Rotating DBO'S ...The end of TL = True modernization

And that is a big problem during our pandemic ...are team leaders going to delegate tasks and be hands off of get in the trenches with us ! God dammitt fuck target and their stupid regulations during this time...they need to appreciate any Employee working thru this bullshit ..simple as that !
My plan would not get rid of TL's ..they would retain their wages...they would just have a new job equal to high performing dbo's who would rotate and improve areas that needed it. I would take all aspects of coaching and team performance and put that directly into the Head coach or etl so we could teach and rock and roll ...that would be true owning an area....teaching new employees...and moving on to your next area all due to sales of lack of them in a department. You would be doing so much more...even team leaders have to agree ...SALES ....PROFIT....better team morale.....a clear path to advancement....that is my point.. Regardless of race ,age of handicap...the bottom line is profit...
Idiots.... Do you think a team leader can lead? During a pandemic? With no clear instruction from team leaders rock...the losers who direct and are cheerleaders need to go 2 wallyworld. Period....
Idiots.... Do you think a team leader can lead? During a pandemic? With no clear instruction from team leaders rock...the losers who direct and are cheerleaders need to go 2 wallyworld. Period....
What is the whole cheerleader thing about? Honestly, I commend you for actually thinking of a plan. SPOT doesn’t even fully think through a plan. Maybe start working towards a better delivery of the plan. One that isn’t judgmental or attacking positions. I’m sure you’re speaking from what you’ve encountered but as a team leader myself I will tell you flat out they are the only people in a position that will fight like hell for their tms and Dbos so when they go guess what so does everyone below them. Good luck
Idiots.... Do you think a team leader can lead? During a pandemic? With no clear instruction from team leaders rock...the losers who direct and are cheerleaders need to go 2 wallyworld. Period....
What exactly are you asking here? You work at Target. You’re not saving the world from a pandemic.
NO...this would eliminate non- working team leaders who are cheerleaders they are a dinosaurs who believe u lead thru example...this is wrong ...a leader must work not just one respects a person of any breed who talks the talk but can't or won't work. Team leaders are a major problem because they feel they can't be touched....wrong!!!! We need the human resources to have authority over these ppl ...They need to be eliminated because they are out of touch ....the pandemic my store just make the problems worse....The fool leading the team made us wave push....ASSMO..should be been fired right then...Hello...pandemic in Florida...I am sorry but leadership is piss poor... And I don't give a shit about your promotion fuck u team leaders....right now YOU ARE THE......problem...and proper widely lacking due 2 common sense but I will continue 2 work even though the goverment will make it impossible to sue your emp! who feels like a slave !!!!
ok, I missed this the first time. So this really has nothing to do with a team leader, is it executive? Store director? A coach who benched you?? You also have the choice..... HELLO.... go to work at Target today or DONT. Stop bashing humans, show you have some common sense. Learn how to help situations, you obviously act very differently at work. Please don’t go keyboard warrior either.
@Targetedbullseye - You have no frame of reference of any type of leadership skill or quality. You’re full of imaginary ideas that do not work and situations that do not exist because you do not understand even a fraction of what a TL does because you cannot get passed your own self and whatever you contribute to your team or store. I cannot imagine you’re actually a DBO, as you cannot even grasp the concept of one or the role the DBO - TL - ETL have in the functionality of a business.

I’m curious as to your store volume or business insight for you to construct fantasy scenarios or management structure.. I mean, did you go through Modernization yourself?
As a Team Leader I have successfully lead my team and adapted to Total Store support and understanding outside of my workcenter and core role as a SSTL to help in every aspect of the weekly changes we as a company went through to adapt to something retailers were not prepared for.

I spent months running my own workcenter so that my team could help total store support without losing the integrity of their departments as DBOs when they returned to them after the first 3 months of this pandemic, then I lead the team back into routines, reconstructing their departments and setting them up for success to get back into some normalcy after supporting the ENTIRE store for 3 months without even touching their areas.

I worked 50-60 hour weeks for nearly 3 months to keep my entire Specialty Sales workcenters afloat and functional to make sure my team did not have to back track on all their hard work during a pandemic.

You need to humble yourself before you continue to categorize a group of Leaders over your own store experience.
I am simply suggesting a plan that will allow all employees to advance and eliminate a team leader job but the team leaders could advance also if they were productive...I am lucky I get close 2 40 hrs a week but I have cross trained for 8 years and can do almost anything asked of me..knowledge is important in any job and Target has to recognize that going forward...we can all make the same amount of $$ but I will destroy new employees in productivity because of getting around that ...and any great company will retain good employees with skills to help new the question is...Does Target want to retain their knowledgeable and productive employees ?
I am simply suggesting a plan that will allow all employees to advance and eliminate a team leader job but the team leaders could advance also if they were productive...I am lucky I get close 2 40 hrs a week but I have cross trained for 8 years and can do almost anything asked of me..knowledge is important in any job and Target has to recognize that going forward...we can all make the same amount of $$ but I will destroy new employees in productivity because of getting around that ...and any great company will retain good employees with skills to help new the question is...Does Target want to retain their knowledgeable and productive employees ?

the way you’ve conducted yourself on this thread makes it very clear to why you’re 8 years in with your ‘vast array of knowledge’ and still where you’re at today.

you refuse to understand and embrace development or the path of development while undermining the very leaders that could get you to that point.

I have 4 DBOs in development and a VM in development under my guise to becoming either future VMs or TLs. And these individual’s understand the clear difference in roles of DBOs and TLs.

DBOs are and were not put in place to make TLs obsolete, they were in place to elevate a guest experience and a growing business that escalated the realm of responsibility of their basic TM to motivate the $15 pay.

If you say you can run circles around any new TM but cannot see the difference of a DBO and a TL then you are not doing the most that’s asked of you.

this thread is a mute point. Have a good night.
I would prefer to be in one area, period. I understand cross training. I don't mind doing cleaning and cashiering. But I can't be a jack of all trades because I will inevitably not remember where shit goes if I'm doing every department.

DBOs are and were not put in place to make TLs obsolete, they were in place to elevate a guest experience and a growing business that escalated the realm of responsibility of their basic TM to motivate the $15 pay.

Then where are there no DBOs in my store anymore?

Oh, right, half the store is on leave! We haven't got enough people for there to be proper DBOs. We don't have enough people to do anything. Every truck is rolled, period. There is always something left over.

I would quote more of your post but just this was swimming in the corporate koolaid
I would prefer to be in one area, period. I understand cross training. I don't mind doing cleaning and cashiering. But I can't be a jack of all trades because I will inevitably not remember where shit goes if I'm doing every department.

Then where are there no DBOs in my store anymore?

Oh, right, half the store is on leave! We haven't got enough people for there to be proper DBOs. We don't have enough people to do anything. Every truck is rolled, period. There is always something left over.

I would quote more of your post but just this was swimming in the corporate koolaid


If you’re store hasn’t made an effort to recover or maintain when each store has been given the means to, during the stages of this pandemic then they havent made the right moves.

I had a store in my District have 55 TMs go on LOA in a single week and that store managed to realign and get support from other stores and remain functional.

So again, ASANTS. And I appreciate the corporate mention but I’m nowhere near it physically or mentally. 😂
Success of the modernization depends on your store mgt. spot wants part timers to run the floor with the same pay & little benefits. Full timers are used to support/direct those teams.
Modernization is phase 2 of VIPER. I will admit it's working, because my stock is 121.00 a share.
VIPER definition
V - Value
I - Initiated
P - Pull
E - Efficiently
R - Review
I am simply suggesting a plan that will allow all employees to advance and eliminate a team leader job but the team leaders could advance also if they were productive...I am lucky I get close 2 40 hrs a week but I have cross trained for 8 years and can do almost anything asked of me..knowledge is important in any job and Target has to recognize that going forward...we can all make the same amount of $$ but I will destroy new employees in productivity because of getting around that ...and any great company will retain good employees with skills to help new the question is...Does Target want to retain their knowledgeable and productive employees ?

Research has suggested that you need a leader of sorts for every dozen or so employees. (Don't ask for the research. It was taught in a business class I took 5 years ago. I don't even remember the textbook.)

If you think TLs are useless, try working for one that goes on leave. Even if everyone does their damn best things go sideways quick without a lead decisionmaker.
Well said hardlinesmaster I also own target stock and agree with your viper definition except for the review part which is now a moot point since a newbie walking in the door is making the same pay rate as a veteran. If this is the corporations way of modernization they are then banking on a higher rate of revolving team members while discarding experienced people. It does not work , it results in higher operating costs ,lower production and morale problems and training. Who better to help new employees and create strong teams ? A experienced co-worker they can trust. I would not want to be a team leader in Target's world today, it is not worth the stress for the pay offered. Instead I say create a new team - leader job with new goals and leave some of the manager duties to the human resources position and the etl
And some-times I just like to post a thread to get a response from the kool air drinking cheerleaders.

No you post threads because you want to express your ill conceived opinions and be a martyr to your own short comings in your time with Spot and this time around you were educated on how structured leadership can run a successful store. And how your entire rant and fantasy hierarchy of development wouldn’t even work at the Dollar Store let alone a big box retailer.

Once again, humble yourself and understand length of time (in your case) does not denote actual experience and skill set where it matters in regards to leadership development.
That's why I haven't said that OP sounds just like a friend of mine did when he was high on meth.

That was not said. 🤐

Smaller retail establishments have manager positions that are lower than the GM/Assistant Manager. Why? Because direct supervision can be spread out only so far, necessitating a pyramid -and- because specialist managers can keep a far better eye on their bailiwick. Often these are glorified key holders, but they hold some level of clout and can tell the minions what to do. This is important, and things can be taken care of at low levels without causing overload for higher up the food chain.

TLs are that need. They can take care of keeping the minions in check. They have the authority to order the minions around. They provide a level of direct supervision that would be impossible for higher ups, because the sheer volume of people would be too much.

And that's the thing. It's not knowledge that is desperately needed. Everyone can have and provide knowledge. It's the supervisory role that is needed. TLs are needed because they can order the minions around. That level of middle management is a requirement for a smoothly functioning store that has a healthy level of detail/summary and after-action notification/delegation flowing in both directions.

It sounds like the OP wants to get rid of the supervisor portion and push to minion. But the supervisor is what is essential.
My store doesn’t have any Fulfillment TL me and my co workers just work together to deal with all problems that’s in our department. We train all new members oversee them and adapting to all the new stuff all on our own we have nobody to watch over us STL and ETL GM are our actual leaders all they ever care about is the vehicles of push everyday on the line. They continues to steal our team and hours just so they come clean everyday while we bust our asses in between to fulfill orders on time. Fresh grocery also started like weeks ago that’s a total disaster. I got call in the room multiple times getting coached for not meeting goals metrics.
My store doesn’t have any Fulfillment TL me and my co workers just work together to deal with all problems that’s in our department. We train all new members oversee them and adapting to all the new stuff all on our own we have nobody to watch over us STL and ETL GM are our actual leaders all they ever care about is the vehicles of push everyday on the line. They continues to steal our team and hours just so they come clean everyday while we bust our asses in between to fulfill orders on time. Fresh grocery also started like weeks ago that’s a total disaster. I got call in the room multiple times getting coached for not meeting goals metrics.
And this is a good example. If you had a manager fighting for you, if you had a manager who says "When you take Name during X times, of course there's no way to meet goal" then you would have a much better shot of having the tools you need and elimination of ridiculous coachings.

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