Archived Salvage or not to salvage, is this a question?

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Flow Warrior

progenitor of thalassophobia
May 24, 2016
So, I ran into something I don't think I have ever encountered in 4 years. A guest came in yesterday to by a wall painting that just got discontinued. We had one left for him that had a damaged corner (its cracked and chipped off piece). He was ok with it and it was held for him. Evening GSA comes in sees painting and salvages it out before Guest arrives to buy it. Guest freaks the fuck out and wants to know why we lied. No I dont want to go to another store. I want that one. This behavior isnt what is new. The fact she suggested that the item could be unsalvaged and sold was.

Rather than let him call Spot, she basically undid the salvage and sold it to him.

I was under the assumption once something was flagged salvage, toss or crc in the system you couldn't turn it back.

So can you or did she do something else? Thanks.
You can return something that has been marked as defective using a PDA. Anything that is auto defective such as returned food cannot be returned to the store’s inventory.

Someone should have left a note on the painting or put it in the hold location
So its under rf apps in the PDA under defective? good to know.
It’s an option in the defectives app on the PDA. Defectives is on the home screen, not rf apps.

The PMT uses that option to un-defect TVs that were returned but still appear to work ok.
Yes there is an ability to un-defect items. AFAIK its only in scanners under defectives "Return to Inventory"

Correct, some items can be un-defected and un-CRC'd using a PDA to "Return to Inventory"

AP has to do it during CRC audit sometimes because Guest Services always messes things up and defects things incorrectly or puts things in the wrong bins reasons.

I jest, but only kinda. 😎
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