Archived Senior Life/LOD style

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May 6, 2017
I wish I could actually post what I think and feel about my day to day life at the Target`but I know of at least three of my team that are on here, two that post regularly. The anonymity that I seek is gone...not that they know I lurk but I know they do and could retaliate against my so needed need to bitch. About most everything. How is it that I can lead the store and babysit the teenage closers for 8+ hours and be trusted to make sure it's safe and secure at close but I can't make decisions on how my team will run day to day? And really, if I am lod on a truck morning, why are the etls/stl telling me what is going to happen? (They scheduled it, right) Way to let the team members know they don't really need to listen to me. HOW about we have a little convo and figure out the focus for the day and then I decide -SR TL life/tired of micromanagement.
I wish I could actually post what I think and feel about my day to day life at the Target`but I know of at least three of my team that are on here, two that post regularly. The anonymity that I seek is gone...not that they know I lurk but I know they do and could retaliate against my so needed need to bitch. About most everything. How is it that I can lead the store and babysit the teenage closers for 8+ hours and be trusted to make sure it's safe and secure at close but I can't make decisions on how my team will run day to day? And really, if I am lod on a truck morning, why are the etls/stl telling me what is going to happen? (They scheduled it, right) Way to let the team members know they don't really need to listen to me. HOW about we have a little convo and figure out the focus for the day and then I decide -SR TL life/tired of micromanagement.

There is no reason anyone should know you are on this site unless you read the site in the breakroom or give it away you know about it. I used to work at the same store as westloggy and I do not care one bit he probably knows who I am. We both talk crap about Corp on here.

I think you should suck it up and post your feelings. Even being on this site is considered a no no, so no one can be like "so and so said this about us on breakroom" how are they going to prove it's you?

Kartman post his picture on this site Lol.
I'm like somewhat positive I'm the only person in my store that goes on this site, or everyone, including me, has got anonymity in our blood at my store. I say just whatever post anyways. What I like to do personally is wait a few days to tell a story or change it up a little bit, especially if it's a unique story that involved a leader or leaders that may or may not roam this site from time to time.

My personal opinion, no one you work with should remotely care what you say on this site, infact, I kind of wonder if this site could one day be used by leaders and corporate to judge or to compare how they do things vs what one person says their store does etc. I dunno lol
Literally no one gives a fuck if you post on a target site in your free time.

Most probably, some people look down their nose at it. Like "wow look at this nerd he talks about work when he's not at work" "wow what a tryhard why don't you suck targets dick some more"

But I say fuck that. This site was born from people wanting to excel at their jobs and transcend above the typical mouth-breathing high school cashier level into someone who is halfway credible and informed about how storewide operations work.

It's cool. Post away.

We've got your back.
^Preach. Honestly I wouldn't worry much. Unless you plan on promoting multiple times over, it really can't be held against you in any official capacity as far as I'm aware. Grievances like yours hold as much credence as any annoyed STL's that talks crap to their ETL team. Same deal different platform.
But I say fuck that. This site was born from people wanting to excel at their jobs and transcend above the typical mouth-breathing high school cashier level into someone who is halfway credible and informed about how storewide operations work.

I was thinking about this recently. Like, How could corporate not be grateful for this site, since it basically supplements a lot of shitty Target training.

I don't consider myself an "above and beyond" worker. I'm just reliable, and credible, and because that's apparently so rare, there's this like elevated level of appreciation for me at work. Totally grateful for it of course, but it's also kind of sad, how just deciding to give a fuck (even a small one) is so valuable. It's like doing a magic trick for a kid where you pull a quarter from their ear. Except with Target it's like, "Watch me show up for work on a Saturday." and you get some weird "team player reward" for it.

I feel like everyone on this site except for jb9393030998 falls in this demographic of just, valid humans.
Ok, fellow TBRTMs...I know it's been a month...thank you all for your responses! I get ooky about things because ofcourse I want to promote further..or leave..I asked Pale tonight if he would take me with him to Costco. He probably has no idea this was me but I am sad to lose him. AWESOME with guests, no prob responding to lanes unless he's electronics and darnit, it makes me sad! @PaleIrishmen I will miss you, (one of your favorite SRTLs)
I suppose it was only a matter of time! 😉
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