bath, & Beyond $5 off coupons?
There used to be a Mattel factory next to the highway on the way to my grandparents' place. You could always smell the odor of hot plastic driving by it.

It got shuttered a while back and is now an empty shell rusting away, likely being used by the locals as a clandestine meth lab. SAD!
One of the main reasons I hate Amazon isn't just that Bezos is a monopoly builder and money+power fiend but also because of the downside this market consolidation has on our day-to-day lives. Once upon a time there was a separate brick-and-mortar store for pretty much everything, more than likely owned and operated by a guy that everyone in town knows*, and when you did business with him you knew that your money was going to support him and his family instead of a CEO living half to one whole continent away. Amazon and other online retailers benefit from a world where everyone is shut indoors all day and buys everything with one click so as not to interrupt their PornHub sessions. Not the kind of way I want to live ~if I may be quite honest with you famalamadam~

*It's actually still like this in some countries and it sounds comfy as hell. I remember in Spanish class the teacher would ask us where we go to buy X and asked us to reply in Spanish...the look on her face when we all said "el supermercado" or "la internet" for fucking everything was priceless
Yeah kinda sad there aren't camera stores anymore. Baby stores will soon be obsolete. Game stop? Lmao

Don't get me wrong Amazon is amazing not just for the convenience but the prices but it has changed America in some ways for the worse.
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