Archived Seasonal Store Interview

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Sep 30, 2019
I have my interview coming up for an in-store seasonal position. The posting that I applied under for my local store was for all sessional positions.

I have a couple of questions:
1. I plan on wearing khaki pants and a white button-down dress shirt. Is that too much or is it recommend to wear something in red?
2. Online it says the interview is a half-hour. What should I suspect during the half-hour?
3. I put down my availability on the application as Tuesday-Thursday (after 6 PM), Saturday all-day, and Sunday evenings. How accommodating are they to people's availability? I work a full-time job during the day and doing this to keep me occupied and to get some extra spending money.
4. If I complete the season is there a chance of being rehired next year if I want to do it again?
Thanks. So they do an orientation session at the interview? I have my interview scheduled for tomorrow morning and the online interview scheduling system said it starts at 9 and ends at 930.
Not usually, because they'll want to do a background check first. Mine took a few days to complete, and then you receive an email with the date of the orientation.

Red and Khaki aren't necessary for an interview. I wore business casual. I've seen people wear jeans.
During the actual interview you'll meet with a couple different team leaders who will ask you, basically the same questions. Experience with customer service, elaborating on a time you experienced great results in customer service, etc.
For availability, make sure you bring it up during the interview. They will want to know right away if you have open availability or limited.
I believe there is always a chance to be rehired as long as you part on good terms, don't have any negative marks against you.
First you might want to be a little flexible with the end time. Definitely be there on time, even a few (no more than 5) minutes early is good. They might be running a few minutes behind, that’s pretty much SOP for Leaders unfortunately. They get pulled in a lot of directions and only executives (TLs at small formats) can interview for sea

Khakis and a button down shirt will stand out in a good way if they’re ironed. Most applicants come in jeans and hoodies, be brave and stand out.

Be open and friendly, smile warmly, ask them questions or chat idly while you’re walking back to the office. Right now Target is looking for that warm and personable person to hire. Be positive and approachable and turn a question ito a small conversation. Engaging a stranger is one of the priorities going forward and being able to demonstrate that in an interview will dazzle them.

As far as your availability just be honest with the interviewer. Let them know this will be a second job. If you only want to work till the beginning of January to “recover” the store after the holidays let them know that too. If you work out your shifts you’ll leave on good terms and be considered rehireable.

Relax. Breathe. Be confident. Smile.
I'd definitely go with business casual. Slacks or khakis, and a dress shirt would certainly be my recommendation.
Khaki pants and a button down white dress shirt sound like good choices.

Unless things have changed recently, they will ask you situational questions that start out “ Tell me about a time...”. Basically they are looking for people who can work well with others and think on their feet, but the questions aren’t difficult, they are just to see how you handle things and what type of experience you have. You will be asked why you want to work for Target.

The interviewer will probably ask you to open up your availability, they always ask this because Target prefers open availability. Be aware that the availability that you agree to in your interview is not supposed to be changed for 90 days. They will ask if you have any vacations planned in the near future, and of course they prefer to hear “no”. Captain Obvious here, don’t ask for any days off Thanksgiving week or Christmas week, like one interviewee asked for once at my store. 😊 Needless to say, he was not hired.

Yes, if you do well during the holiday season, most stores would be more than happy to have you come back next year.

Good luck!
I’m upstairs and hear the Leaders discuss everything interviewee. Your situations could be meh to nonexistent - they’re looking for super friendly “guestcentric” people who are friendly and approachable, basically someone they could see being an awesome friend.

The fact that you’re asking great questions and trying to prepare for this interview indicate you put in time and energy to doing a job correctly. The hiring trend of bubbly over accomplishment is resulting in large turnover rates. But I think you’ll do just fine with balancing tasks and great guest service if they extend an offer to you.
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